

Research on the Problem of the Loss and Restitution of Chinese Cultural Relics

【作者】 汪喆

【导师】 张居中;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学技术大学 , 科学技术史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 我国历史悠久,文明辉煌,勤劳智慧的祖先给我们留下了浩如烟海的文化遗产和文明古迹。然而,在人类的发展史上,世界上许多国家曾一度因为没有有效的法律制约等原因而导致本国的文化财产流失境外。尤其是中国这样的文物大国,由于战争劫掠、偷盗走私、非法交易等原因,使我国大量的珍贵文物流失海外。改革开放以来,中国经济迅速增长,人民生活水平日益提高,我国在物质文明建设取得一定成效的基础上,开始注重精神文明建设。对文化遗产的极力保护,以及对流失海外文物的关注,竭力通过种种渠道促进非法流失海外文物的回归就是其体现形式之一。在这种研究背景下,本文选择对我国文物流失与回归的相关问题进行系统的研究,在搞清何谓流失文物、何谓回归文物的基础上,掌握我国文物非法流失的背景、方式、数量和分布状况,然后根据流失现状探讨不同流失文物的回归渠道。最后针对国家大力提倡的对非法流失文物坚决进行追索的呼吁,着重探讨追索流失文物所涉及的相关法律问题。论文的具体内容如下:第一章是绪论,主要对前人的研究现状进行简单评述,并介绍本文的研究背景、研究意义、研究思路及拟要解决的问题和研究方法。第二章是“流失文物”和“回归文物”的定义,简述论文中将要涉及到的一些相关概念,并对“流失文物”和“回归文物”的定义加以界定。第三章是文物的流失方式与流失现状,探析当时我国文物流失的历史必然性,论述鸦片战争以来我国文物的流失方式、流失数量及大致的分布状况。第四章是流失文物回归的相关问题,首先,概述流失文物回归的几种渠道以及流失文物返还的国际历史背景;其次,响应国家大力提倡要求依法追索非法流失海外文物,探析文化财产国际法保护的发展进程,并对目前追索非法流失文物的法律框架——三个国际公约及其背后的两个法律理论依据进行比较评述,指出我国依法追索流失文物所面临的法律障碍;再次,探讨追索流失文物时所遇到的文物市场国的文化沙文主义以及文物国际贸易机制问题;最后,通过分析几个国际社会成功追索流失文物的案例,试图对我国今后的追索工作提出一些建设性的对策,并对今后的追索前景进行展望。第五章是结语,简要回顾和总结本文的研究内容,并对今后的研究工作进行前瞻性探讨。

【Abstract】 China is a country with a long history. Within its 5000 years history, the industrious and intelligent people created incredible civilization and left a lot of cultural relics for us. However, cultural properties of many countries have been lost overseas because of incomplete conventions and civil laws. Especially for China, because of war booty, stealing, smuggling, illicit trade and so on, a mass of national treasures lost all over the world now. Along with the reform opening-up, economic growth in China has been rapid in recent years, and the living standard also has been improved. China began to pay attention to the spiritual civilization construction, on the base of some success of material civilization achieved. As we can see in the strong protection of the cultural heritage and the concern on the China’s return of cultural relics lost overseas.Under this research background, the dissertation does the research on the problems of the loss and restitution of Chinese cultural relics. It figures out what is lost cultural relics and what is returned cultural relics, also the historic backgroud, the amount, and the distribution of the lost cultural relics. Then it discusses the different approaches to destitute lost cultural relics according to the different lost background. Finally it explores the related problems that involved when we try to restitute the illegally lost cultural relics.The dissertation is divided into five parts:The first chapter is the introduction. It primarily analyses related problem on the loss and recovery of Chinese cultural relics that were researched by former scholars, and then briefly introduces the purpose, significance and method of this paper and the problems planned to solve.The second chapter is the definition of "lost cultural relics" and "returned cultural relics". It refers to some correlative concepts in this paper, and then attempts to give the definition about what are "lost cultural relics" and "returned cultural relics".The third chapter is the lost approaches of cultural relics and the status quo of the lost cultural relics. It discusses the historic inevitability of the loss of cultural relics in that period and then introduces how the Chinese cultural relics lost overseas after the opium war, the amount and the distribution of the lost cultural relics.The forth chapter focus on the related problems that involved in restituting the lost cultural relics. Firstly, it briefly introduces the returned channels of the lost cultural relics and the historic background of the international return of cultural property. Secondly, aim at one of the returned method which our country advocated most, namely restitution, it discusses the historic courses of the international protection of cultural property and then compares and analyses three international conventions through which we can restitute the illegally lost cultural relics and the two conflicting legal theories struggling behind them. Also it analyses the obstacles and legal issues that China may encounter when restituting the cultural relics overseas. Thirdly, it discusses the chauvinism of the marketing country and problems of illicit international trade of cultural property that occurred when instituting the lost cultural relics. Lastly, it analyses some successful cases of the restitution of lost cultural property and try to put forth some constructive countermeasures to our country’s, and then looks forward the future of the restitution of lost cultural relics.The fifth chapter is the epilogue. It briefly reviews and summarizes the contents of the dissertation and then tries to offer some opinions for the future research work.

【关键词】 中国文物流失回归障碍对策
【Key words】 Chinacultural relicslostrestituteobstaclecountermeasure