

Photo-responsive Azopolymer Composites: Fabrication and Properties

【作者】 吴思

【导师】 张其锦;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学技术大学 , 高分子化学与物理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 在本论文中,我们设计并制备了几种光响应的偶氮苯聚合物复合材料。在这些复合材料中,偶氮苯聚合物的稳定性、光可重复擦写性和光存储的密度得到了提高。在这些复合材料中,我们还发现了光控的偏振荧光和双光致变色等新的功能性。本论文的内容如下:1.对偶氮苯和复合物的性质的介绍2.我们用原位还原的方法制备了偶氮苯聚合物/银纳米粒子复合材料。通过银纳米粒子和偶氮苯聚合物的相互作用,复合物形成了有机-无机网络结构。复合物在银浓度为5.6 wt%时仍然均匀透明。偶氮苯聚合物和含银的复合物都能产生可擦除的光致双折射。没有银的偶氮苯聚合物经过5次的光写入和擦除后,双折射有9.7%的降低,而含5.6 wt%银的偶氮苯聚合物/银纳米粒子复合物只有2.9%的降低。这表明通过和银纳米粒子形成复合物,偶氮苯聚合物的光致取向和擦除的稳定性得到了提高。在光致异构和单光子存储过程中,较高的银浓度并没有降低偶氮苯的活动性。在双光子存储实验中,含5.6 wt%银的复合物在6 mW的功率下能够进行图像存储,而不含银的偶氮苯聚合物在相同的双光子存储条件下得不到存储图案。3.通过氢键组装制备超分子双偶氮苯复合物,我们得到了非常稳定而且光存储密度很高的存储介质。这种超分子双偶氮苯复合物包含氢键给体小分偶氮苯化合物AzoCN和氢键受体偶氮苯吡啶聚合物pAzopy。我们用旋涂的方法制备了氢键给体与受体不同摩尔比的超分子双偶氮苯复合物pAzopy/(AzoCN)x (x=0.25,0.5,0.75,1.0)。这些复合物自组装形成了周期为7.1 nm的周期结构。这些样品都具有光致双折射的性质。随着AzoCN在复合物中含量的增加,复合物的光致双折射和双折射保留值分别从0.0265增加到0.1和从50.5%增加到108%。这表明随着AzoCN含量的增加,复合物的双折射及其稳定性得到了提高。我们使用了不含吡啶基团的偶氮苯聚合物pAzoCH3和AzoCN混合做了对比实验。对比实验表明pAzoCH3/(AzoCN)1.0没有显示明显的双折射及其稳定性的增加。pAzopy/(AzoCN)x体系中双折射及其稳定性的增加是由超分子双偶氮苯复合物的特殊结构引起的。我们使用了新设计的激光直写系统对超分子双偶氮苯复合物进行了光存储实验。我们观察到pAzopy/(AzoCN) 1.0上的图形保持几个月仍然保持不变而pAzopy.上的图形连一天都保存不了。这表明pAzopy/(AzoCN)1.0的光存储的稳定性明显比pAzopy高。我们集成了激光的偏振方向、强度和平而二维,在pAzopy/(AzoCN)1.o薄膜上刻写了四维光存储图案。四维光存储的存储密度为0.93Gbit cm-2,是普通DVD的20倍左右。4.我们制备了光调制的偏振荧光材料。我们设计并合成了两种特殊结构的偶氮苯聚合物(DACENO2和DACEOCH3)。我们用滴膜的方法制备了稀十配合物Eu(TTA)3Phen和这两种偶氮苯聚合物的复合物薄膜。UV-vis吸收光谱表明这两种偶氮苯聚合物的吸收与发射与稀土配合物的吸收和发射是分离的。在这种情况下,偶氮苯产生的光致取向阵列不会被荧光激发和发射所破坏。在光致取向的薄膜中,我们观察到DACENO2/Eu(TTA)3 Phen和DACEOCH3/Eu(TTA)3Phen在613nm发光的偏振比分别为3.0和2.7。复合物薄膜的荧光性质受到偶氮苯的化学结构、光致取向以及偏振测试时偏振片的角度的影响。这个工作的结果表明稀土配合物的偏振荧光能够用偶氮苯聚合物的光致取向进行控制。5.我们制备了氢键给体双炔分子TDA和氢键受体偶氮苯吡啶聚合物pAzopy的氢键复合物。在复合物中,TDA在254 nm的紫外光照射下能聚合形成聚双炔pTDA。氢键复合物pAzopy/pTDA的形貌与氢键给体pTDA和氢键受体pAzopy都不同。我们发现pTDA将影响pAzopy的光致异构。6.我们展示了一种稳定聚双炔胶束的新的方法。这些胶束显示出了即使在改变pH值的条件下也完全可逆的热致变色。我们合成了一种新奇的两亲性偶氮苯修饰聚双炔分子并制备了这种分子的棒状胶束。这些胶束能够在254 nm的紫外光照射下发生聚合。偶氮苯在胶束中形成了H和J聚集体,从而提高了胶束的稳定性,并导致了胶束在20到90℃和pH值范围为5.6到9.6的可逆热致变色。7.我们研究了溶剂对偶氮苯修饰聚双炔(polyAzoDA)的结构、形貌和光物理化学性质的影响。我们也研究了没有偶氮苯的聚双炔polyTDA相应的性质与polyAzoDA作为对比。在水与THF、乙醇、DMSO、乙二醇的混合溶剂体系中,我们系统的研究了溶解参数与两种聚双炔颜色变化的关系。我们使用Teas plots来研究了溶剂与polyAzoDA的相互作用并解释了polyAzoDA在不同溶剂环境中的组装结构和光化学物理行为。在不良溶剂中,polyAzoDA形成了棒状胶束,偶氮苯的光致异构因为聚集体的存在而不能发生。当有机溶剂的含量慢慢增加时,polyAzoDA逐渐被溶胀。在逐渐溶胀的这个过程中,我们观察到了聚双炔主链的蓝相到红相的转变,偶氮苯慢慢变得可以光致异构,组装体的形貌也发生了变化。在高的乙醇含量的溶剂中,我们观察到了polyAzoDA中的偶氮苯的光致异构导致了聚双炔主链构象的变化以及组装体的形貌转变。

【Abstract】 In this thesis, several kinds of photo-responsive azopolymer-based composites are designed and fabricated. The stability, optically rewritable property and optical recording density of azopolymers in these composites are improved. New functionalities such as photo-controllable polarized luminescent properties, dual photochromism and photo-induced morphological transition are also observed in these composites. The contents of this thesis are as follows:1.The introduction of properties of azobenzene and composite materials.2.Ag nanoparticle/azopolymer nanocomposites are prepared with controlled concentration of Ag nanoparticles by in situ reduction of Ag(Ⅰ)β-diketone complexes in an azopolymer matrix. The nanocomposites form an organic-inorganic network-like structure by interactions between the azopolymer matrix and the Ag nanoparticles. The Ag/azopolymer