

Research of a Centurial Middle School Composition Proposition

【作者】 刘光成

【导师】 周庆元;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 作文教学是语文教育的重要组成部分,也是语文教学中最难以把握的部分。作文命题是作文教学的重要环节,讲究作文命题艺术,做到命题恰当是作文的关键。作文命题体现命题者的教育思想,命题的科学与否,反映了在作文教学中教师是否发挥了主导作用,很大程度上影响着一次作文的成败,关系到学生作文水平提高的快慢,并最终决定学生作文素养的高低。在语文能力测评中,作文命题的质量还关系到它的选拔和导向功能的有效发挥。研究作文命题,有助于提高作文教学水平,对当下实施的新一轮语文课程改革具有积极的推动作用;同时,也有助于发掘我国的考试文化,提高考试作文命题水平,从而丰富我国的考试理论宝库。中华民族素有重视文章写作的优良传统,历史上曾出现辉煌的文学创作时期,产生过众多文章大家,所有成绩的取得都与扎实的基础性作文训练有关,或者说与作文命题有关。语文独立设科以来,我国中学作文教学的历程已逾百年。百年来,中学作文命题紧跟时代的步伐波澜起伏,积累了许多经验,也有沉痛的教训。本论文拟以中学作文命题受时代思潮影响而不断调整,不断变迁的历史,来勾勒语文独立设科至今一百余年中学作文命题思想发展的主要轨迹,探寻其背后的成因,并冀以对当今的中学作文教学改革有所启示。本论文运用文献法、比较法、统计法、历史分析法等教育科学研究方法,系统探讨百年来中学作文命题的沿革与发展。研究的问题聚焦在四个方面:(1)梳理百年中学作文命题的沿革与发展历程;(2)揭示百年中学作文命题的历史阶段特征;(3)探寻百年中学作文命题的发展变革原因;(4)总结中学作文命题的历史经验与教训并对其未来发展作出构想。根据各个历史时期中学作文命题的不同特点,本论文把百年中学作文命题史划分为四个历史时期:一是承绪与变革期。1904年《奏定学堂章程》的颁行,中国的语文教育掀开了历史新篇章,这可以看作是我国近代作文教育史的重要转折点。1904至1919这十五年时间,属于我国中学作文命题的承绪与变革期。由于根深蒂固的古代写作教育传统与科举文章命题的影响,中学作文命题在很大程度上还是沿着传统科举文章命题的轨道作惯性运行,但现代中学作文命题曙光初现。在“经世致用”、“中体西用”等思想的影响下,出于对科举文章命题的有力矫枉,“实用”思想逐渐成为中学作文命题的主导思想。在清末民初的一些重要教育法规中,中学作文命题的“实用”思想有了较为明确的体现,而在当时的作文教学实践中,也呈现出一些可喜的变化。二是探索与定型期。从1919年五四新文化运动爆发至1949年中华人民共和国的成立这三十年时间,是中学作文命题的探索与定型期。五四新文化运动前后中学作文教学存在的问题是中国中学作文命题现代化探索的契机。语文教育界的有时之士认识到问题背后的深层原因,他们在对其进行考察、批评的过程中,也肩负起了时代的责任,开展摆脱作文训练随意、混乱局面,寻求作文命题现代化的理论与实践探索,初步创建了现代中学作文命题规范。中学作文命题趋向科学与实用。命题内容较为切合学生的生活实际,抒写个人的生活与情感、关心人民大众的福祉和疾苦,关心祖国的前途与命运,成为命题主旋律;命题文体日趋成熟,记叙文、议论文、抒情文成为中学生作文的主要文体。三是波折与重创期。新中国的建立开创了历史的新纪元。与过去相比,新中国的教育思想和教育方向发生了根本性的转变。