

A Study on the Urbanization Styles of Minority Areas in Northwest China

【作者】 王雅红

【导师】 杨建新;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 民族学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 少数民族地区的城镇化问题是近年来学术界关注的热点问题。许多地方的发展实践已经证实,通过实施城镇化战略,可以达到推动少数民族地区经济社会总体发展的战略目标。由于各地区的具体条件有所不同,故而在城市发展的速度、范围、途径和道路等方面也有所不同,由此形成了不同的城镇化模式。本文以甘肃、新疆等少数民族地区的城镇化现象为研究对象,运用民族学、社会学和城市学等研究方法,建构了城市化模式的分析框架,并选取石河子市、博乐市、阿克塞哈萨克族自治县三地为样本,对其城镇化过程进行了个案分析,考察了它们城镇发展不同的道路和途径,形成了对三地城镇化模式的不同认识。全文共分三个部分:第一部分包括绪论、第一章和第二章。绪论部分简要介绍了相关问题的研究状况,并交代了写作本文的目的。第一章和第二章主要对城市化及其模式进行了理论分析,在“多元要素理论”和“区位复合理论”的基础上,建立了对城市化模式进行分析的理论框架,提出从城市化主体、城市化要素和城市化动力三大系统进行考察的研究视角,并将其与少数民族地区的城市化实践相结合,为后续研究搭建了理论的平台。第二部分的内容主要是对少数民族地区城市化模式的个案分析。在第三章里,主要分析了以石河子为代表的“嵌入”式移民城市的模式类型,指出其“即时城”的城市化特点,并分析了此类城市化模式对少数民族地区开发的意义。第四章是对新疆博乐市城市化模式的考察和分析。通过对城市化要素和指标的分析,指出其边疆口岸城市的发展类型,总结了其“核心——边缘”的城市化特点,并进一步研究了全球化时代少数民族地区边疆口岸城市发展的途径和方法。第五章以甘肃省阿克塞哈萨克族自治县的城镇化实践为例,分析了“生态移民”类型的城镇化模式,总结了这一模式的特点和实施条件,并就其在少数民族地区城镇化过程中的示范意义进行了探讨。第六章既是对全文的总结,也是本文的第三部分。在这一部分里,作者针对研究中产生的一些问题进行了深入地探讨,从城市化战略、城市发展规模、城市化的内容和实质以及城市的可持续发展的角度,对所做研究进行了总结,并对相关问题做了更进一步的理论探讨。

【Abstract】 The urbanization in minority areas is a hot topic in the field of ethnology researching in recent years. It has already been testified that urbanization gives the help to promote the economic development and social progress in minority areas. In fact, based on different environmental and social conditions, the ways of the urbanization in variant areas are different too. So there are many kinds of the styles in the proceeding of urbanization.This dissertation focuses on the urbanization in the minority areas in Northwest China, especially in Gansu and Xinjiang. Shihezi, Bole and Akesai are chosen to be the examples to do the research on the urbanization styles in different areas.There are three parts in this dissertation:The first part is consisted of three chapters. In the first section, the author introduces the scholarly depth on the field and the important significance of the research. In chapter 1 and chapter 2, the author gives an analytical framework which is based on the Multiple-factors Equilibrium theory and Humanistic Location theory to do the research on the styles of urbanizations.The second part of the dissertation is the case study. Chapter 3 is a research on the urbanization style of Shihezi in Xinjiang. It is one of the Instant Cities in Northwest China and the feature of this kind of urbanization is "insert".Chapter 4 is an analysis of Bole city in Xinjiang. Bole locates at the frontier, it is an important pivot on communication. The style of its urbanization can be generalized as a "Centre-Edge" case.The last example of the urbanization in minority areas is Akesai in Gansu. It is a small town of a Kazak nationality society. The way of its urban development is based on the eco-emigration. So the urbanization style in Akesai is different from the other two. Chapter 5 gives an analysis of the phenomenon.Chapter 6 is the third part of the dissertation. Besides to give the conclusion in the whole, the author discusses some problems in the urbanization of minority areas. Some of them are the strategy of urban development, the scope of cities and towns, and the essence of urbanization.

【关键词】 西北少数民族城市化模式
【Key words】 Northwest ChinaMinority areasUrbanizationStyle
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期
  • 【分类号】F299.27
  • 【被引频次】29
  • 【下载频次】3774