

Characteristics of Anticipation and Visual Search of Different Level Gymnastics Athletes

【作者】 孙延林

【导师】 沈德立; 白学军;

【作者基本信息】 天津师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 预期是运动员在运动情境中,在信息不完整的条件下,对外界信息的后续变化做出预测的过程。许多研究结果都表明,预期能力是运动竞赛条件下,运动员取得优异运动成绩的关键,预期能力与运动员的技术水平存在密切关系,运动员的水平越高,预期能力越强,预期能力成为区分不同水平运动员的关键因素。预期能力与运动员的专项运动知识和专项运动训练与比赛的经验有关,具有具体运动领域的特点。对一般信息的预期,高水平运动员和一般水平运动员不存在显著差异,越是具体运动领域的信息以及越是接近比赛实际情境的条件下,高水平运动员和低水平运动员预期能力的差异越明显,表现为高水平运动员的预期反应时间短,预期判断的准确性高。在运动员知觉运动情境中的信息时,不同水平的运动员采用了不同的视觉搜索策略,高水平运动员在观看运动场景中信息时的眼动模式与低水平的运动员比较,更为简洁经济,注视次数少,视觉搜索效率高,能够在时间压力下,迅速检索到关键信息,对关键信息的注视时间长,而低水平运动员的注视次数多,注视时间呈现比较平均的分配特点,检索关键信息的能力较差。本研究以跳马动作录像为实验材料,采用专家-新手范式,以训练年限在10年以上、运动成绩在全国前8名以上的体操运动员为专家,采用时间阻断技术和眼动记录技术,通过三个相互关联的实验,试图对不同水平体操运动员的预期和视觉搜索特征进行研究,比较不同水平体操运动员观看跳马动作时的两个检测点进行反应的反应速度、准确性、评分差异和自信程度,以及不同水平体操运动员观看跳马动作时进行判断和再认的眼动特点,比较不同水平体操运动员的注视次数和注视时间的差异,说明不同水平体操运动员在动态刺激条件下的认知模式,分析不同水平体操运动员的专项认知特点,可以了解高级运动行为的内在机制。在实验1中,为了研究不同水平体操运动员的预期能力差异,选取不同水平男子体操运动员以及非运动员共54人,分为高水平运动员组、中等水平运动员组、低水平运动员组和非运动员组,在时间阻断和完整录像条件下,观看跳马动作录像,在两种检测条件下,记录被试的反应时、准确性、评分差异和自信程度。结果发现,不同水平被试判断的反应时没有显著差异,而在准确性、评分差异和自信程度上,不同水平的被试存在明显差异,高水平运动员在部分信息的条件下,准确性高于其他水平被试,评分差异更小,更接近动作的实际得分,自信程度高于其他水平被试。结果说明,高水平运动员的预期能力要优于低水平运动员。在实验2中,为了探讨自我引导运动项目运动员的预期差异,验证反应准确性是区分不同水平运动员的预期指标,选取44名女性,分为体操运动员组、非体操(武术)运动员组和非运动员组,让被试观看女子跳马动作录像,在时间阻断和完整录像两个检测条件下,记录被试的反应时、准确性、评分差异和自信程度,结果发现,不同水平被试在反应时上没有显著差异,但准确性和评分差存在显著差异,体操运动员判断的自信程度并不高,可能与运动员的年龄小有关。在实验3中,为了探讨不同水平体操运动员反应准确性和再认过程中的眼动特征,选取不同水平男子体操运动员和非运动员共38名,分为高水平组、中等水平组、低水平组和非运动员组,让他们观看跳马动作录像,记录被试的判断准确性、注视次数、注视时间。结果发现,高水平运动员的准确性和再认显著高于其他水平被试。在部分信息和完整信息两种条件下,高水平运动员的注视次数少,注视时间短,并且两种条件之间没有显著差异,而其他组被试的注视次数比高水平运动员要多,注视时间长,而且两种条件下,差异显著。说明高水平运动员具有较高的认知加工能力。在跳马动作不同阶段的眼动指标比较发现,高水平运动员在关键阶段的注视次数少,而注视时间明显增加,低水平运动员则在不同阶段的注视次数和注视时间没有明显区别。本研究结果表明,不同水平体操运动员在运动情境中的认知加工模式存在不同,反应准确性是区分不同水平体操运动员的敏感指标,反应速度不是区分自我引导运动项目中不同水平运动员的敏感指标。高水平运动员的视觉搜索模式要优于低水平运动员,表现为他们能够依据关键信息变化眼动模式,说明具体领域的运动知识和经验对运动员信息加工能力的影响。研究结果可以说明运动情境中体操运动员的认知特点,为了解运动训练的心理功能和强化专项认知特点提供依据。

【Abstract】 Anticipation of athlete refers to the prediction based on the partial information or advanced cue in sport situation. Anticipation ability is a key factor to differiate the sport expertise and novice in sport context. Skilled athletes have a shorter time and more accuracy in predict the upcoming event than unskilled athletes. This showed that the sport expertise has the advantage in perceptual-motor skill than novice. Especially in externally-paced sport, such as football, basketball, tennis and baseball, the situation needs the athletes to response quickly and accurately to conducte the correct movement. But in the self-paced sport, such as gymnastics, swimming, the situation maybe not needs the athletes to response quickly. In the visual search, the experienced players have the effective eye movement when viewing the dymnatic stimulus. Previous studies have demonstrated that the higher level players can anticipate quickly and accurately and less fixation number and longer mean fixation time. In this thesis, three experiments were conducted to study the anticipation and visual search of gymnastics athletes with different levels and non-athletes when viewed the vault movement clips from real match. The purpose of these experiments is to examine the difference in the anticipation response and visual search between sport expertise and novice.In Experiment 1,54 male gymnastic athletes and non-athletes were divided into four groups, elite athletes, subelite athletes, novice and nonplayers, and they were asked to view vault video to predict the movement quality. The video were showed with temporal occlusion and entire video respectively. The response time, response accuracy, the movement score and confidence were recoded by the experiment system. The results showed that the response time among the participants was not significantly different, but the response accuracy had a significant difference among different level athletes. In Experiment 2,44 female, including gymnastic athletes, martial art athletes and nonathletes, were required to view vault horse video and judged the movement quality. Same to Experiment 1, the response time, the response accuracy, the movement score and confidence were recorded. The results showed that the response time had no diffence among these participations, but the response accuracy of athletes was higher than nonplayers. The confidence of gymnastic athletes was lower than non-athletes.In Experiment 3,38 male gymnastic athletes viewed the movement of vault and the eye movement was recorded by EyeLinkⅡ. The participations were divided into four groups, elite athletes, sub-elite athletes, novice and nonathlets. The response accuracy, the fixation number and fixation duration were recorded and analyzed. The results showed that the elite athletes and sub-elite athletes expressed the less fixation number and longer fixation duration than novice and non-athletes. In two conditions, the difference in fixation number and fixation duration of elite athletes was not significant, but this difference was significant between other participations. This result demonstrated the visual search of sport expertise was more effective than novice.In conclusion, the elite gymnastic athletes have an advantage in anticipation and visual search, they can pick up the important information to predict and judge the upcoming events in sport situation than novice, and this reflects the informational processing of elite gymnastic athlets. They have more knowledge and more experience in judging the movement quality and searching the crucial area when they view the real match film.In the study of anticipation and visual search, how to explain the performance of athletes in real world is still a problem. In this thesis, some suggestions in the future research were proposed such as approving the viewing condition to increase the ecological validity, and using the coupling response as dependent variables to approach the real movement in sport situations.

  • 【分类号】G832
  • 【被引频次】14
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