

The Research of LingNan School of Medicine and Modern Famous TCM Doctors’ Medicine Academic Heritage

【作者】 金小洣

【导师】 李赛美;

【作者基本信息】 广州中医药大学 , 中医临床基础, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 中医基础理论中提出的“三因制宜”学说,即“因时、因地、因人”制宜。也就是说,中医对疾病的研究不能脱离历史发展、地理环境及个人体质等因素。中国幅员辽阔,各地区历史发展的先后决定了地区医学发展的失衡,地理环境的差异决定了疾病特点的变化,生活习俗的不同决定了个人体质的强弱等等。在各地医家长期的实践中,逐渐表现出明显的地域特色,岭南医学流派也因此形成。岭南医学群众基础深厚,地理、气候和人文环境对发展中医药十分有利,是地域医学中的典型代表。广东是岭南地区的核心地域,2006年政府提出将广东建设成为“中医药强省”,逐步重视中医药领域的发展。对岭南医学流派进行研究,有利于传承和弘扬地方医学的特色,升华和拓展地方医学的优势。尤其是对当代名家的学术传承、发展现状的研究,有利于保存中医名家的宝贵经验,促进岭南优秀人才成长,对岭南中医的学术传承有重要意义。本文以文献学方法为主,结合访谈实录及信息采集模板基础上,以“十五”国家科技攻关计划“名老中医学术思想、经验传承研究”及科技部“十一五”科技支撑计划“当代名老中医学术流派分析整理研究”两个课题中的211名医家为筛选对象,并加入岭南地区伤寒流派典型医家一名,共筛选出10名核心医家为研究对象。本研究分为四大部分:第一部分为当代岭南医学流派研究。在岭南医学发展源流的基础上,总结其形成原因及特点,通过研究岭南医学史及各时期的名医成就与影响,论证岭南医学流派的存在价值。第二部分是对当代岭南部分核心医家的科属及流派进行划分,并分析当代岭南医学流派的现状及趋势。从不同层次、不同角度对以核心医家为主的流派形成原因及共性个性进行比较,对当代中医学术流派发展提供借鉴。第三部分为当代岭南名家学术传承研究。对“十五”国家科技攻关计划已取得的现代信息分析挖掘,并如实采集、原始保存、系统整理当代岭南核心医家的个人经验,分析研究其学术思想、临证特色、典型医案,总结思辨特点以及成才要素。对学术传承进行分析,归纳现代化的传承模式。根据传承谱系对其传人学术思想及传承模式特点进行相关性研究,探讨当代岭南学术传承模式对中医教育事业发展的影响,以及对当代中医学术传承的启示。第四部分是当代中医名家访谈。素材采集来自2009年11月24日全国第八期经方高级研修班的采访录像,经视频文字翻录整理而成。通过当代岭南核心医家及当代伤寒名家的访谈,了解其对流派认识、中医学术传承及人才培养的看法,总结当代中医传承工作的意义和存在问题。通过初步研究,我们得出:岭南医学流派重视中医基础理论,强调辨证论治,注重结合岭南地理气候所形成的特殊体质以及各种地域性疾病。形成了四诊合参的诊断思想和善用地方药材、慎辨寒热、祛湿同时顾护脾胃的组方用药特点等。岭南地区饮食历史文化悠久,重视食疗与药膳也是岭南医学的特色之一。当代岭南医学流派以邓铁涛为代表的一大批具有中医学术经验的名家为主导,在学科方面呈多元化发展。岭南中医内科、岭南中医皮肤科、岭南针灸科、岭南中医肿瘤科产生了较大的影响。在流派方面,脾胃派、温病派、补肾派、伤寒派及特殊的针灸诊疗方法丰富了当代岭南中医的内涵。岭南医学流派成为了综合性的学术流派,在中医的医疗、教育和学术方面产生了深远的影响。对于当代岭南10位核心医家的学术思想及传承研究可以看出,当代岭南医家的学术特征仍然具有鲜明的岭南地域性特色,在多年的岭南地区行医过程中,他们根据当地独特的发病情况及人群体质特点等,总结了某些特有的验方及创新的治法,因此,岭南医学流派作为地域性的医学流派,在当代医学流派中仍然具有突出的地域特色及临床疗效,对今后的岭南医学发展有一定的学术参考价值。从学术传承方面来看,10位名中医都有自己的学术传承人与弟子,并且很多弟子已经有相当的学术成就与创新。应该说,近年来在总结和继承名来中医经验方面,无论是中医界还是政府管理部门都是相当积极的,成绩也是相当显著的。新中国成立之后,在学术流派研究领域取得了许多具有开拓性的成果。但近现代中医学术流派传承、发展及应用等方面的系统研究较少,一定程度上影响了中医药特色与优势的发挥。面对现实,我们不得不承认当前人有许多名老中医经验在不断流失,老中医后继乏人的状况未能从根本上得到改善,高级中医人才的缺乏为我们当代中医的发展敲响了警钟。中医学的发展应该首先注重经典理论,注重继承。同时,对于多种现代化的传承模式应给予宽松的发展环境,在不断实践与摸索中创造出更适合当代中医传承及发展的有利模式。

