

The Study on the Group of the Chief Magistrate of Guangzhou in Song Dynasty

【作者】 卢萍

【导师】 张其凡;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 中国古代史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 广州作为宋代岭南的政治中心和经济中心,国家海外贸易中心,国家既要在此绥抚蛮夷,保证南部边疆的稳定;又要招徕远人,保证市舶收入。故此宋代广州知州的选任,反映了朝廷对广州既有扶持又有约束的要求。有宋一代,广州知州正官160人,这一群体既具备宋代知州的一般性,又带有地方职官的特殊性。持重、文武兼备、识大体、廉洁、吏干等特点成为广州知州的主要素养。他们的籍贯多为南方地区,年龄老成,进士出身比例近3/4,任期短暂,多为一年半或两年。以迁转资序、方向而言,由他州知州选调是主要方式,广南路、福建路、江南西路、荆湖南路的迁转体现了就近原则。北宋时期,具备转运使资序出任广州知州约占可考人数的2/3,反映了经济管理能力是广州知州选任的重要资质之一。就整体仕途而言,宋代广州知州位至宰相、尚书、侍郎等高级官员者近40%。从群体类型来看,他们可分为循良奉职,精明干练,贤德、文武兼备、识大体,清正廉洁,贪墨,残酷,昏庸无能,急功近名、贪图权势等八个类别。任职期间,宋代广州知州受到奖励的官员少于受到惩治的官员。贪污纳贿、失职是受到惩治的主要原因。宋代广州知州缉寇安民,修建城池,管理海外贸易,关心民瘼,减轻赋税,复兴儒家礼仪制度,兴建学校,敦化革俗,为广州城市发展、岭南经济文化发展作出了历史贡献。

【Abstract】 Guangzhou was the political, economic and oversea trade center in the south of China in Song Dynasty. The country not only pacified the minorities to ensure the tranquilization in this border land but also broadened its commerce with other nations to ensure foreign source income. The election of the chief magistrate of Guangzhou reflected the intention of support and restriction of the country. All of Song Dynasty,160 people were the chief magistrate of Guangzhou practically. The group had universality of the chief magistrate of the country, meanwhile, it had particularity of Guangzhou. Such as steady-going, having both civil and military, magnanimous, uncorrupted, efficient so on and so force were the characteristics of the chief magistrate of Guangzhou. Most of them were natives of south China. They were elder.3/4 of the group passed the imperial examinations and qualified as a Jinshi.Their prefectures were about 1 year and a half or 2 years. Mostly the chief magistrates of Guangzhou were removed the other chief magistrate from other districts of the country such as Guangnanlu, Fujianlu, Jiangnanxilu, Jinghunanlu which were near to Guangzhou. In the north Song Dynasty, about 2/3 of the chief magistrates of Guangzhou had assumed Zhuanyunshi who charged the financial affairs of the district. It reflected that their capability of administration on economy was one of the most important qualifications of the chief magistrate of Guangzhou. About 40% of the chief magistrates of Guangzhou became dignitary as prime minister, Shangshu, Shilang so on and so force. We can compartmentalize the group of the chief magistrate of Guangzhou in Song Dynasty to be eight sorts. These sorts are employable, sagacious, magnanimous, probity, venal, ruthless, incapable and place seeker. The amount of the chief magistrate of Guangzhou encouraged was fewer than the amount of punished. The punishable causations were corruption and breach of duty. The chief magistrates of Guangzhou arrested criminals, built city, broadened Guangzhou’s commerce with other nations, experienced and observed public feelings, reduced taxes, reconstructed the Confucian formal system, constructed school and reformed custom. Their contributions were propitious to the improvement of Guangzhou city and Lingnan.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期