这种转变一度为语文教育带来了空气活跃的新气象。然而,由于种种原因,中学生写作能力的培养没有得到足够的重视,作文命题无计划、无序列的现象普遍存在。随着“教育大革命”的兴起,中学作文教学又被生硬地套上了政治评判标准,虽然不乏有识之士呼吁,但在极左思潮的干扰下,作文教学的政治倾向并没有根本扭转,中学作文命题的价值追求在“外在工具价值(文)”和“内在思想价值(道)”两端徘徊。“文化大革命”爆发后,作文教学完全沦陷为政治斗争的工具,学生作文大多是以“革命”和“造反”为主题的“大字报”式的文章,结构单一,格式呆板,近乎千篇一律,中学作文命题实践走入了死胡同。四是回归与创新期。以粉碎“四人帮”为标志的“文化大革命”的结束,中国开始了历史性的转变。解放思想,实事求是,拨乱反正,打碎精神枷锁,实行改革开放,中国人民开始了具有里程碑意义的第二次创业腾飞。社会结构的调整,文化思想的转型,教育理论的发展,写作理论的创新,促使中学作文命题逐步从政治舞台上回归到学生的生活世界,回归到写作主体上来。中学作文命题开始注意激发写作者的主体意识,命题方式趋向灵活多样,学生作文从单一应景的书写载体逐步演变为多姿多彩的心灵窗口。21世纪前后,我国改革开放的步伐加快,东西方交流日趋频繁,多元化文化格局形成。在此背景下的中学作文命题更是发生了质的飞跃,变得开放、多元、丰富,“乐于表达”、“自由表达”、“个性化表达”等“人本”作文教学理念成为中学作文命题猎猎飘扬的旗帜。本研究的基本结论是:第一,上述四个时期的中学作文命题内容不尽相同,命题样式也各具情态,但从中我们仍能发现百年中学作文命题的大致演进轨迹:一是命题内容从功利性走向人文性。百年中学作文命题紧跟着时代变迁的步伐,历经曲折,命题内容由“仕途功利性”“现代实用性”“革命政治性”的外部观照转向了人的内心世界的独特感受和人的健康心理的完整构建,逐步由主体的困顿与自在走向了主体的自觉和自由。二是命题形式从单一化走向多样化。语文独立设科以来,中学作文命题的类型先后历经了给题作文、材料作文和话题作文三次大的变化。每一次变化,每一种类型的出现都是因时而动,都是一种探索,虽然每一种类型各有所长、不能彼此取代,但总的趋势是前进的。作文文体也由单一的政论文向应用文、叙述文演进,今天学生的作文几乎涵盖了所有的文章和文学体裁。第二,百年来,中学作文命题内容与形式的变化绝不是偶尔的,每一道题目都是特定思潮下的产物,每一阶段作文命题呈现出的特点,都与特定阶段下的语文教育思潮有着深刻的联系。纵观百年中学作文命题,交错存在和发展着的三种语文教育思潮对作文命题产生了直接而深刻的影响,中学作文命题完整地演绎了语文教育思潮由“社会本位”向“以人为本”的演进,中学作文命题的发展轨迹深刻地反映了百年来人们对语文教育性质、功能认识的不断深入及反复。当今的中学作文命题似乎又有向第二时期回归之势,但是这并不意味着历史的一种单纯循环,而是历史留给我们的一种有益反思。第三,新世纪的中学作文命题理当高举“人本”的旗帜,这是中学作文命题发展规律使然,同时也是由制约其发展变化的语文教育思潮所决定的。但是,如何在中学作文命题中落实“以人为本”却是一个值得思考的问题。展望中学作文命题的未来,我们有理由相信,随着研究和实践的深入,人本语文教育思潮下的中学作文命题必将极大地激发学生作文的兴趣,激活学生的写作思路,引发学生拥抱生活的激情。同时,我们也坚信,作文命题只要真正地体现了“以人为本”,作文终将成为人生的第一等快事,学生将在乐此不疲的写作中张扬他们的个性,放飞他们的心灵,并为此奉献出他们神圣的创意。

