

The Modern Meaning of Chinese Traditional Gardens

【作者】 熊瑶

【导师】 朱建宁;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 中国传统园林在世界园林艺术史上可谓独树一帜,与西方园林、伊斯兰园林一道,并称为世界三大造园体系。然而由于社会发展和环境变迁,使得中国传统园林与现代人对生活环境的要求之间,出现了巨大的时空落差。而又由于在传统文化继承上的缺失和西方强势文化的影响,使中国现代风景园林在迅速发展的同时,其作品的“现代性”和“原创性”也遭到了人们的普遍质疑。学界对中国传统园林传承与发展的研究也呈现出多样的态势,有人认为它是无法融入现实社会的死物,而也有人从弘扬民族文化的高度出发,强调继承传统园林,但却往往追随其表现形式。因此本文首先确立研究传统园林的正确态度:基于传统,重新创造。笔者认为在建设和研究的热潮背后,现在对待中国传统园林传承与发展的解读存在着三个误区:一是对传统园林的解读偏于要素和技法,而疏于理论和理法,造成理解流于表象和形式;二是对现代风景园林的本质把握有所偏失,造成对西方园林外在形式的照搬照抄;三是研究方法和视角的局限性,就传统论传统,而缺少对造园思想现代意义的探索。误区的根源在于没有廓清特定历史背景和地域文化下,园林艺术的本质特征以及其形成的根源所在,同时缺乏运用符合现时代特征的科学的思维路径去研究问题。因此,本文首先从人认识自身和客观世界的思维方式切入,就中西方思维方式的差异剖析两种艺术文化体系、学术理论体系差异的根本原因所在。从本质上解读中国传统园林和现代风景园林,并变更中国传统思维方式,借鉴西方思维方式之长处,运用科学的分析方法和创新的思维方式,探究中国传统园林的现代意义。论文梳理了中国传统园林的发展历程和其在东、西方的影响,以及进入近代后的衰落根源。同时剖析了现代风景园林的行业本质,即以自然文化为基础,以自然要素为素材,以自然风景为源泉的艺术创作,是有生命的、在不断生长变化的空间造型艺术和领土的安排与整治行为。并解析了其时代特征和发展趋势:以自然为主体,以生态为核心,以人本为宗旨,以地域为特征,以场地为基础,以空间为骨架,以时间为切片,以简约为手法。基于上述认识,论文从从现代园林出发,再回到传统园林,即从现代风景园林的设计步骤和设计方法出发,以现代风景园林设计的要求重新审视传统园林,从中剥离出其现代价值和局限性。具体而言,首先将现代风景园林设计分为六大方面:场地分析、设计思想、设计原型、设计要素、空间布局、设计意境。其次,一方面,就每一个步骤分析中国传统园林的理念和理法;另一方面,借鉴西方园林从传统到现代的成功转型和综合上述现代风景园林的时代特征,尝试建立一种评判标准;最后,以此审视中国传统园林,得出值得传承的方面,并探讨如何传承,以及值得反思的方面。最后,论文以笔者参与的湖南株洲天池公园规划和济南园艺博览会潍坊园景观设计为实例,探索如何在具体实践中,从上述六个方面,传承传统园林优秀的理念和理法,并在此基础上创新。

【Abstract】 Traditional Chinese garden can be described as unique in the history of garden art, with the Western garden, the Islamic garden called the world’s three major garden systems. However, the social development and environmental change make a huge gap of time and space between Traditional Chinese garden and the demands of the environment of modern life. Meanwhile, the absence of the traditional cultural inheritance and strong influences of the west culture, make the work lack of "modern" and "original",though the Chinese modern landscape architecture are developing rapidly. Academic research of Chinese traditional garden showing diverse trend, some people think that it is unable to integrate into the today’s society, while others from the perspective of national culture, emphasizing inherited traditional garden, but they tend to follow its manifestations. So, this article established the correct attitude of traditional garden firstly:the re-creation based on the tradition.The author believes that the interpretation of inheritance and development on traditional Chinese garden exist three misunderstanding behind the upsurge in construction and research. The first one is emphasis on terpretation of the traditional garden elements and techniques rather than the theory; the second one is lack of the essence of the modern landscape, resulting in copying the external forms of the West garden; the third one is the limitations of research methods and perspectives on the tradition, that means lack of exploration about the modern meaning of gardening ideas. This dissertation figures that the root is misunderstanding in the essential characteristics and the source of formation of the landscape art on specific historical context and regional culture, and lack of the scientific thinking mode to the research.Therefore, this paper starting from the thinking mode which affect people understand themselves and the objective world, analyses the differences between Chinese and Western thinking mode, accordingly, dissects the cause of fundamental difference between the two kinds of arts and culture system, and theoretical system of academic.On this basis,this article analyses the essence of Chinese traditional garden and morden landscape architect ure,meanwhile changes the traditional Chinese thinking mode,draws on the strength of the western thinking mode,and uses the scientific analysis and creative thinking mode,thereby explores the modern meaning of Chinese traditional gardenThen, this dissertation analyses the course of development of traditional Chinese garden and its influences in the East and West, and the reasons of the decline in modern time. The dissertation also analyses the essence of modern landscape architecture, that is the plastic arts of space and arrangement and remediation of territorial based on culture and natural elements, then analyses its characteristics and development trend.Based on the above understanding, the research of this dissertation starts from the modern landscape, and then returns to the traditional garden. That means we must use the modern landscape design requirements to re-examine the traditional garden, in order to separates from its value and limitations. Specifically, the modern landscape design is divided into six areas:site analysis, design ideal, design prototype, design elements, space layout and the art mood. Firstly, this paper analyses the method of traditional Chinese gardens on every step. Secondly, learn from the Western garden successful transformation from the traditional to the modern and combine the modern landscape characteristics, try to establish an evaluation standard; finally, explore how to inherit and develop the traditional Chinese garden.Finally, in this paper, Zhuzhou Tianchi park landscape planning and the design of the 7th China International Garden&Flower EXPO-Wei Fang Garden as two examples, the author discussed that how to inherit and develop the traditional Chinese garden.
