

The Pedigree of the Chio-ssu-lo Family

【作者】 齐德舜

【导师】 洲塔;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 民族学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 在中国的西北地区,有一大批对当地乃至整个中国西北地区都很有影响的少数民族家族。这些少数民族家族长时期生存繁衍在西北地区,对当地的政治、经济、文化都产生了深远的影响。但是遗憾的是对这些少数民族家族的研究,在中国的民族史学界基本上还是一个空白。本论文就是对一个在中国西北传承近千年并且有巨大影响的少数民族家族的研究。本研究充分利用历史文献资料,运用民族学理论和历史学的解释与分析、比较与综合等研究方法,从宏观与微观、历史与现实、理论与实践等角度对唃厮啰家族深入剖析,以唃厮啰家族的世系传承为主线,以中央王朝在西北地区的民族政策为辅线,全面系统而又客观地展现了一个家族在上千年的历史长河中的发展与演变,通过一个家族演变的角度再现了中国西北地区波澜壮阔的历史。本研究除绪论外共十四章。其中结论部分为作者在对唃厮啰家族研究过程中的一些思考,也即是对如何进行少数民族家族研究的一些理论探讨。其余部分共分十三章,上下两编。上编为唃厮啰评传,主要是写唃厮啰的生平,从他出生时期甘青藏区由于吐蕃王朝的崩溃而引发变乱,四分五裂,到他青年时期的艰难创业,从唃厮啰一生的奋斗中我们可以从一个人的角度来重新解读宋代西北的历史,从唃厮啰戎马一生的艰难历程中我们也可以重新审视西北各民族之间复杂的关系。下编为唃厮啰历代后裔研究。唃厮啰去世之后,其后人仍旧活动在西北地区,艰难地维持着残存的政权,但是随着家族的衰落以及其它势力的增长,唃厮啰政权终于灭亡。唃厮啰政权灭亡之后,唃厮啰的后人仍然活跃在西北的历史舞台上,为中国西北地区的历史发展继续发挥着自己的作用。元朝时期唃厮啰的后人归附了元朝,并在元朝统一中国的征程中立下了汗马功劳,甚至有赵汝砺被封开国公的辉煌。明朝建立之后,唃厮啰的后人赵琦迅速又归顺于大明政权的统治之下并在西北地区继续发挥着自己的作用。但是遗憾的是,随着赵琦被卷入“蓝玉之案”而满门抄斩,唃厮啰家族度过了家族史上最黑暗的一段岁月。后来,赵安又东山再起并于明英宗正统年间获赐“免死铁券”,被封“会川伯”,唃厮啰家族又重新崛起,赵安也成为赵氏土司的第一位土司而世代相袭,直到民国时期赵天乙被废止。从最初的地方政权到受封为地方土司,唃厮啰的后人完成了角色的转变,在历史的长河中把握住了自己的方向,创造了一个又一个辉煌瞬间。总之,本文的重点就是希望通过对唃厮啰家族世系史的研究以一个全新的视角来研究西北历史,以一个新的视角来看这漫长历史长河中各民族之间的复杂关系以及少数民族家族与中央王朝,与整个中国历史的互动关系。

【Abstract】 Abstract:In northwest China, there were a large number of ethnic great clans that were influential in the locality and even the whole northwest. Unfortunately, it was almost blank in the study of them in the ethnic history. This dissertation studied the Chio-ssu-lo family, one of them which has had a long history of almost one thousand years.It made full use of historical documents based on the methods of comparison and comprehensive approaches, meanwhile the macro and the micro, the historical and the actual, the theoretical and the practical perspectives were synthesized to explain and analyze, and compare the history and the actuality applying the ethnological theories in order to unfold entirely and objectively the surging history of the northwest China from the evolvement of a single clan, the genealogy of the Chio-ssu-los serving as the main line and the ethnic policies as the subsidiary.There are fourteen chapters in this dissertation. The conclusion is the reflections on the study of the family, and it is also a theoretical consideration of the research of ethnic clans. The other thirteen chapters are divided into two parts. The first part is a critical biography on Chio-ssu-lo himself, mainly on his life from the disintegrating time of turmoil in Kansu-Tsinghai Tibetan regions when he was born after the collapse of the Tibetan regime in ninth century to the hard time of pioneering an enterprise with arduous efforts in his youth. The history of northwest China in Sung dynasty could be reanalyzed from his striving military life and the relationships between diverse minorities could also be reexamined.The second part is a study on his descendants. After Chio-ssu-lo died, his progeny were still active in the northwest and maintained the surviving local regime founded by their ancestors, which finally died out with the decline of the family and the rise of other powers. Since then, his posterity remained functioning on the historical stage in the development of the region. In Yuan dynasty, they submitted to the Yuan central regime and made war exploits in the unification of China. The clan reached its greatest glory when Chao Ruli was conferred one of the outstanding founding fathers. In Ming dynasty, Chao Tsi, one of the Chio-ssu-los rapidly to submit to the Ming central dynasty and played his role in the northwest. Unfortunately, with Chao Tsi’s implication in the "Lanyu Case", the entire clan was executed and thrown into the darkest period in its history.Later on, when Chao An returned to his power and was conferred Huichuan Earl by the emperor Yingdzong (1436-1448) and granted the’Iron Vouch of Exemption from Death’, the Chio-ssu-los rose again and Chao An was made the first chieftain of the Chaos and inherited by his progeny until Chao Tianyi in the Republic of China (1911-1949) when the heredity ended. From rising up to the central regime as an equal to the chieftain, Chio-ssu-lo’s scions successfully adapted to their roles, seized the right time and opportunities in the long process of history and consequently created their glories one after another.To sum up, the dissertation focused on the history of northwest China from a fresh perspective of the genealogy of the Chio-ssu-los, the interaction between ethnic clans and the imperial dynasties and the complicated relationships among themselves in the long history.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期