【Abstract】 Purpose:Basic Theory of TCM’s "Three for the system should" doctrine, that "because of the time, location, the person, " the system advised. In other words, Chinese medicine research on the disease can not be divorced from history, geography.personal physical or other factors. Chinese territory is vast, the historical development of each area has determined regional imbalance in medical development, geographical differences determine the changes of disease characteristics,the living habits of different decisions on the individual physical strength and so on. Doctors in various via long-term practice, gradually formed obvious regional characteristics, and therefore, which also the formation of the Lingnan school of medicine. Lingnan deep base of medical people, geography, climate and human environment is very conducive to the development of Chinese medicine, which is the typical representative of local medicine. Guangdong province is the core area of Lingnan region, in 2006, the Government recommended that turn Guangdong into a "province of Traditional Chinese Medicine. " The study of the Lingnan medicine, helps promote the local heritage and medical characteristics, sublimation and expand the local medical advantage. Particularly the contemporary masters of the academic tradition, the status quo of development, can promote the development of the Lingnan Chinese Literature of promoting South outstanding personnel, maintain and carry forward the Lingnan features and advantages of Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine’s academic heritage of the South is important.Methods:This paper sums up the causes of Lingnan medicine and characteristics. During the study of history and the achievements and impact of the famous doctors, demonstrate the value of the Lingnan school of medicine. For the perspective proposed, the thesis deeply reserches the evolution of the development of the Lingnan school of medicine, reveals its occurrence and development of the law, and creates academic schools Lingnan Chinese new area of research.Using literature-based learning approach, this thesis combines statistical and the basis of oral interviews with "the 10th five-year" national research programs, "the distinguished Chinese academic thought, of experience, research, " and the Ministry of Science, "Eleventh Five-Year" scientific and technological support program "Contemporary old TCM academic schools of order of" two subjects in the 211 old TCM to screen objects were selected from nine subjects. On " the 10th five-year " national research programs has been made of modern information, and telling the save original, the system order were the experience of the old Chinese medicine experts, analysis of the academic thought, clinical experience, a typical medical case, summary speculation Characters, factor, induction of modern transmission mode. Specific methods for the "first vertical and horizontal post." Longitudinal study is based on research tasks, access to, collect, collate the basic conditions for each name of the old Chinese medicine and academic thinking, information transmission system, and to analyze their academic school profile, and write name of the old school of medicine academic summary. Evaluation Summary of the elements around the academic schools-representatives, academic thought, transmission system, a comprehensive summary of all the distinguished Chinese academic and academic school-related information, ideas or technical characteristics of the major academic, described by the distinguished Chinese academic core transmission spectrum, to the distinguished Chinese academic thought and its transmission-related research, the academic heritage of the name of the old Chinese-depth analysis of the current situation. The main task is horizontal in the longitudinal study, based on different levels and different angles to the core of the distinguished Chinese for the academic status of the contemporary Chinese academic schools were analyzed, objective evaluation of medical schools in the whole of contemporary Lingnan contemporary medical academic system status, development, academic development of Chinese medicine, clinical practice and clinical significance, there are problems.Research results and conclusions:Medical schools of academic thought Lingnan has:great importance to TCM basic theory, emphasizing the Treatment of infectious diseases, focusing on the yin and yang of malaria disease and the toxic gas is not correct in the cold and heat smoldering pathogenesis. Formed a combination of all of the diagnostic thinking and group parties Brisk, medicine less Leehom, carefully distinguish cold and heat, dampness taking into care the spleen and stomach characteristics of Prescription medication. A long history and culture of Lingnan area restaurants, with emphasis on diet Diet is one of the characteristics of Lingnan Medicine. Lingnan medicine as a branch of Chinese medicine, there are over a thousand years old. Lingnan school of modern medicine to such a large number of Integrated Traditional Chinese academic experience with the name of Chinese-oriented, attention to the Lingnan region of patients with multiple diseases and physical characteristics, the diversification of the disciplines. Lingnan Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine dermatology Lingnan Lingnan acupuncture, Chinese medicine oncology Lingnan greater development. In schools, the spleen and stomach to send, warm disease school, school and special kidney acupuncture treatments of contemporary Lingnan Chinese connotations. Lingnan medical school to become a comprehensive academic schools in the Chinese medical, educational and academic aspects of a far-reaching effects.Contemporary Lingnan nine old TCM research shows that contemporary Lingnan the distinguished Chinese academic characteristics of Lingnan still distinctive regional characteristics, in the course of many years of practice in the Lingnan region, the incidence of their unique circumstances according to local and body mass characteristics of, summarized some of the unique recipes and innovative therapies, therefore, the Lingnan school of medicine as a regional medical schools, medical schools in contemporary still outstanding geographical features and clinical efficacy, on the future development of the Lingnan Medicine some academic reference. The nine doctors were academic heritage of Chinese medicine is not difficult to see, nine were Chinese people have their own academic heritage with his disciples, and many disciples have considerable academic achievements and innovation. It should be said, in recent years in succession were to summarize and Chinese experience, whether Chinese medicine or government authorities are very active, performance is quite remarkable. After new China was founded, in academic research made a lot of schools pioneering results. Academic schools of modern Chinese heritage, development and application of the system so less to a certain extent affected the characteristics and advantages of Chinese medicine to play. Face reality, we have to admit there are many names of people currently experience continued loss of old Chinese medicine, TCM practitioners lack successors of the conditions have not radically improved, the lack of high-level Chinese talent to the development of our modern medicine has sounded the alarm. The development of Chinese medicine should first pay attention to the classical theory, focusing on inheritance.
