

【作者】 吕文广

【导师】 聂华林;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 区域经济学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 农业现代化是我国农业发展的目标和基本方向,也是我国全面实现国民经济现代化的关键与难点。改革开放30年来,我国农业发展取得了举世瞩目的成就,农业综合生产能力和整体素质都有了很大的提高,农产品供给由长期短缺向总量基本平衡、丰年有余转变,强有力地支撑了国民经济的发展。但截至目前,传统的农业生产方式还没有实现根本性转变,粗放经营、水土污染、弱质低效、一家一户小生产经营的局面还没有得到完全扭转。因此,推进农业现代化建设,加快传统农业向现代农业转变,是全面提高我国农业生产力水平,增强农业比较效益,促进农民持续增收,繁荣农村经济的需要,也是全面贯彻落实科学发展观,推进社会主义新农村建设,从根本上解决“三农”问题的需要。甘肃作为我国西部经济欠发达省份,农业在国民经济中的基础地位更为明显,城乡二元结构的矛盾更为突出,与全国农业发展平均水平的差距进一步拉大,农业发展仍存在资源短缺、技术落后、效率低下、生态破坏和环境污染等突出问题。就现实情况来看,甘肃农业经济增长由粗放型向集约型的转变还没有实现整体性突破,农村经济发展的质量和效益还没有得到实质性提高,经济全球化和全面建设小康社会向纵深发展对全省农业和农村经济发展方式转变带来新的压力。如果这些矛盾和问题得不到有效及时解决,农村经济社会就很难步入全面协调可持续发展的新阶段。因此,甘肃农业的发展必须根据全省经济社会发展实际,立足长远与可持续发展,以特色农业现代化建设为突破口与战略重点,转变发展方式,优化空间布局,保护生态环境,完善产业体系,从而有效促进传统农业向现代农业的适时转变,实现农村经济又好又快发展。鉴于此,论文以甘肃省特色农业发展的基础条件、区域资源及经济社会发展实际为研究目标,根据甘肃农业现代化建设的现状及特点,在对农业现代化建设相关理论深入研究的基础上,充分借鉴国内外专家学者的研究成果,探索建立一套较为科学且易于操作的指标体系与评价模型,准确度量甘肃农业现代化建设进程,系统总结“时间序列”演变特征,科学评价“空间序列”发展水平。且以测度分析结果为依据,结合农业现代化路径选择理论与方法相关分析,最终锁定甘肃省特色农业现代化建设路径:循环农业与生态农业——甘肃省特色农业现代化建设的基本方向;农地流转制度创新—甘肃省特色农业现代化建设的内在要求;科技兴农与品牌战略——甘肃省特色农业现代化建设的强大动力;农业风险机制建设——甘肃省特色农业现代化建设的基本保障;培养造就新型农民——甘肃省特色农业现代化建设的核心与关键。

【Abstract】 The agriculture modernization is the goal and fundamental direction of our country agricultural development, which is also the key and difficulty to realize the national economy modernization comprehensively. Since the reform and open policy has implemented for 30 years, our country agricultural development has achieved the achievement which attracts worldwide attention, agricultural synthesis productivity and the overall quality has improved greatly, the agricultural product supplies turn to the total quantity basic balanced and harvest year from long-term short, which support the national economy development powerfully. But up to now, the traditional agricultural production way has not transformed basically, the extensive management, the water and soil pollution, the feeble constitution and low efficiency, the master of the house small-scale production management’s aspect have not reversed radically. Therefore, the advancement modern agriculture construction and speeding up the traditional farming to the modern agriculture transformation are the key to raise our country agriculture productive force levels, enhance the agriculture comparison benefits, promote the farmer comprehensively to continue to make earnings, prosperous agricultural and the rural economy; which are also the need to implement and realize the scientific development conception, promote the socialism new rural reconstruction, solve the "three agriculture" questions fundamentally.As the developing province in the western, Gansu agriculture is more obvious in the national economy leading position, the city and countryside dual structure question is more prominent, the agricultural development levels to the nation enlarge further. Regardless of the realistic situation and the long-term trend, the agricultural development still has the prominent questions such as the shortage of resources, the low labor productivity, the weak competitive power and the low comparison benefits, the entire province agricultural economy transformation from the extension to the intensive ways has not realized the integrity breakthrough, the rural economic development quality and the benefits have not enhanced substantively, the economic globalization and the comprehensive construction affluent society bring the new pressure to the depth development to Gansu agriculture and the rural economic development way transformation. If these contradictions and questions cannot resolve effectively, the rural economy society is very difficult to develop the sustainable development new stage. So, the agriculture and the countryside development of the Gansu must be according to the entire economic society reality, foothold the long-term and sustainable development, take the breach and the strategic priority by the characteristic agriculture modernization construction, realize the rural economy development quickly by way of the transforming the development way, optimizing the spatial arrangement, protecting the ecological environment, perfecting the industrial system, promoting the traditional farming effectively to modern agriculture.In views of these, the thesis aims at the Gansu Province characteristic agricultural basic requirement, the regional resources and the economic society development, according to Gansu agriculture modernization construction present situation and characteristic, in the basis of the agriculture modernization correlation theories, making full use of the related agriculture modernization and standard research results from the domestic and foreign experts, exploring to establish set of scientific natures and operational indicator and the evaluation model, measuring accurately and explaining the Gansu Province agriculture modernization advancement featuring "the space and time sequence" as well as the influence characteristic agriculture modernization advancement during the various factors interaction mechanism, and basing on the analysis results, in lights of the agriculture modernization way and the analysis, making up the characteristic agriculture modernization construction way:the Gansu Province characteristic agriculture modernization construction fundamental directions are circulation agriculture and the ecological agriculture; The farmland circulation institutional innovations are the Gansu Province characteristic agriculture modernization construction intrinsic request; the prosperous of the agriculture depending on the science and technology and the brand strategy are the powerful engines to the characteristic agriculture modernization construction; the basic safeguard to the agriculture modernization is the agriculture risk mechanism construction; the core and key to the Gansu Province characteristic agriculture modernization construction is raising the new peasant.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期