

A Theoretical and Empirical Research on Implicit Collective Self-esteem of Soldiers

【作者】 王伟宇

【导师】 钟毅平;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 基础心理学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 在心理学领域内,内隐自尊与集体自尊是当前自尊研究的两个热点,但鲜少有研究关注无意识层面的集体自尊——内隐集体自尊。军事领域中,士兵的集体荣誉感、团队精神是否存在于无意识层面也是疑点。在此背景下,本研究梳理相关理论及方法,从行为、信息加工、脑机制的整合视野对士兵内隐集体自尊进行探索性研究。理论部分,对相关理论与方法进行综述介绍,主要考察自尊、内隐自尊、群体自尊的研究进展,社会认知神经科学的研究方法、技术,士兵内隐集体自尊的界定,分析综合之后,提出了论文的整体构想。实证部分,使用GNAT、EAST、ERP等方法,从士兵内隐集体自尊在不同维度与不同测量中的表现、内隐集体自尊与外显集体自尊的关系、内群体态度与外群体态度的关系、团队荣誉与群体层级对内隐集体自尊的影响、内隐集体自尊的脑机制等方面进行了探索性研究,改进并检验了实验方法的科学性。研究一在身份重要性这个维度上考察士兵的内隐集体自尊。通过GNAT收集“高荣誉组”与“低荣誉组”士兵的行为数据,测量两组士兵在三种任务条件下的d’和反应时。结果表明,士兵在身份重要性维度上表现出对部队群体的内隐集体自尊效应;群体层级与团队荣誉对士兵内隐集体自尊具有重要的调节作用。研究二考察士兵针对内群体与外群体的评价性态度,验证是否存在内隐集体自尊效应。通过GNAT收集被试士兵的行为数据(即d’和反应时),结果发现,士兵对所属部队群体存在无意识的积极评价倾向,对非军人群体的态度是近乎中性的,体现了内隐集体自尊效应,说明内隐集体自尊并不是以贬低外群体为条件的。研究三采用GNAT和EAST两种内隐测量工具,通过不同方法交叉印证的整合视角对内隐集体自尊与外显集体自尊的关系进行实证研究,两种方法均检测到了士兵内隐集体自尊效应,结果显示,内隐集体自尊与外显集体自尊是不同的结构,存在很低的正相关。研究四使用GNAT对士兵内隐集体自尊进行研究,同时记录ERP数据。军人被试在两种任务条件下的感受性指标与反应时指标上均存在显著差异,体现了士兵内隐集体自尊效应。实验中诱发出明显的P300,任务条件与电极位置的主效应显著,两种任务条件均激活了多个脑区,只是在激活的程度上有差异,这体现了内隐集体自尊效应的脑机制。第三部分是对实验结果的总讨论,将四个分研究的实验结果综合起来进行整体思考,并为新方法的使用及改进提供借鉴。第四部分是研究总结与未来展望,阐述了本研究的重要理论意义和实践价值,分析了本研究的创新和不足,对进一步研究提出了见解。

【Abstract】 By now, implicit self-esteem and collective self-esteem have become two hot and central topics in the research on self-esteem of the psychology circle. However, few scholars have paid attention to the implicit collective self-esteem. In the military sector, it remains doubtful as to whether collective honor and team spirit of soldiers also exist at the subconscious level. Under this context, this dissertation summarized relevant theories and methodologies, and carried out exploratory study on the implicit collective self-esteem of soldiers by integrating behaviors, information processing and the neural mechanism.In the theories section, the author reviewed relevant theories and introduced relevant methods, and mainly described the definition of implicit collective self-esteem of soldiers, the measurements and technologies of social cognitive neuroscience, and the advancement of self-esteem, the advancement of collective self-esteem,the advancement of implicit self-esteem. On the basis of systematic analyses and integration, the author presented the structure of the dissertation.In the demonstration section, GNAT, EAST, ERP technology, collective self-esteem scale were applied together. The present research explored different dimensions of implicit collective self-esteem effect, the reliability and validity of measurements of implicit collective self-esteem, the relationship between implicit collective self-esteem and explicit collective self-esteem, implicit attitude toward in-group and out-group, the effects of team honor and group size on implicit collective self-esteem, and biological mechanism of implicit collective self-esteem. The legitimacy of all kinds of experimental methods were examined and improved.Study 1 was intended to investigate the implicit collective self-esteem of soldiers from the dimension of importance to identity. Behavioral data of soldiers, who were divided into high-honor group and low-honor group, was recorded by GNAT (Go/No-go Association Task) In the dimension of importance to identity, soldiers showed the implicit collective self-esteem effect. Group size and team honor played regulatory roles in the implicit self-esteem of soldiers.Study 2 was intended to verify whether the implicit collective self-esteem effect exists by investigating the soldiers’attitudes towards in-group and out-group. Behavioral data of soldiers was recorded by GNAT. The implicit attitude of soldiers towards army was positive, which reflected the implicit collective self-esteem effect, while the implicit attitude towards non-army group was nearly indifferent, which showed that the implicit collective self-esteem was not based on debasing out-group.Study 3 examined the relationship between implicit collective self-esteem and explicit collective self-esteem on empirical basis by means of cross validation by multiple approaches, including the Go/ No-go Association Task (GNAT) and the Extrinsic Affect Simon Task (EAST). Both approaches were able to detect implicit collective self-esteem effect. As the results have revealed, implicit collective self-esteem and explicit collective self-esteem have different structure and feature very low positive correlation.In study 4,implicit collective self-esteem of soldiers was measured by simultaneous recording of GNAT and ERP (event-related potential) data. The GNAT data showed that a significant difference was observed in both discriminability (d’) and reaction time under the two different task conditions, which provided evidence for the soldiers’implicit collective self-esteem. Obvious P300 was evoked and the main effects of task conditions and electrode positions on P300 were evident. In the present study, the two task conditions activated several neural substrates at different activation degrees, which reflected the neural mechanism of the implicit professional self-esteem effect.Section three gave general discussion about experimental results, integrating the experimental results of the four studies to attain global consideration and providing reference for the use and improvement of new methods.Section four presented research conclusion and outlook for the future, explained the theoretical significance and practical value of the research, analyzed the innovation and limitations of the research and gave advices on the development of implicit collective self-esteem research.

  • 【分类号】E0-051
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】549