

Historical Disenchantment and Cultural Reflection

【作者】 李艳丰

【导师】 蒋述卓;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 文艺学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 自20世纪70年代以来,随着消费主义文化的兴起和全球性传播,文化和文学形态开始发生明显变化。基于审美现代性的话语权力系谱而建构起来的文化与文学价值形态,因为审美现代性自身的退场而遭遇解构和变型。从文化方面而言,这种改变突出表现为“精英的衰竭”、“高层文化失去合法性”以及精英文化与大众消费文化的“跨越边界、填平鸿沟”。造成这种文化格局的主要原因在于消费主义文化意识形态的“祛魅”,即以日常化、世俗化、欲望化、消费化、大众化、浅表化、破碎化和多元化的文化价值形态消解现代性的文化深层模式,并通过消费主义的文化生产和消费逻辑重新构建当代文化场的表意策略和话语范式,最终祛除现代性文化真理性价值的权力话语之魅。从文学方面而言,这种改变突出表现为文学符号权力的弥散、符号象征资本的贬值,文学话语深层结构模式的解体,文学审美精神的欲望化、世俗化与消费化等。特别是在大众传媒文化的冲击下,文学逐步从表征领域的中心滑向边缘。文章立足于消费主义的文化理论视界,对20世纪90年代中国大陆文学(小说)进行批判性价值反思。其理论视点为“历史祛魅”,即认同消费主义文化对现代性文化和文学深层结构的解蔽,同时又通过对90年代小说文本的文化分析,来反思文学在消费主义文化意识形态话语下所呈现出的趋鹜、超拔的悖论式叙事逻辑和美学意义。文章由四个部分组成:导论部分概述文章的理论意识、研究对象及研究内容;上编为理论视界,主要从文化研究视角出发,对西方消费主义文化逻辑和文学话语范式的嬗变,审美主义式微与泛审美文化的勃兴以及文学“终结”论进行理论反思和话语阐释,同时分析20世纪90年代中国大陆消费主义文化兴起的原因及其文化知识场域的价值转型;下编为小说文本解析,主要分析20世纪90年代“个人化写作”的诗学特征及其发生的文化根源,王朔小说叙事的世俗化价值取向,新写实小说的“祛魅”化书写,先锋作家在90年代的叙事转型及文化原因,晚生代欲望叙事的价值悖谬,消费主义文化影响下的城市小说叙事等文学问题。结论部分对本文未曾探讨的几个问题进行简要分析说明,如90年代女性文学叙事同消费主义文化意识形态之间的关系,身体叙事与消费政治的文化关联,90年代小说的影像化叙事,90年代小说的审美主义叙事等。

【Abstract】 With the consumerist culture being on the rise and global communication, the value form of culture and literature which is based on the authority genealogy begin to deconstruction and modification because of the decline and fall of aesthetic modernism Since 1970s. From the cultural point of view, the main changes show such as the failure of elite and the loss of legitimacy of elite culture, etc. The main cause which formed this cultural pattern is the disenchantment of consumerist culture. The disenchantment of consumerist culture deconstruct the depth of modern culture and dispel the power of discourse on modernity with its new pattern such daily, secularization, stereotypical, consumerist, popularization, molten, fragmentation and plural culture value form and reconstruct the new ideographic strategies and discourse paradigm according to popular culture production and consumption logic. From the literary point of view, the main changes show such as the dispersion and depreciate of symbol power,the deconstruction of literary deep structure, the desire and secular and consumption of the aesthetic spirit and so on which cause the literature from the center of the field representation to the edge eventually.The article which is based on the theory perspective of consumerist culture reflects on critical theory of value for 1990’s literature in China and the main theory viewpoint is "history disenchantment". The article agree the deconstruction of the modern culture and the deep structure of literature with the effect of the consumerist culture.At the same time, the article reflect on the transcendence of paradoxical logic and aesthetic significance of literature in the ideological discourse of consumer culture according to the cultural analysis on the 1990’s fictions. The article is composed of four parts:the first is the introduction which summarize the theory of consciousness, object and content of the article; The second is the theoretical perspective which analysis the cultural logic of the western consumer culture and the paradigm’s transform of literary discourse, the decline of the aestheticism and the rise of pan-aesthetic culture and the termination of literary.At the same time, the part analyze the reason which cause the consumer culture arising in the 1990s and the value transform of the cultural field. The third is the fiction’s analysis which analyze the poetry features of the personal writing and the reason on the arising of the personal writing, the cultural value on secularism narration about the fiction of Wang Shuo, the "disenchantment" written of the new realistic fiction, the narrative transformation and cultural reasons of pioneer writers in the 1990s, the value of narrative paradox of younger generation, the city fiction under the influence of consumer culture and so on. The conclusion of the article analyze several issues that are not discussed in the article, such as the relationship between the female literature in 1990s and the ideology of cultural consumerism, the cultural association between the body narrative and the cultural politics,the video narration and the aesthetic narration of the fiction in 1990s, etc.

【关键词】 祛魅文化消费主义90年代小说
【Key words】 disenchantmentcultureconsumerism1990sfiction
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期