

A Research on the Diplomacy of the Local Governments of the Late Qingdynasty

【作者】 赵宏林

【导师】 李育民;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 地方外交在国家外交中占有举足轻重的地位,发挥着不可替代的作用是晚清外交的重要特点之一,也是近代中国外交史上非常奇特的现象。它建立了一套比较完备的外交行政体制,由南、北洋大臣体制和省外交体制三个分体制构成。该体制的各组成要素通过各种复杂的关系联系在一起,担负着处理地方外交事务的重要职责,成为中国外交史上地方外交发展的顶峰。它的兴起和快速发展与晚清政府所处的历史环境有着密切关系,具有深刻的内、外部原因。本文旨在从整体上描绘晚清地方外交的大致轮廓,揭示促其发展的内、外原因,探讨它所反映的深层次问题,分析它在晚清外交和近代中国外交中的地位和产生的影响。包括绪论和结语在内,本文共分为10个部分。绪论部分陈述了选题意义,回顾和分析了目前史学界对晚清地方外交的研究成果,介绍了本文的研究思路、方法及创新、不足之处。该部分还对地方外交的概念作了针对性的解释和说明。主体部分由8章构成,各章的主要内容分别是:第一章探讨了地方外交权的演变,重点阐述了鸦片战争后地方外交权的发展情况。从外交权限、授权范围、权力适用事务及中央的监督和控制四个方面陈述了鸦片战争后地方外交权的扩张。从中央采取的各种措施和产生的影响阐述了清末新政后地方外交权受到的限制,由于地方的抵制和清王朝的迅速灭亡,这些措施收效不大。本章还从条约制度、华夷观念等四个主要方面分析了鸦片战争后地方外交权扩张的原因。第二章探讨地方外交行政体制。该体制由南、北洋大臣体制和省外交体制三个分体制构成,以南、北洋大臣和洋务局的演化为主线分别考察了该三个分体制的演变过程。从内、外部关系两个方面考察了各要素是如何联系在一起,促成该体制运作的。第三章重点探讨了督抚衙门、关道、洋务局和交涉使司等主要的地方外交机关的设置、权限、职责或经费等情况,对处于政权最基层的县的外交权责也作了简单介绍。第四章考察了清政府对地方外交官的培养、选用和管理举措,以量化分析法探讨了他们的综合素质。第五章阐述和分析了各主要省份的交涉费情况。第六章对中外约章关于地方外交礼仪的有关规定作了归纳和分析,指出专门的地方外交礼仪的制定既是晚清地方外交发展的重要标志,又是晚清外交近代化趋势发展的标志。中外双方经常在地方外交礼仪问题上产生争论或争执,但彼此的出发点和根本目的不同。地方官十分重视外交礼仪的作用,把其作为抵制列强索取约外外交特权,发展中外关系的重要辅助手段。第七章结合地理因素、民众观念和地方官的对外态度三个最主要的影响因素探讨了地方外交各地差异的主要外在表现。第八章对庞杂的地方交涉事件作了归类,分析了地方官处理各类交涉事件的态度和方式等。在对晚清地方外交进行了上述考察后,对其在晚清外交和近代中国外交中的地位和产生的影响作了分析,作为本文的结束语。

【Abstract】 The local diplomacy plays a great important and irreplaceable role in the diplomacy of the late Qing government.This is one of the main distinguishing features of the diplomacy of the late Qingdynasty, Also,it is one peculiar phenomenon in the modern Chinese diplomcay history.The local diplomacy after the first Opium War has set up a complete administrative system,which is composed of the Nanyang and Beiyang minister sub-administrative systems and the provincial ones. All the ingredients gather together by kinds of relations,and take on the arduous task of coping with tremendous foreign-related-affairs.The local diplomacy of the late Qingdynasty is the toppest development stage in the Chinese local diplomacy history.Its prosperity is closely connected with the environment at that times.The artical below will depict roughly its whole profile,analyse the factors which give rise to this phenomenon, probe the major matters that it reflects and reveal its status and influences.The artical comprises ten parts, including the "preface" and the"end".The preface introduces the significance of this artical, the present situation of study on this topic and the research method and strategy. The innovations and shortages will also be narrated in this part. In order to make it clear, the meaning of the "local diplomacy" is explained generally.The main body of this artical is composed of eight chapters. Chaper 1 probes the developing course of the local diplomatic authority, the situation after the first Opium War is stressed. In the period between the 40s of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century,the diplomatic power of the local governors’expanded greatly. From the start of the 20th century,the central government took many measures to control and limit this power, but did not achieved much. The second chapter studies the local diplomatic administrtive system and the relations among its elements.In the third chapter, the power limitation,the responsibility, the fund, or some other aspects of the chief diplomatic agencies,such as the governor’s Yamen,Guandao, Yang Wuju, will be investigated in detail. In additon, the diplomatic duty of the counties will be introduced briefly. The forth chapter elaborates and analyses the drilling selecting and management of the local diplomatic officials. By way of quantitative research,this chapter probes the comprehensive qualities of the chief diplomatic officals of some provinces. The collecting and paying ways and amounts of the funds for the local diplomacy of some provinces will be introduced in the fifth chapter.Chapter 6 expounds the main contents of the local diplomatic ceremonies ruled by the treaties.The setting of the ceremonies is one of the main marks of the developing of the local diplomacy and the tendency to modernization of the diplomacy of the late Qingdynasty.In a period after the second Opium War,because the Qing government did not issue the treaties in time,the local officials did not know the rules about the ceremonies,some of them did not use properly. With the deeping of their diplomatic knowledge and the issue of the treaties,the local officials payed more and more attention to the ceremonies.There are great disparities of the diplomacy among different areas.The main causes are the geographic factors,economic development an conventions.The outer performances caused by these three factors will be discussed in the seventh chapter.The numbers of the local foreign affairs are immense,but they can be classified nine kinds,they are affairs about the trade,the religion,the rescue,the justice,etc.The last chapter will do this job.In the end,the artical analyses the status in and the impact on the diplomacies of the late Qingdynasty and the modern Chinese history.By this research on the diplomacy of the late Qingdynasty,we get some lessons,such as the central government and the local governments should resolve appropriately the allocation of the diplomatic authority,and so on.

  • 【分类号】K252
  • 【被引频次】10
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