nanocomposites are homogeneous and highly transparent even when the content of Ag is as high as 5.6 wt%. Birefringence of the azopolymer without Ag and the nanocomposites can be optically induced and erased. However, after 5 cycles of optically writing-erasing processes,9.7% decrease of the birefringence is observed for the azopolymer film without Ag and only 2.9% decrease of the birefringence is observed for the nanocomposite film with 5.6 wt% Ag, showing the stability of photo-induced birefringence of the nanocomposite is improved by introducing Ag nanoparticles into the azopolymer matrix. Relatively high concentration of Ag nanoparticles does not strongly hinder the mobility of azobenzene groups during photoisomerization and one-photon recording. In two-photon optical recording experiments, an image on the nanocomposite with 5.6 wt% Ag can be observed with writing power as low as 6 mW and no such an image can be observed in the azopolymer without Ag under the same two-photon recording condition.3. Extremely stable, high-density information storage media are prepared by connection of two azobenzene groups via hydrogen bonding to form supramolecular bisazopolymers. The supramolecular bisazopolymers contain 4-((4-hydroxyphenyl)diazenyl)benzonitrile (AzoCN) as a hydrogen bonding donor and poly(6-(4-(pyridin-4-yldiazenyl)phenoxy)hexyl methacrylate) (pAzopy) as a hydrogen bonding acceptor. High quality films of the supramolecular bisazopolymers pAzopy/(AzoCN)x (x=0.25,0.5,0.75,1.0) with different molar ratios of donor/acceptor are prepared by spin-casting. The supramolecular bisazopolymers spontaneously form lamellar structures with a periodic thickness of 7.1 nm. These samples exhibit optically induced birefringence. The birefringence and proportion of remnant birefringence increase from 0.0265 to 0.1 and 50.5% to 108%, respectively, as the content of AzoCN in the samples increases, which indicates a larger proportion of AzoCN enhances both the birefringence and its stability. We also use an azopolymer without pyridine groups (pAzoCH3) and AzoCN to do a control experiment, which shows that pAzoCH3/(AzoCN)10 do not show significant enhanced birefringence and its stability. The enhancements in pAzopy/(AzoCN)x are because of the unique structure of the supramolecular bisazopolymers. A new laser direct writing system has been developed for optical recording on the azopolymers. The pAzopy/(AzoCN)10 film is significantly better at image recording than the pAzopy film, because the optically recorded images on the pAzopy/(AzoCN)10 film are very clear after storage for four months whereas the optically recorded images on the pAzopy one disappear after just one day. Four-dimensional optical recording has been achieved by integrating the polarization and the intensity of the laser and the two dimensions of a plane. An information density of about 0.93 Gbit cm-2 could be optically recorded on the pAzopy/(AzoCN)10 film, which is about 20 times the information density of a normal DVD.4. We demonstrate photoinduced modulations of polarized fluorescence of a rare earth complex in azopolymer matrices.Two azopolymers (DACENO2 and DACEOCH3) with special structure are designed and synthesized. The azopolymer films doped with lanthanide complex Eu(TTA)3Phen