

Analysis on Energy Dissipation Mechanism and Dynamic Characteristic for Chinese Ancient Timber Buildings

【作者】 隋

【导师】 赵鸿铁;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 防灾减灾工程及防护工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 中国木结构古建筑是世界古代建筑中独树一帜的建筑体系,具有极高的历史、文物、艺术和科学价值。研究木结构古建筑的结构特性和抗震性能对保护和开发我国古建筑遗产具有重要意义。本文以抬梁式殿堂型木构建筑为例,通过构件拟静力试验和模型振动台试验,对其独特的结构形式、力学特性、工作机制和耗能机理进行了研究。通过对按照《营造法式》制作的单铺作、两铺作协同工作、四铺作协同工作模型的低周反复荷载试验,可以看出铺作层主要以滑移变形为主。而摩擦滑移具有耗能隔震作用,这是古建筑木结构具有良好抗震性能的一个重要原因。铺作层的滞回曲线呈平行四边型。试验结果与理论分析相一致,滞回面积饱满,说明铺作层具有良好的耗能作用。铺作层的力学模型属于线性强化弹塑性模型。根据试验得出的恢复力模型反应了铺作层的恢复力特性及刚度变化规律,适应于同类木结构的静力传递和结构动力分析计算研究。通过对按照《营造法式》制作的直榫和燕尾榫木构架模型及碳纤维布(CFRP)加固燕尾榫节点木构架模型的水平低周反复荷载试验研究,得到了透榫节点、燕尾榫节点及CFRP加固燕尾榫节点的滞回曲线、骨架曲线、节点半刚性连接特性和刚度退化规律及恢复力模型。木构架具有非常好的变形能力,透榫的连接强度和节点刚度比燕尾榫的大。破坏的燕尾榫节点经CFRP加固后的构架刚度比未加固燕尾榫构架大,但强度较未加固燕尾榫构架小。对按照《营造法式》制作的古代殿堂式木结构建筑心间缩尺模型进行了模拟振动台试验研究。选用El Centro波、Taft波、兰州波作为输入地震动。测量了不同波形、不同地震激励作用下台面、柱脚、柱头、顶层木梁的位移、速度和加速度响应。对模型的破坏形态、自振周期、阻尼比、动力响应、能量耗散进行了分析。试验结果表明:模型的自振周期和阻尼比随着地震激励的增强而增大。自振周期T在0.48-0.67s之间,阻尼比ξ在2.9%-4.6%之间。模型的动力放大系数小于1,且随着地震激励的增强而减小。铺作层、柱础层都是通过摩擦滑移来耗能。柱架榫卯节点的耗能能力最强,在模型的耗能、减震中起着主要作用。对宋代殿堂式木构建筑心间缩尺模型已残损的燕尾榫节点用碳纤维布(CFRP)进行加固,并进行了振动台试验。选用El Centro波、Taft波、兰州波作为输入地震动。采用多点多指标同步测量了柱脚、柱头、顶面的地震响应。对CFRP加固模型的破坏形态、动力特性、耗能能力进行了分析。得到以下结果:CFRP加固模型的自振周期T的变化范围为0.53-0.67s之间,阻尼比ξ的变化范围为2.8%-4.6%之间,随着地震激励的增加而增加;加固模型的动力放大系数β随着地震激励的增加而减小,中震后β值小于1;CFRP加固模型的铺作层、柱础层都是通过摩擦滑移来耗能,CFRP加固节点柱架层的耗能能力最强,在模型整体的耗能、减震中起着主要作用。

【Abstract】 Chinese ancient timber buildings (CATB) system is a unique building system in the world ancient buildings with high historical, cultural relic, artistic and scientific value. The study of the structural properties and seismic performance of CATB is important for maintaining and protecting CATB. The palace timber structure was selected as a research object. The unique structural form and characteristics, load-transferring mechanism and seismic characteristics have been studied by theoretical analysis, model tests and numerical simulation.Through the low cyclic loading experiment of single Dougong, two Dougongs and four Dougongs, the degrading rule of lateral stiffness of Dougong have been studied. According that, the hysteresis curve and skeleton curve of force-displacement are researched and the formula of resilience model and mechanical model are established. From the experiment, we can see that slippage is the main deformation of Dougong. Energy dissipation because of frictional slippage is an important reason for the excellent seismic behavior of ancient wooden structure. Hysteretic loops of Dougong assume to be parallelogram-type. Experiment agrees with theoretic analysis, Plump area of hysteretic loop accounts for its excellent energy dissipation performance. The mechanic model of Dougong belongs to linear strengthen elastic-plastic model. Both the fitting equation of force-displacement and resilience model reflect the changes in stiffness of Dougong, and adapt to the research on static load delivery as well as dynamic structural analysis and calculation of similar wooden structure.The low-cyclic reversed loading tests were conducted on 9 wooden frame models, including 3 straight mortise-tenon structure models and 3 swallow-tailed mortise-tenon structure models made in accordance with the requirements of the Fabrication Methods of Song Dynasty (960-1270, A.D.),3 swallow-tailed mortise-tenon structure models strengthened with carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets. Such behaviors as the failure characteristics, hysteretic curve and skeleton curve, degeneration of strength and rigidity, deformation and energy dissipation capacity are analyzed. Restoring force model is established based on this experiment, and that of prototype structure is obtained.An intermediate bay model of an ancient palace was made according to Fabrication Methods of Song dynasty, on which the shaking table test was carried out. The responses of the model and the data of the shaking table were measured under three waves: El Centro, Taft and LAN ZHOU waves. The failure mode, nature period, damping ratio, displacement, accelerations and hysteretic energy dissipation performance are analyzed. Those conclusions are achieved:The nature period and damping ratio of the model increase along with the increasing seismic power. The range of nature period T is 0.48-0.67s and the damping ratioξis 2.9%-4.6%. The dynamic magnification factorβ4 decreases under the seismic power. Dougong layer and column base dissipate seismic energy through the way of frictional slippage. The mortise-tenon joint of the frame has the strongest capability of energy dissipation. It plays an important part in shock absorption by energy dissipation.An ancient palace timber structure model was made according to the requirements of Fabrication Methods of Song Dynasty (960-1270, A.D.). All swallow-tailed mortise-tenon joints of frame were strengthened with carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets after its collapse, then the shaking table test was carried out. The sensors were placed to measure the real-time responses of the model and the data of the shaking table itself under three waves:El Centro, Taft and LAN Zhou waves. The failure mode, dynamic behaviors and hysteretic energy dissipation performance are analyzed. Those conclusions are achieved:The nature period and damping ratio of the model increase along with the increasing seismic power. The range of nature period T is 0.53-0.67s and the damping ratioξis 2.8%-4.6%. The dynamic factorβdecreases under the increasing vibrational excitation. Dougong layer and column base dissipate seismic energy by means of frictional slippage. The joints strengthened with CFRP sheets have the strongest capability of energy dissipation and play an important part in shock absorption by energy dissipation.
