

Two-stage Simplified Calculation Model and Random Earthquake Response Analysis of Multi-ribbed Composite Wall Structure

【作者】 荆罡

【导师】 姚谦峰;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 结构工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 密肋复合墙结构是一种生态轻质、施工快捷、节能抗震的建筑结构新体系,具有广阔的发展前景。目前,该结构体系在多层以及中高层建筑中的理论研究与工程应用均取得了较好的阶段性成果。然而,作为一种新型装配整体式结构体系,由于其结构的复杂性和独特的受力特点使其在确定结构简化计算模型方面存在着一定的困难。本文在总结和分析已有研究成果的基础上,围绕密肋复合墙结构的两阶段简化计算模型展开研究工作,采用试验研究和数值分析的方法,着重对密肋复合墙结构的静力弹塑性、随机地震响应以及结构抗震性能评估方法等方面进行研究与分析,主要研究内容及成果概括如下:1.在基于分灾模式的抗震思想指导下,提出密肋复合墙结构体系为双重抗震结构体系,结合其结构的构造及受力特点,将结构分解为分灾元件和主体结构,分灾元件是密肋复合墙板,作为结构的第一道防线;隐型外框架(包括:外框柱、连接柱、暗梁以及现浇楼板构成的整体)为结构的主体,作为结构的第二道防线。2.结合课题组前期密肋复合墙体的试验数据,从各部分功能关系的角度对比分析复合墙体中空框格墙板、复合墙板及组合墙板、带外框的单榀密肋复合墙体、联肢复合墙体的破坏过程和受力特点,从宏观角度探讨了密肋复合墙结构的协同工作机理,以及实现多道抗震防线的内在因素,为建立密肋复合墙结构的计算模型提供重要依据,并提出了适用于本结构的两阶段抗震设计方法。3.在试验研究与分析的基础上,提出了密肋复合墙结构在弹性阶段的刚架-等效弹性板简化计算模型,可用于结构的弹性内力及变形计算,以解决密肋复合墙结构第一阶段的设计计算问题。通过前期的复合墙体试验以及1/10比例10层密肋复合墙结构振动台试验,对试验模型进行了有限元模拟和分析,计算结果表明该计算模型具有一定的精度,能够较为真实地反映结构的受力特性。同时利用该力学模型,对已建成的密肋复合墙结构工程进行了弹性阶段的时程分析以及变形验算。4.根据试验分析,提出了密肋复合墙结构在弹塑性阶段的刚架-等效斜撑计算模型,可用于结构的弹塑性计算分析,以解决密肋复合墙结构第二阶段设计的弹塑性变形验算、弹塑性时程分析以及抗震性能的评估等问题。将密肋复合墙板等效为斜向设置的支撑,确立了等效斜撑单元的宽度以及等效斜撑中塑性铰的设置。采用刚架-等效斜撑模型计算分析了模型结构并与振动台试验结果进行了对比分析,结果表明二者在各层加速度和位移的反应值吻合较好,监测点的侧向位移最大值也较为接近,说明刚架-等效斜撑模型能较好地模拟真实结构的动力特性及弹塑性变形情况,可用于密肋复合墙结构的弹塑性时程反应分析及弹塑性变形验算。5.对美国规范FEMA-273目标位移法和ATC-40能力谱方法进行了评析,在对前期复合墙体试验模型进行Pushover分析的基础上,探讨了侧向力分布模式对密肋复合墙结构的适应性。将ATC-40能力谱方法应用于密肋复合墙结构的抗震性能评估中,并通过实例分析,结合我国规范给出了具体的实施步骤和过程,并在该方法的基础上,探讨了一种直接利用我国规范设计反应谱对结构进行抗震性能评估的简化方法。6.对多维地震动的平动与转动分量和多维地震动模型及相关性的研究方面予以总结和讨论,并选用Clough-Penzien谱作为地震动平动分量,采用李宏男等提出的转动功率谱数学模型作为地震动转动分量对密肋复合墙结构进行了随机响应分析,对比分析了单维以及多维地震动作用下密肋复合墙结构的随机响应特征。本文的创新之处在于:1.在基于分灾模式抗震设计思想的基础上提出了密肋复合墙结构两阶段的抗震设计方法。将密肋复合墙结构分解为主体结构和分灾元件,提出在二者不同受力阶段采用不同的计算模型,用于结构两阶段的抗震设计,并给出了两阶段抗震设计方法的主要流程。2.提出了密肋复合墙结构的刚架-等效弹性板及带塑性铰的刚架-等效斜撑计算模型。在试验研究的基础上提出了适用于密肋复合墙结构弹性阶段的刚架-等效弹性板计算模型,解决了结构的弹性内力计算、变形验算以及设计问题;将密肋复合墙板等效为带塑性铰的斜撑,确定了等效斜撑的宽度以及塑性铰的设置,解决了结构的非线性内力及变形验算问题。3.采用刚架-等效斜撑模型,探讨了ATC-40能力谱方法应用于密肋复合墙结构抗震性能评估的简化方法。将ATC-40能力谱方法应用于密肋复合墙结构的抗震性能评估中,并在该方法基础上,建议了一种采用我国规范设计反应谱代替需求谱,采用结构的α-Teff谱代替能力谱对结构进行抗震性能评估的简化方法。4.研究了密肋复合墙结构在单维以及多维地震动作用下的随机响应特征。采用Clough-Penzien谱作为地震动平动分量,采用李宏男等提出的转动功率谱数学模型作为地震动转动分量对密肋复合墙结构进行了随机响应分析,对单向、双向水平地震动输入、扭转地震动输入以及双向和扭转地震动输入共同作用下,对称以及非对称结构的随机响应特征进行了探讨。

