

The Study on the Conceptualization of Group Citizen Behavior of Enterprise and Tests of Its Antecedents and Consequences

【作者】 吕政宝

【导师】 凌文辁;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 企业管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 群体公民行为是指工作群体作为整体所表现出来的,有利于促进整个组织总体目标实现的,用于支持本群体及其成员、本群体所在组织、组织内其他工作群体及其成员,以及组织外部利益相关公众的一种角色外行为。它是一个群体层次的变量。在中国文化背景下,展开对群体公民行为的研究,对于进一步丰富组织公民行为研究理论和促进企业通过工作团队的设计以实现组织结构扁平化改革,具有重要意义。首先,本研究在文献分析、访谈、开放式问卷调查和预试问卷调查的基础上,形成企业群体公民行为的正式调查问卷。然后,在全国(主要是华南、华东、华北和东北四个地区),以工作小组(团队)为单位大范围选取样本,进行问卷调查,对我国企业群体公民行为的内容结构及其与前因与后果变量的关系进行了实证研究。最后,选取了两个具体企业进行了案例分析和扎根理论研究,以验证上述研究结论在具体企业中的表现,并探讨企业群体公民行为形成与发展过程中的促进因素与阻碍因素。主要研究结论如下:第一,通过对1299份有效问卷的数据进行探索性和验证性因素分析得出,我国企业群体公民行为的内容结构包括四个因素:群体道德、组织忠诚、团队精神和助人行为。信度和效度检验结果证明,企业群体公民行为问卷是可信和有效的。第二,对有效数据进行单因素方差分析、独立样本T检验和多重比较分析的结果表明,群体公民行为认知方面,除了在性别与组织规模上没有显著差异以外,在其他人口学与组织学变量上均发现了不同程度的显著差异。第三,对来自69个有效小组750份有效问卷的数据统计分析结果表明:CPM领导行为对群体公民行为具有显著的影响作用。其中,领导行为M机能和C机能对群体公民行为具有显著正向影响,P机能则是显著的负向影响;在CPM领导行为的三个机能与群体公民行为的关系中,程序公正氛围、认知信任、情感信任起着完全中介作用,任务依存性起着调节作用。第四,认知信任与情感信任对群体公民行为的影响,是通过如下路径实现的:即认知信任影响群体道德,情感信任影响组织忠诚、团队精神和助人行为;认知信任与情感信任对群体公民行为的影响完全是通过群体凝聚力的中介作用产生;群体与组织目标一致性是群体凝聚力和群体公民行为的调节变量。第五,群体公民行为对员工工作满意度、个体组织公民行为、组织承诺、个体任务绩效有显著的正向影响,对离职意向具有负向影响,但是这种负向影响没有达到统计学上的显著性水平;典型相关分析表明,在群体公民行为之下,各个变量的体现程度不同,由大到小依次是组织承诺、工作满意度和个体组织公民行为,个体任务绩效;工作满意度和组织承诺在群体公民行为与个体组织公民行为间存在部分中介效应,在群体公民行为与个体任务绩效间的关系中存在完全中介效应。第六,群体公民行为对群体效能有显著的正向影响作用;个体任务绩效在群体公民行为与群体效能的关系中存在部分中介效应;工作小组规模与组织规模的对群体公民行为与群体效能的关系具有显著的调节作用。第七,案例分析表明,群体公民行为在不同的企业虽然存在大量共性的内容、具有一定的普遍性,但是在其具体表现方面存在差异;扎根理论研究表明,在群体公民行为形成与发展的过程中,受到来自于组织、工作群体、人和群体公民行为本身四个方面因素的影响。

【Abstract】 Group citizenship behavior(GCB) is conceptualized as a distinct group-level variable concerning the extent to which work group engage in behaviors as a whole that support itself and its members, the organization which it belongs, other work groups and their members and the relevant public outside. The study on GCB in China could enrich the theory of Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) more and makes for the reform of team-based structure in Chinese enterprises.Based on the literature review, interview, open-ended questionnaire survey and questionnaire survey in advance, group citizenship behavior survey questionnaire was developed. In a samples collected from the China (contain south China, east China, north China and northeast China mainly), we examined the antecedents and consequences and their consensus model of GCB. Besides of these examinations, we also collected two typical Chinese enterprises as cases and made a careful analysis of their characters. At the same time, we discussed the simulative and counteractive factors in the progress of GCB formed and developed.Firstly, in the sample of 1299 employees, the result of exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the structure of GCB in china comprises four factors:"group morality", "organizational loyalty", "team spirit" and "help-giving behavior". The reliability and validity of the GCB scale is high enough.Secondly, the results of one-way ANOVA, one-sample T test and multiple comparison analysis indicated that except gender and the scale of organization variables, we found the significant differences on the employees’perceptions of GCB compared on other demographic and organizational variables.Thirdly, in the sample of 69 work groups in Chinese enterprises (a total of 750 employees), Chinese CPM leadership has significant effects on GCB. It indicated that the "M factor" and "C factor" have positive effects on GCB and "P factor" has negative effects on GCB. Procedural justice climate, cognitive trust and emotional trust act as total mediators between Chinese CPM leadership and GCB. At the same time, task interdependent variable moderates the relationship between Chinese CPM leadership and GCB.Fourthly, cognitive trust has a significant effect on "group morality" factor and emotional trust has a significant effect on "organizational loyalty", "team spirit" and "help-giving behaviors" factors. Group cohesiveness acts as a total mediator between interpersonal trust and GCB. At the same time, "goal congruence between group and organization" variable moderates the relationship between interpersonal trust and GCB.Fifthly, GCB has significant positive effects on satisfaction of employees, individual-level OCB, organizational commitment and task performance of employees. Although GCB was found that it is negatively related to turnover intention, but it is not significant in this research. The result of Canonical correlation analysis indicated that the degree of effects is different. Organizational commitment, satisfaction of employees and individual-level OCB is greater than task performance of employees. Satisfaction and organizational commitment act as part mediators between GCB and individual-level OCB, as well as a full mediators between GCB and task performance of employees.Sixthly, GCB has significant positive effects on group effectiveness. Individual task performance acts as a part mediator between GCB and group effectiveness. At the sane time, the scale of group and the scale of organization could moderate the correlation between GCB and group effectiveness.Seventhly, the result of case analysis indicated that GCB in different enterprises resembles each other in common, but the details have some differences. The research result of "grounded theory" showed that the progress of GCB formed and developed could be effected by different factors which be derived from organization, group, person and itself.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期