are prepared by the casting method with the mixed solution of the azopolymer and lanthanide complex. UV-vis spectra shows absorption peaks of the predesigned azopolymers DACENO2 and DACEOCH3 are separated from that of Eu(TTA)3Phen. Under this circumstance, photo-induced anisotropy of the films could not be destroyed by excitation and emission during fluorescence measurement. Polarized luminescence of both oriented films is observed with polarization ratio 3.0 for DACENO2/Eu(TTA)3Phen film and 2.7 for DACEOCH3/Eu(TTA)3Phen film at 613 nm, respectively. The luminescent property of the film is found to be affected by the chemical structure of the azopolymer, the extent of the photo-induced alignment and the angle between the orientated direction of the film and the direction of the polarizer. All the results from this wok. reveal that the polarized luminescence from the azopolymer film doped with lanthanide complex can be controlled by extent of photo-induced alignment.5. Hydrogen bonding complex of a diacetylene TDA (10,12-tricosadiynoic acid) and an azopolymer pAzopy (poly(6-(4-(pyridin-4-yldiazenyl)phenoxy)hexyl methacrylate)) are prepared. TDA can be polymerized and become corresponding polydiacetylene pTDA in the hydrogen bonding complex. The morphology of the polymerized hydrogen bonding complex pAzopy/pTDA is different from both the hydrogen bonding donor pTDA and the hydrogen bonding acceptor pAzopy. We find that pTDA affect the photoisomerization of pAzopy.6. We demonstrate a new strategy for improved stabilization of polydiacetylene micelles. They show temperature induced colour changes, which are fully reversible even at varying pH. A novel azo chromophore functionalized amphiphilic diacetylene molecule is synthesized and used to prepare self-assembled cylindrical micelles. The micelles can be polymerized by 254 nm light irradiation. The azo chromophores form H- and J-like aggregates in the polydiacetylene micelles and increase the stability of the micelles, which leads to fully reversible thermochromism of the micelles in the temperature range between 20℃and 90℃and the pH range between 5.6 and 9.6.7. We investigate the effects of solvents on structure, morphology and photophysical properties of micelle-like assemblies of an azo chromophore-functionalized polydiacetylene (polyAzoDA) and polymerized tricosa-10,12-diynoic acid (polyTDA) for comparison. Using mixtures of water with glycol, DMSO, ethanol and THF, we systematically vary the solubility parameters and observe blue-to-red color changes of polydiacetylenes. Teas plots are used to estimate the strength of polymer-solvent interactions and explain the properties of polyAzoDA supramolecular assemblies in different solvent environments. In poor solvents, polyAzoDA forms rod-like micelles and the photoisomerization is strongly hindered by the aggregation of azo chromophores. At increasing content of organic solvents, polyAzoDA becomes gradually swollen, as indicated by the onsets of blue-to-red color changes, starting trans-cis isomerizations of the azo groups, and changes of the structures as seen in SEM images. At large ethanol content, we observe that photoisomerization of azobenzene groups induces a morphological transition and a color change of the polydiacetylene backbone.
