

Influnce of Chinese Culture and Art on Landscape Theory and Methodology

【作者】 李莎

【导师】 朱建宁;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 中国独特的自然环境基础孕育了独特的文化体系。从仓颉造字开始,象形与音义兼具的汉字,注定了汉语“言不能尽意”、汉思维“模糊而浑然一体”、汉文化“重统不重分”的性格。这种文化性格诞生出的儒、道哲学,构成了中国传统文人性格中互补的两个层面,深深影响着园林艺术——“源于自然高于自然”的山水园形态,正是中国式生存哲学的体现。与西方文化相比,中国文化具有明显的一元发展特性:从殷周“原始宗教精神”到先秦“理性思维”,从秦汉“浪漫神话”到魏晋六朝“人的觉醒”,从隋唐“瑰丽磅礴”到两宋“细腻微婉”,“超稳定”的封建农业社会中,中国文化以缓慢的速度步步前行。而北宋最终以山河丧失的代价,促成了中国文化艺术史上的巅峰一刻,园林艺术正在其中。揭示中国文化艺术特征,及其如何一步步影响、促进了传统园林理法的发展、变化,正是本文的核心内容。“现代性在于对传统的重新创造”。不同于儒生式复古,解决现代的问题只能由现代人用现代方式去做。而深层挖掘传统造园思想的来源,是能够清晰探讨如何在“种族的气质上”对传统园林继承与批判、融合与生长的客观前提。文本首先以图表方式总结园林艺术发生的时代背景与影响园林的哲学、艺术历程。再按“时代之精神”即哲学的变化历程划分时间段,逐步分析造园思想的时代差异。最后对比古今哲学,从作者参与的项目案例出发,探索如何以现代人的生活方式和审美观念,继承传统园林艺术的气韵精神。本文通过研究中国文化特征对园林艺术的影响,主要得出以下成果:1,第一次以绘图总结的方式,分析中国园林的发生背景及时代脉络;2,儒、道、禅“哲学-美学”是中国艺术思想进化的“三步曲”,本文在时代进程中,详细分析此“哲学-美学”结构对园林艺术思想的影响;3,分析传统文人园林的儒道互补结构;4,以现代唯物主义哲学观点对“天人合一”的造园思想再讨论。

【Abstract】 The unique Chinese culture was born and grown up with the special Chinese natural environment. Since Cang Jie invented characters with the combination of pictograph and intonation, the Chinese language has the following features:the meaning can not be expressed only with language; the Chinese thinking is not well defined but functions as a whole part; the Chinese culture emphasizes unity not pieces. This kind of culture characteristics has established the philosophy of Confucianism and Taoism, which forms the two complimentary aspect of the traditional Chinese people’s personality. Meanwhile, it has a strong influence on the Chinese landscape architecture, "from the nature and above the nature", representing the Chinese philosophy about life. In contrast with western culture, the Chinese culture has very distinct unitary development features. From "original religious spirit" of Yin and Zhou dynasty to "rational thinking" of early Qin dynasty, from Qin and Han "romantic legend" to Wei and Jin "people’s awareness", from Sui and Tang "Fantastic and spectacular" to Song "delicate and fine", the Chinese culture progressed slowly in the super steady feudalistic agriculture society. Finally, the Chinese culture and art reaches the peak in the Bei Song dynasty and landscape architecture is one example. This dissertation will focus on reflecting the Chinese culture characteristic and its influence and promotion to traditional landscape’s development and evolution."Modern means the transformation and invention of the tradition." Unlike restoring the ancient ways, the modern problems can only be solved with contemporary methods by contemporary people. The research and analysis on the original thinking for traditional landscape is the prerequisite for inheriting and criticizing the traditional landscape in respect of the racial spirit. In the dissertation, the tables and figures are used to summarize the time background, philosophy and art and their impact on the changes of landscape. Then, different time scale is defined based on "the spirit of the time" to analyze the thinking difference of landscape in different time. At last, by comparing the traditional and contemporary philosophy, the author adopts the project examples to investigate how to use the modern peoples’life style and esthetics to inherit the traditional landscape art spirit.This dissertation has investigated the Chinese culture characteristic’s influence on landscape architecture and has achieved in the following several aspects:1. This dissertation proposes to use the diagram and pictures to summarize and analyze Chinese landscape’s background and time spirit. 2. Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism are three steps of Chinese art thinking evolution. This dissertation first proposes to use philosophy and esthetics to investigate the cause of the progress for the landscape building methodology.3. This dissertation proposes and analyzes the traditional scholars’Confucianism and Taoism complementary thoughts.4. The modern materialism philosophy is used to discuss the landscape building thoughts "harmony between the heaven and human".
