

History, Theory, Methodology and Application of Western Avian-Zooarchaeology

【作者】 宋爽

【导师】 金正耀; Riitta Rainio;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学技术大学 , 科学技术史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 动物考古学研究在西方已经有上百年的发展历史,而西方鸟类动物考古学的发展历史则相对较短。1948年英国考古学家约翰·格雷厄姆·道格拉斯·克拉克(John Grahame Douglas Clark)发表了利用遗址中的鸟类遗存来研究史前经济活动的重要论文,标志着西方鸟类动物考古学研究的开始。在这之后,随着相关工作的陆续展开,鸟类动物考古学也越来越得到重视,越来越多的考古、古环境、古气候学者也相继投入到了与鸟类动物考古学有关的各类研究中,大量的研究成果被发表,而多学科人员的参与也极大地推进了鸟类动物考古学自身的发展。本论文基于西方鸟类动物考古学的发展历程,着重论述了西方鸟类动物考古学的研究的理论和研究方法。特别地,对鸟类动物考古学的理论和方法在芬兰史前鸟类动物考古中的实践应用进行了系统介绍,并在中国鸟类动物考古学如何借鉴西方鸟类动物考古学的理论和方法等方面进行了初步的探讨。本论文具体研究内容如下:第1章为绪论,论述本文选题缘由、研究意义、研究内容、研究方法和研究思路。第2章介绍西方动物考古学的发展历史,提出鸟类动物考古学的发展历程可划分为孕育期、形成期和发展期三个阶段,同时对这三个阶段的标志性人物以及相关的研究机构进行了介绍。第3章以西方鸟类动物考古学的理论为主要内容,从以下六个方面进行评析:恢复和重建古代自然条件,包括古气候和古生态环境;捕鸟季节与定居季节之间的复杂关系;社会经济特征;社会文化特征;鸟类骨骼病理学理论的植入;西方鸟类动物考古学研究的现状。第4章评述西方鸟类动物考古学针对的各类研究对象,如鸟骨、鸟羽、鸟蛋、鸟皮和鸟类排泄物等等,所采用的研究方法。第5章以芬兰史前鸟类动物考古学研究为具体案例,论述西方鸟类动物考古学的若干重要理论和方法在考古学实践中的具体应用。第6章结语,回顾和总结本文的研究内容,同时就西方鸟类动物考古学这块“他山之石”,如何可能攻治中国鸟类动物考古学实践这块“璞玉”提出初步的探讨和展望。

【Abstract】 Archaeozoology in West had developed for more than a hundred years. However, western avian-archaeozoology had a much shorter history there. Since archaeologist John Grahame Douglas Clark from England published an important article on prehistoric ecology using avian remains in prehistoric sites in 1848, avain-archaeozoology was getting more and more attentions then, and lots of studies on ancient avian remains gradually were carried out. Recently, some experts on paleoenvironment and paleoclimate dedicated to archaeoornithology, and plenty of achievements were published, which promoted the development of this discipline. In the present dissertation, the history, theory and methodology of western avain-archaezoology were reviewed. The application of western avian-archaeozoology in prehistoric Finland was systemically introduced. Furthermore, based on the theory and methodology of western avian-archaeozoology, a preliminary study on bird remains in Jiahu Site, Henan and Hemudu Site, Zhejiang, was carried out. The contents were listed as follows:Chapter 1 is introduction. The topic basis, significance, contents, methods were listed in this chapter;Chapter 2 reviewed the study history of western avian-archaeozoology, and introduced the representative scientists in this field;Chapter 3 reviewed the theory of western avian-archaeozoology, including the reconstruction of palaeo-environment and palaeo-climate, the fowling and occupation season, the significances of society and economy, the pathology based on avain remains;Chapter 4 reviewed the methodology of western avian-archaeozoology, including chemical analysis, microscopic analysis, DNA analysis on bird bones, bird feathers and bird eggshell;Chapter 5 introduced the application of theory and methodology of wester avian-archaeozoology in prehistoric Finland. First of all, the development course of avain-archaeozoology in Finland was figured out. Then, the distribution of prehistoric sites containing bird bones and the characteristics of utilization of birds in prehistoric Finland were listed. The social economic significances and environmental implications of prehistoric bird fauna were also discussed. At last, the relationship between the prehistoric bird species and Holocene climate was also proposed;Chapter 6 gave the conclusions and perspectives. Moreover, the perspectives of avian-arcaheozoology in China were proposed.