【Abstract】 As a new structural system with a bright development prospect, multi-ribbed composite wall structure (MRCWS) has the advantages of ecological materials, lightweight, fast construction, energy conservation and seismic performance. Today, in multi-storied and moderate-high storied structure, both the theoretical research and the engineering application of MRCWS all gained stage achievements. However, being a new assembled monolithic structural system, its complex force-bearing characteristics and unique construction details result in great difficulties in its simplified calculation model. Based on previous studies, this dissertation, through experimental studies and numerical analysis, is devoted to two-stage simplified calculation model of the structure and focuses on nonlinear static procedure, aseismic capability assessment and random earthquake response analysis of MRCWS. The main research work and results are as follows:1.Under guidance of damage-reduction seismic design, MRCWS is defined as dual seismic structural system. With its force-bearing characteristics and construction details, the MRCWS is decomposed into damage-reduction component and main body structure. And that means damage-reduction component is the multi-ribbed composite slab that is regarded as the first defending line of the structure; while concealed frame (including end frame columns, connecting columns, concealed beams and cast-in-place floor) is the main body structure, which is regarded as the second defending line of the structure.2. Based on previous experimental results, the failure process and stress characteristics of the specimen including composite slab without filled blocks, single multi-ribbed composite slab, multi-ribbed composite coupled slab, single multi-ribbed composite wall, and the multi-ribbed composite coupled wall are comparatively analyzed. In macroscopic perspective, the collaborative work mechanism and internal factors of several aseismic defending lines of multi-ribbed composite wall are discussed, the results of which provide important basis for the modeling of the structure. And the two-stage seismic design method for MRCWS is established.3. On the basis of experimental studies, a mechanical model called rigid frames-elastic composite panel model which can be used to solve the design and calculation problems of MRCWS is put forward to calculate the internal force and deformation of MRCWS during the elastic stage. By using this model, previous experiments of multi-ribbed composite walls and a 1/10-scaled model shaking table test of 10 stories multi-ribbed slab structure are simulated. The result shows that the model has high calculation accuracy and the simulation can reflect the load-bearing characteristic of the structure. Meanwhile, with the application of the rigid frames-elastic composite panel model, the elastic deformation checking and the time history analysis of a completed MRCWS are presented.4. According to the previous experiments and analyses, the multi-ribbed composite slab is equivalent to a whole diagonal brace. Then, the rigid frame-equivalent brace model of multi-ribbed slab structure is put forward to calculate the elastic-plastic calculation and analysis of MRCWS, which can be used to solve the problems of elastic-plastic deformation calculation, elastic-plastic time history analysis and aseismic capability assessment of the structure. The main parameters such as the width and the plastic hinge settings of the diagonal brace are established on the previous tests’results. By using this model, a shaking table model of MRCWS is simulated. The calculating results tally well with the experimental results in acceleration and displacement time history and the max displacement of monitoring points. The results indicate that the rigid frame-equivalent brace model can better reflect the dynamic characteristics and elastic-plastic deformation situation of the prototype structure. Thus this model can be applied to elastic-plastic time-history analysis and nonlinear deformation checking of MRCWS.5. Target displacement method and capacity spectrum method that are accepted by FEMA-273 and ATC-40 are introduced. On the pushover analysis of multi-ribbed composite walls of previous experiments, the adaptability of later load patterns to the walls is discussed. At the same time, the capacity spectrum method is used to aseismic capability assessment of MRCWS and according to China code, the process is presented by giving an example analysis. And a simplified method of aseismic capability assessment is established, in which the design response spectrum of China can be applied.6. The translational components and rotational components of multiple seismic ground motions model and its relativity are summarized and discussed. The multiple random earthquake response analysis of MRCWS is presented by using Clough-Penzien spectrum as translational components and rotational power spectrum proposed by Li Hongnan etc. And the reaction characteristics of MRCWS with multiple seismic ground motions input and that with single seismic ground motions input are comparative analyzed.The originalities of this dissertation lie in:1. Under guidance of damage-reduction seismic design, the two-stage seismic design method for MRCWS is established.MRCWS is decomposed to the damage-reduction component and the main body structure. Different models are suggested to be adopted in different load-bearing stages which can be used into the two-stage seismic design method of MRCWS. And the working procedure of the two-stage seismic design method is put forward.2. The rigid frames-elastic composite panel model and the rigid frame-equivalent brace model of MRCWS are established.Based on pervious experimental studies, the rigid frames-elastic composite panel model is established to solve the problems of the structure in elastic stage, such as internal force calculating, deformation checking and the designing in first stage. And the rigid frame-equivalent brace model is put forward to solve the problems in plastic stage, such as nonlinear internal force, deformation calculating and the design of the structure in second stage.3. A simplified ATC-40 capacity spectrum method is suggested in the aseismic capability assessment of MRCWS through the usage of the rigid frame-equivalent brace model.The ATC-40 capacity spectrum method is introduced into the aseismic capability assessment of MRCWS. And based on this method, a simplified ATC-40 capacity spectrum method in the aseismic capability assessment of MRCWS is suggested, in which the design response spectrum of China is applied as demand spectrum andα-Teff spectrum is applied as the capacity spectrum of the structure.4. The reaction characteristics of MRCWS with multiple seismic ground motions input and that with single seismic ground motions input are comparatively analyzed.By using Clough-Penzien spectrum as translational component and rotational power spectrum proposed by Li Hongnan etc. as rotational component of ground motions input, the random earthquake response analysis of MRCWS is presented. And the reaction characteristics of symmetric and asymmetric MRCWS with multiple seismic ground motions input and that with single seismic ground motions input are comparatively analyzed.

  • 【分类号】TU352.11;TU311.4
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】259
  • 攻读期成果