

Economic Evaluation of Grassland Ecological Services and Optimization of Classification Management Mode Based on RS and GIS in Gannan

【作者】 张丛

【导师】 李自珍; 陈全功;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 生态经济学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 在全球气候变暖的大背景下,随着畜牧业以增加总存栏数量为标志的粗放型增长和人口的激增,人们为了追求短期经济利益的最大化,不惜超载过牧,以牺牲长期的生态效益为代价对草地进行掠夺式经营,导致草地大面积退化,生产力下降,并引发生物多样性丧失、水土流失加剧、区域气候环境恶化等一系列生态后果。另一方面,随着社会经济的发展和生活水平的提高,人类要求草地在大量生产草畜产品的同时,能够提供持续的公益性生态服务,这就使草地大面积退化和社会对草地多种需求之间的矛盾成为目前草地畜牧业发展面临的基本矛盾。草地分类经营,力图“以局部的单一目的经营,来获取协同的总体最大收益”的经营模式,来协调和解决这一基本矛盾,从而达到遏制草地退化、实现草地的可持续利用的目的,对草业的可持续发展具有理论价值和现实意义。本研究在分析了已有的草地分类经营模式的基础上,探索出更为优化的分类经营模式。通过基于RS和GIS的甘南草地生态服务价值的估算,实现了草地的生态-经济效益的一体化测算,并以一体化测算的结果为基础数据源,以各草地型的生态服务价值占总价值的比重为指标,采用K-Means动态聚类分析方法,将甘南的草地划分为经济功能区、混合功能区和生态功能区,结果表明:(1)草地大面积退化和社会畜产品需求之间的矛盾冲突是促成实行草地分类经营的根本原因。作为协调这一矛盾的新思路,它的产生有着社会、经济以及生态环境的驱动力。草地生态服务价值估算方法的日趋成熟,提高了草地的分类经营可操作性。(2)甘南草地总的生态服务价值为1617.16×106元RMB/a,是2007年甘南牧业产值的2.81倍,这说明甘南草地具有巨大的生态效益。估算结果表明,甘南草地具有多种生态服务功能,其中以水源涵养和气候调节的功能最为明显。(3)对甘南各草地型的K-Means动态聚类得到3个类,3个类中心点的物质生产、土壤保持、水源涵养、气候调节的价值比重分别为(0.2548,0.1442,0.3153,0.2857),(0.4452,0.1506,0.2059,0.1983),(0.1137,0.1698,0.3251,0.3914)。在甘南草地的35个草地型中,属于第1类的有12个,属于第2类的有16个,属于第3类的有7个。(4)3个最终类中心点的情况表明,第2类的物质生产的价值比重最高,其他生态服务价值比重低于则第1类和第3类;第3类的土壤保持、水源涵养和气候调节价值的比重高于第1类和第2类,而物质生产价值比重则最低;而第1类则介于两者之间。根据比较优势理论,第2类功能定位是经济功能区,第3类功能定位是生态功能区,而介于两者之间的第1类的功能定位则是混合功能区。在甘南的3个功能区中,经济功能区面积最大,为149.20×104hm2,占草地总面积的57.33%;混合功能区面积次之,为90.46×104hm2,占草地总面积的34.76%;生态功能区的面积最小,为20.59×104bm2,占草地总面积的7.91%。

【Abstract】 On the great background of global warming, with the extensive sharp increase of animal husbandry marked as increasing the total penned quantity and the rapid growth of population, the grassland has been excessive overgrazed and plundered on the cost of sacrifice of long term ecological benefit, which will result in the grassland degradation, productivity decrease, and a series of ecological destruction consequences such as biodiversity loss, soil erosion aggravation and regional climate environment deterioration, etc. On the other hand, with the development of social economy and living standard, the grassland is further requested to not only produce massive grass-animal products but also provide sustained commonweal ecological services. This kind of requirement leads to the contradiction between grassland degradation and the rising social demand for grassland changing as the basic contradiction of grassland animal husbandry development at present, which could be coordinated and solved by grassland classification management on the management mode of acquiring the total maximum profit on the basis of one purpose local management. Accordingly, the grassland degradation will be held back and the healthy grassland development will be promoted, which has theoretical value and realistic significance to come true grassland sustained development.On the basis of learning and analyzing existing grassland classification management mode, optimal operation mode was explored, and the integrated calculation of grassland ecological-economical profits was implemented. Meanwhile, on the basis of all these data and proportion of each ecological service value accounting for the total value, the grassland in GanNan prefecture was divided into economical functional area, multi-functional area and ecological functional area by the method of K-Means dynamic cluster analysis, and the optimization of grassland classified management mode was accomplished. Following were the results:(1) The contradiction between grassland degradation and rising demands for animal products was the fundamental cause of grassland classified management, which emergence had social, economical and ecological driving forces. Furthermore, the grassland properties and becoming mature of grassland ecological services calculation methods made the classification management have the realistic feasibility.(2) According to conservative calculation, the total ecological service values in GanNan prefecture was 1617.16X106 RMB/a, and 2.81 times of husbandry output value of GanNan prefecture, which means that grassland in GanNan prefecture has enormous ecological and economical profits. All these results could help us understand the ecological service functions of GanNan grassland, and magnificent water conservation and climate regulation function of grassland in GanNan prefecture could be learned.(3) Using the proportion of ecological service values of different kind of grassland taking account of total value as the classification index, by the method of K-Means dynamic cluster analysis, the value proportion of material production, soil conservation, water conservation and climate regulation in three final class center were as following:(0.2548,0.1442,0.3153,0.2857), (0.4452,0.1506,0.2059, 0.1983), (0.1137,0.1698,0.3251,0.3914). The results showed that there were 12 grassland types belongs to first kind,16 types belongs to second kind and 7 types belongs to the third kind.(4) The results showed that the second material had highest value proportion and lowest other ecological service value proportion; the third material has higher value proportion in soil conservation, water conservation and climate regulation than the first and second kind, while lowest material production value; and the first kind had higher material production value proportion than the first kind whereas lower proportion than the third one. Therefore, the first kind was regarded as economic functional region; the second kind was ecologic functional region and the third as multi-functional region. Among these functional regions in GanNan prefecture, economic functional region had largest area, about 149.20 X 104hm2, accounting for 57.33% of total grassland area, and multi-functional region had second largest area, 90.46 X 104hm2, occupying 34.76% of total area, while the area of ecologic functional region was smallest, about 20.59 X 104hm2, accounting for 7.91% of total grassland area.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期