

Study on Status Quo of Academic Power in Universities in China

【作者】 李海萍

【导师】 张楚廷;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 学术权力弱化是我国高等教育中被普遍认可的现状。学术权力的内涵,重要的不是从其管理内容来看,而是从其执行主体来看。在当代中国语境下,把“学术权力”界定为大学的学术人员和学术组织基于其专业特长和学术能力对大学学术事务所拥有的控制力,这是一种通俗易懂、直指高等教育时弊的理解。权力来源于权利、外在于权利、服务于权利,权利优先于权力。学术权力来源于学术权利,也服务于学术权利,学术权利是学术权力的“源头”与“归宿”。学术权力的异化会伤害大学师生的基本权益,损害大学的根本价值,导致大学组织的畸形发展,最终造成政府和大学的“双输”局面。为了解当前大学学术权力运作的具体情形,我们对近百所大学的各类学术权力机构(学术委员会、学位评定委员会、教学委员会)成员的行政背景做了详细的实证调查,结果证实了我们之前的假设:是大学学术权力机构成员资格的获得与其拥有中层以上行政职务高度相关;二是在各类型高校中均是如此,研究型大学的学术权力并无强势表现。我们可以疏理出造成这种局面的诸多原因,如传统文化中的“官本位”思想、文革遗留的各种历史问题、经济落后导致文化落后等等,多种因素都对其产生或多或少的影响,但最根本的原因还是在于当前的高等教育体制。现行高等教育体制影响高校的主要途径在于大学的行政化,其具体表现有:单位级别的行政化、干部任免的行政化、组织架构的行政化和日常管理的行政化。这使得大学官僚气息日盛,失去了应有的文化气息,大学也越发没有创新能力,学术腐败、权力寻租等各种现象此起彼伏。高等教育体制改革势在必行,但现代大规模的大学组织到底以何种形式运行更为合理呢?为了平衡社会各团体的利益诉求,兼顾学术组织的松散特性与现代大学组织在效率方面的要求,大学应以多元方式进行管理。在领导体制层面实行真正意义的董事会制,董事会成员以独立董事为主体;在各职能部门(如财务、人事、基建等部门)按照科层制严格管理,执行行业通用标准;在学术单位(如院系及各类委员会)则类行会制管理。

【Abstract】 The view that academic power is weakening in China’s higher education has been generally accepted. To learn the connotation of academic power, it is more important from its executor than from its scope of management. In the context of contemporary China, defining "academic power" as "the University academic staff and academic organizations control over the academic work based on its expertise and academic ability", which is straightaway definition and sharply pointed out the ills of today’s Higher Education.Power comes from the right, power is external to the right, power serves the right, and right takes precedence over the power. Academic power also comes from the academic rights and serves the academic rights. Academic rights is "the source" and "end-result" of academic power. Dissimilation of academic power will hurt the basic interests of teachers and students in universities, damage the fundamental value of the University, which also leading to abnormal development of the organization and eventually leading to the "lose-lose" situation between the government and the University.In order to know the specific situation how the academic powers operating currently, we have done a empirical investigation in nearly a hundred universities, the Survey is primarily about the members’ administrative background in various academic authority (Academic Committee, Academic degrees evaluating committee, Teaching committee),survey results confirmed our previous assumptions:First, there is a high degree of correlation between academic authority membership and middle-level executive positions; Second, the case exists in all types of colleges and universities, there is no obvious more stronger academic performances in research universities than in others universities.We can sort out many reasons for current situation, such as the "official standard" thinking in our traditional culture, a large number of historical issues left by the Cultural Revolution, economic backwardness and other factors, which all have more or less impacts on our university, but the most fundamental reason is the current higher education institution. The main way of the current higher education system influence universities is "bureaucratize university", which’s concrete manifestations are:bureaucratizing unit-level, bureaucratizing the appointment and removal of administrative cadre, bureaucratizing the organization structure and bureaucratizing daily management. Bureaucratic atmosphere fills the University everywhere, and university has lose their proper cultural tone. University has become increasingly incapable of innovation, more academic corruption, more authority for rent-seeking and other phenomena come forth one after another.Higher Education Reform is imperative, but what form is more reasonable to run for the modern large-scale university organization? In order to balance the demands of various groups of society, and to take into account the "loosely characteristics" of academic organizations and requirements of efficiency of the modern University organization, the university should manage based on multiple forms. Implementing "true meaning" Board System in Leadership system with independent directors as the main body; Implementing strict hierarchical management in various functional departments (such as financial, personnel, infrastructure and other departments) in accordance with the common vocational standards at the same time; Implementing "similar guild system management" in the academic units (such as department, college and various academic committees).

【关键词】 权力权利学术权力高等教育体制改革
【Key words】 powerrightacademic powerHigher Education Reform
  • 【分类号】G644
  • 【被引频次】24
  • 【下载频次】1985