

The Impact of Conservation Projects on Giant Panda Habitat and Local Community

【作者】 张玉波

【导师】 李俊清;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 生态学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 生态系统为人类提供了赖以生存的物质条件,随着人类对自然的过度索取,生态系统退化已经成为全球性的问题,不仅对于人类自身,也对其他物种的生存造成了巨大威胁。近几十年来,生态系统发生巨大变化的同时,贫困问题也日益成为现代社会面对的巨大挑战。世界上最贫困人群所依赖的资源受到全球性环境问题的影响最大,这些人群最容易陷入到“生态系统退化—贫困陷阱”之中,在这一陷阱之中贫困与生态系统退化形成了恶性循环。与地球上的许多其它物种一样,大熊猫由于栖息地的丧失和退化而受到了严重威胁。虽然我国在大熊猫的主要栖息地建立了自然保护区网络以保护这一濒危物种,但是仍然有一半的大熊猫栖息地处于保护区之外,相对于保护区中的栖息地,这部分栖息地受到的人为干扰更多。在社会经济层面上,这些地区多为经济发展相对滞后的老少边穷地区,因此如何将保护和恢复大熊猫栖息地与帮助当地群众尽快摆脱贫困进行有机结合,达到保护与发展的双赢,成为当前十分紧迫的任务。本文以平武县木皮藏族乡为研究对象,综合使用遥感、地理信息系统以及地面调查的方法,研究了生态保护工程实施前后当地大熊猫栖息地的变化以及当地居民收入的变化,并且对这些变化的驱动力进行了分析。随着国家级生态保护工程以及基于社区的保护与发展项目的实施,大熊猫的栖息地逐步得到了恢复,并且当地居民的收入有了较大幅度的提高,表明当地摆脱了“生态系统退化—贫困陷阱”。主要结果如下:1)1986-1999年间,木皮乡的植被类型由针叶林、针阔混交林和阔叶林转化为灌木林,植物群落的演替在人类干扰下进入逆行演替。这一时期,大熊猫栖息地适宜度指数由0.82降至0.74。最适宜大熊猫栖息地的比例由56.15%减少至39.49%,减少了16.66%,景观多样性指数由1.16提高至1.29,栖息地的破碎化程度加深。2)1999-2009年期间,随着天保工程、退耕还林工程以及ICDP项目的实施,木皮乡的植被类型的转化方向为草地/农田→灌木林→阔叶林→针阔混交林→针叶林,群落进入顺行自然演替。这一时期,低质量的大熊猫栖息地向高质量转化,栖息地适宜度指数由0.74升至0.80,栖息地景观多样性指数由1.29降至1.18,表明破碎化程度降低。3)利用CA-MARKOV模型对木皮乡的植被进行预测后发现,如果植被变化继续1986-1999年间的演化趋势,到2009年,灌木林将成为主要的植被类型。在此基础上,大熊猫栖息地将进一步退化,栖息地适宜度指数仅为0.68。2009年预测的大熊猫栖息地中的最适宜部分仅是2009年实际值的54.51%。4)对1999-2009年间木皮乡社会经济状况的调查表明,随着天保工程的实施,木材生产停止,林区内公路的减少,居民由高山向沟谷和区外转移,以及ICDP项目中的能源替代与生计替代是当地植被以及大熊猫栖息地恢复的主要驱动力。5)1999-2009年期间,由于退耕还林的实施,农户的种植业收入降低,但退耕还林补助抵消了这一负面效应,加之务工、养殖业等非种植业收入的大幅度提高,农户的总收入在扣除通货膨胀因素后,由1999年的4768元增长至2009年的12521元,平均年增长幅度为16.26%。6)由于薪柴消耗量的大幅度降低以及牲畜饲养方式的转变,参加ICDP的农户的人均生态足迹由2.7346hm2变为1.6325 hm2,降低了40.30%,同时农户的人居环境有了极大改善。

【Abstract】 Ecosystem provides human being immediate needs, with the overexploitation of natural resources, ecosystem degradation has become a globle problem not only for human being, but also for other species existence. Along the significant change of ecosystem, poverty is also a great chanllenge for modern society in recent decades. The most impoversihed people are most likely to fall into ecosystem degradation-poverty trap, in which poverty leads to ecosystem degradation and ecosystem degradation deepens poverty. Like many other species, giant panda(Ailuropoda melanoleuca) has been endangered due to habitat loss and degradation. Although a network of nature reserves aiming at protect giant panda habitat has been built, about half habitat was out of the boundary of the nature reserves. Compared with the habitat in nature reserves, giant panda habitat outside nature reserves has undergone much more intense human disturbances over the past several decades Since local residents in giant panda habitat are often the most socially marginalized minority groups in the country their most food and energy are coming from the local forest ecosystems. Thus how to get win-win solution in giant panda habitat conservation and pverty alleviation outside nature reserves is a urgent issue.With an integrated use of remote sensing, geographic information system and field investigation, this paper studied changes in vegetation and other factors on which giant panda habitat depends through the period of 1986-2009. The main results are:1) During 1986-1999, the vegetation changed from coniferous forest, mix forest and decidous forest to shrub under huaman disturbance. The giant panda haibitat suitability index (HSI) declined from 0.82 to 0.74, and the most suiTab. habitat decreased 16.66%, from 56.15% to 39.49%. The haibtat landscape diversity index increased from 1.16 to 1.29, which means a more fragmented habitat 2) During 1999-2009, along with the implementaion of the Natural Forest Protection Program (NFPP), the Grain to Grreen Program(GTGP), as well as the integrated conservation and development projects (ICDP), the disturbance to forest declined, and the vegetation succession direction is grass/crop land→shrub→decidous forest→mix forest→coniferous forest. The low quality giant panda habitat changed to high quality, the HSI increased from 0.74 to 0.80, and a lower landscape diversity index means a less fragmented habitat.3) By the use of CA-MARKOV model,the primary vegetation type would be shrub in 2009 if the trend in 1986-1999 lasts. On this base, the giant panda habitat would degrated further, the HIS would be 0.68 and the most suiTab. habitat would be only 54.51% of the real situation.4) In 1999-2009, along with the implementation of the NFPP, commercial logging in Mupi was ceased and a large part of the logging road was abandoned. The main forces that lead to the improvement of giant habitat are abandoned logging road in forest, the migration of people from high mountains to valley as well as the energy and livelihood alternatives for local people.5) The subsidy from GTGP compensatedfarmers less income from crop land, and due to the increase from off-farm and livestock raising and beekeeping, farmers income increased from 4768 Yuan in 1999 to 12521 Yuan, the average annual increase ratio is 16.26%.6) The household ecological footprint declined 40.30%, from 2.7346 hm2 to 1.6325 hm2 per capita due to the less fuelwood consumption and transition of livestock raising pattern. The project recipients’household living conditions were also greatly improved.7) Built a coupled vegetation rehabilitation and economic development model and provided policy suggestions in the low-carbon rehabilitation of the earthquake region. Such suggestions includes: promoting the use of renewable energy, develop organic agriculture and agri-forestry, etc.
