

【作者】 余颖

【导师】 郑岩;

【作者基本信息】 中央美术学院 , 美术学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 民间美术是近年来的一个研究热点,在开展田野调查工作的同时,学术界对相关问题进行了广泛的探讨,解决了许多重要问题,同时也有一些需要继续深入的方面。本文选择陕西省延川县小程村的民间面花为研究对象,通过小范围的深入调查,对村庄、民俗与民间美术进行了综合研究,目的在于对以往的研究作学术史的反思,并在此基础上思考一些新问题。全文共分三大部分。第一部分以三章的篇幅对小程面花的生存背景作了详细描述。第一章介绍了小程面花所处的区位空间,即小程村的整体情况,包括村庄的地理位置、自然环境、人文环境、历史变迁、农业和经济状况等方面,此外还对小程民间艺术村的成立情况有所交待。第二章介绍了小程面花生存的民俗空间,从村民的衣食住行、宗教信仰、婚育情况、娱乐和教育、民俗礼仪活动几方面进行讨论。第三章对小程面花所处的文化语境作了分析研究,主要包括“民间美术”概念的来源、村民对这一概念的理解以及对民间艺术的认定几方面,同时还介绍了村庄里有代表性的几种民间美术形式。第二部份着重研究小程面花的制作使用以及发展变化。第四章对小程村不同民俗礼仪中的面花制作及使用作了详细介绍,并分析了它们所蕴含的民俗内涵。第五章则描述了村庄近年来的一些重要变化,包括经济的发展、村民生活方式的改变、传统民间美术形式的改变等,其中变化最大的是村庄里的民间剪纸,不仅发展了许多新题材,并且在经济的介入下成为了商品。第六章是对小程面花的变化和发展进行分析,通过与剪纸的比较以及小程面花的历史比较得知,小程面花的制作和使用并未随着村庄的变化而发生大的改变。在前两部份的基础上,第三部份对一些具体问题进行了分析和探讨。第七章分析了面花的起源和材料特点。第八章探讨了小程面花的功能、艺术特色以及传承特点,认为小程面花的主要功能是祭祀和祈福,并且由于其简洁朴实的艺术特色,使得传承没有发生大的改变,同时还涉及到传承的地域性和差异性问题。第九章是对其他地区面花的发展作了分析比较,指出很多地区的面花有了新的发展,例如成为专门的商品、男性面花制作者的出现以及面花题材和装饰的创新等,由此观察了在变动的社会背景下民间美术所出现的变化。

【Abstract】 In recent years many research focus on folk arts. The academia had extensively discussed related issues when they carried out field investigation; solving many important issues and some remained to be investigated. This thesis selects folk bread flowers in Xiaocheng village, Yanchuan county, Shanxi province as research object, makes synthetic study on village, folk-custom and folk arts by thorough investigation in small area, aims to reflect the academic history of past research and think some new probl ems on thi s basi sThe thesis is divided into three parts The first part describes in detail the living background of bread flowers in Xiaocheng village with three chapters Chapter 1 introduces location space of bread flowers in Xiaocheng village, and analyzes the whole situation of Xiaocheng village including geographic position, natural environment, humanistic environment, historical change, agriculture and economic status and the like, moreover, shows establishment status of Xiaocheng folk arts village. Chapter 2 introduces folk-custom living space of bread flowers in Xiaocheng village, and discusses the basic necessities of life, faith, marriage and bearing status, entertainment and education, and folk-custom etiquette of villager. Chapter 3 analyzes the cultural context of bread flowers in Xiaocheng village including source of folk arts concept, understandi ng of the concept and cogni zance of fol k arts by villager, al so i ntroduces several representati ve f ol k arts i n the village.The second part gives emphasis to analyze the manufacture, use and development of bread flowers in Xiaocheng village. Chapter 4 introduces in detail manufacture and use of bread flowers in various folk-custom etiquette of Xiaocheng village, and analyzes the folk-custom connotation thereof. Chapter 5 describes some important change of village in recent years including economic development, changes of villager’s life style, and change of traditional folk arts and so on, wherein folk paper-cut has the greatest change, not only developing much novel subject matter, but also becoming article by economic intervention. Chapter 6 analyzes the change and development of bread flowers in Xiaocheng village; by comparison with paper-cut and comparing the history of bread flowers in Xiaocheng village, knowing that manufacture and use of bread flowers in Xiaocheng village do not greatly vary with change of village.On the basis of the aforementioned two parts, the third part makes analysis and discussion on some specific problems. Chapter 7 analyzes the origin and material characteristics of bread flowers Chapter 8 discusses the functions, artistic features and inheritance characteristics, considers that the mainly functions of bread flowers in Xiaocheng village are fete and pray for blessing, and because of the simple artistic feature thereof, making the inheritance not to be greatly changed, also relates to regionality and diversity problems. Chapter 9 makes analysis and comparison to bread flowers of other regions, poi nts out that bread flowers have new development in many regions such as becoming special article, occurring male bread flowers fabricator and making innovation to bread flowers subject matter and decoration and the like, thereby observing the change of folk arts occurring at the fluctuant society environment.

  • 【分类号】J219
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】2316