【Abstract】 Composition Teaching is a very important but difficult part in the education of Chinese. The key factor of composition teaching is to provide an appropriate title. Composition proposition reflects the education thought of a teacher. The appropriate degree of proposition determines the degree of the teacher’s leading role in composition teaching, the student’s writing ability and their writing improvement. The quality of proposition also affects the exertion of its determined functions of selection and guidance effectively in the language ability evaluation. The study of composition proposition is of great significance to improve the level of composition teaching and composition proposition, and it can promote the new curriculum reformation and explore examination culture.Importance has all always been attached to article writing in the Chinese history; therefore there appeared many glorious periods of literary creation and numerous Masters. These achievements are attributed to a solid foundation of composition training or composition proposition. Since the independency of Chinese language subject, the history of composition teaching has been over a hundred years.Together with the ups and downs of the society, composition proposition has accumulated a lot of experiences, but also has painful lessons. In order to give some enlightenment to composition reformation, this paper tries to describe the main track of the thought development of composition proposition, and analyzes the reasons. Documentation, comparison, statistic and historical analysis are the main methods in this paper used to study the history and process of composition proposition. The main contents are as follows:1) to outline the development of composition proposition; 2) to reveal the characteristics of composition proposition in different historical phases; 3) to search the causes of composition changes and developments; 4) to summarize the lessons learned from history of middle school composition propositions and to conceive its future development.According to the characteristics of middle school composition proposition in different historical periods, the development of composition proposition is divided into four historical periods in this paper.1) The period of inheritance and reformation. Chinese education has opened a new chapter in 1904, which can be seen as the important turning point of modern composition education history. Composition proposition moved with the track of traditional writing, but there had some new dawn coming. Practical ideas had become the dominant ideology with the impacts of Pragmatism adjusted to the article proposition.2) The period of exploration and stereotypes. There has been thirty years from May 4th New Culture Movement to the foundation of People’s Republic of China. The problem in middle school composition teaching around the year 1919 is the turning points to modernization of composition proposition. Far-sighted personages probed into the causes of composition proposition problem, and search for the modernization of composition theory and practice. Then, composition proposition had the trends of science and practicality, mainly including the contents of personal life and emotions, people’s happiness and pain, the future and destiny of the motherland. Narration, argumentation, lyrical prose became major styles of writing in middle school.3) The period of twists and turns. The establishment of new China opened a new era in the history. Compared with the past, new China’s educational thinking and direction of education has undergone a fundamental transformation. This change has been active for language education and brought about a new atmosphere. However, due to various reasons, secondary school students’writing ability has not been paid sufficient attention to, plan and order in composition proposition were terribly deficient. Companied with the "Education Revolution", composition teaching in secondary schools has been arbitrarily set with the political criteria. Although with the scholars’appeal, the interference of the ultra-left trend of thought in composition teaching made it of no fundamental change in political orientation. The value pursuit of Secondary School composition proposition went from and to the "external tool value (text)" and "internal ideological value (road)". With the breaking out "Cultural Revolution", composition teaching had been used as a tool for political struggle, the students are mainly writing "big-character poster" articles, with the theme of "revolution" and "rebellion". This kind of writings was of single structure, rigid format. Secondary school Composition proposition had been in a blind end.4) The period of regression and innovation. With the wiping out of the "Gang of Four", the "Cultural Revolution" ended, and China turned on a new leaf. Under the policy of emancipating the mind, putting things right, breaking the spirit bondages and the implementation of reform and opening up, Chinese people began the second pioneering work. The adjustment of social structure and cultural ideology of the transformation, development of education theory and innovation of writing theory all brought secondary school composition proposition gradually from the political arena to students’life in the world, and to the subject of writing. Secondary school composition proposition began to pay attention to the inspiration of the author’s consciousness and the proposition methods became flexible. Students’compositions changed gradually from a single carrier into a window of their colorful mind. Before and after the 21st century, China’ s pace of reform and opening up has quickened, the East-West exchanges have been frequent, and multi-cultural patterns formed. In this context, secondary school composition proposition has got a qualitative leap, being open, diverse and rich. "Happy expression", "free expression", "personal expression" and "humanity" has become a flag in secondary school composition teaching philosophy.The basic conclusions of this study are as follows:First, the contents of the secondary school composition proposition during four phrases mentioned above are different, but we can still find the general evolution track of secondary school composition propositions over a hundred years:First, the contents of proposition converted from utilitarian to humanism. The a century-long secondary school composition followed the pace of changing times, undergoing twists and turns, and the propositional contents moved from "career utilitarian", "modern practicality, " "revolutionary political" to external contemplation of the inner world of human feelings and the building of the unique human health psychology. It moved step by step from the main body of the hardship and ease into the subject’ s consciousness and freedom. Second, the propositional forms became diversified from singularity. After the establishment of the Chinese subject, secondary school composition proposition has experienced three great changes:fixed-title composition, composition based on materials and topic composition. Each change is a kind of exploration. Each type has its own strengths, not to replace the other, but the overall trend is moving forward. Writing evolves from single political papers to the practical writing and narration. Today students’ essays cover almost all the literary genres.Secondly, over the hundred years, secondary school composition changes in content and form of propositions is by no means occasional, with each being the product of the specific thinking pattern. The characteristics of propositions at each stage are related to the language education concept on a particular stage. Throughout the century, the three Chinese teaching ideas had a direct and profound impact on secondary school writing. Secondary school composition propositions give a full interpretation of the development of language education ideas from "social standard" to "people-orientation". The evolution of High School Composition proposition over the hundred years profoundly reflects people’s in-depth understanding of the nature of language education and its function. Today’s school composition proposition seems to have the potential to return to the second period, but that does not mean of the simple cycle of history; history left us with a useful reflection.Thirdly, in the new century, the composition proposition in middle school should hold high the people-oriented banner. This has a lot to do with the laws of the development of the proposition. At the same time, it is decided by the thought of Chinese education which constraints it from development. However, how to put the principle of "people-orientation" into effect is a question, which deserves thinking about. We should recognize the practical values of the composition accurately, understand its basic requirements and fully grasp its principles and strategies. To look further at the future of the proposition, we have reason to believe that with the development of the investigation and practicing "people-orientation", writing a composition will become the most enjoyable thing. During the process of writing, students will represent their own characteristics, unleash their souls and devote their holy innovation.

【关键词】 中学作文命题研究
【Key words】 middle schoolthe history of Composition propositionresearch