

The Study of the Automotive Supply Chain Collaboration Relations in Modular Environment

【作者】 易鸣

【导师】 胡军;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 产业经济学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 20世纪90年代以来,模块化生产的方法被引入汽车的制造过程中。模块化重新界定了整车生产厂及零部件供应商之间的相互关系,促成了汽车生产供应链结构的一场制度性变革。模块化加速了产品研发,提高了汽车生产供应链的敏捷性;加强了技术融合与创新,零部件厂商更多地介入整车开发过程;增强了关键零部件供应商在汽车供应链中的地位;促进了汽车供应链业务外包的发展和汽车零部件企业的国际化。本文运用博弈论等经济学分析工具,对模块化环境下汽车整车企业与零部件供应商协作关系进行了理论研究,试图从交易费用理论和文化理论对二者之间的关系进行理论解释,在此基础上,运用较为成熟的改进后的层次分析法,对广州日系汽车厂商选择零部件供应商主要看重的因素进行了实证研究。通过研究发现,汽车整车厂商与零部件供应商合作产生的超额利润(收益)、双方因合作所投入的初始成本(合作环境)、以及其贴现因子(长期合作的意愿)是影响供应链合作竞争关系演变的重要参数。此外,不同的具体博弈类型之间的差异实际上是由各自的“行动空间”和“支付组合”比值差别所决定的。只要从相关的影响因素入手改变其“行动空间”和“支付组合”比值,就有可能实现新的帕累托改进与纳什均衡,进而对具体博弈类型进行转换。这种转换为通过新的制度安排改进汽车供应链协作关系提供了极具现实意义的重要理论依据。通过对广州汽车产业的实证分析发现,在影响整车企业与零部件供应商协作关系的因素中,合作的稳定性最为重要,其次依次分别为技术水平、质量控制、成本、生产组织状况和服务水平。通过对二级指标的分析可以发现,零部件供应商合作的支持情况和合作态度是最主要的两个因素,其次依次分别为研发技术设施、质量管理体系、库存成本、运输成本、交货情况等因素。这与上述理论分析的结论是一致的。基于此,本文提出了对进一步改进广州汽车供应链协作关系的制度安排建议:一是继续扩人与日系整车企业的长期合作。确保对合资双方的帕累托改进与纳什均衡,不断加强日系汽车生产供应链在广州的集聚和发展。二是重点支持本地民营企业进入日系汽车的二、三级供应商模块。激励更多的民营零部件企业挤入日系汽车生产供应链,形成新的利益共同体,增强广州汽车生产的根植性。三是积极发展自主品牌汽车。加快形成自主的核心技术和关键零部件配套体系。四是采取政府资助技术研发和关键零部件配套体系加政府采购的方式,通过改变各利益主体的行动空间和支付组合去转换博弈类型,实现帕累托改进与纳什均衡。

【Abstract】 Since 90s of last century, the modular production method has been introduced to the automobile manufacturing process. Modular re-defined the relationships between the automobile manufacturing plant and its parts suppliers. Modular changed the structure of the automobile manufacturing supply chain. Modular accelerated product development, improve the automobile manufacturing supply chain agility; enhancing technology integration and innovation, automobile parts manufacturers more involved in the development process; enhancing the position of the key parts suppliers in the automotive supply chain; promoting the development of automotive supply chain outsourcing the and internationalization of auto parts enterprises.Using game theory and other economics analytical tools, this paper researched the collaborative relationship between the automotive vehicle enterprises and auto parts enterprises, attempts to make a theoretical explanation about this relationship from the view of transaction cost and cultural. On this basis, using improved analytic hierarchy process (AHP), this paper study the most important factors of Japanese automobile manufacturers selecting its parts suppliers.Summary from the research:(a) The excess profits (income), initial cost (collaborative environment) as well as discount factor (long-term willingness to cooperate) are the key factors affecting the evolution of competition relationships between the supply chain partners.(b) "Action Space" and "Paid Portfolio" decided the differences in the special game types. So, as long as change the "Action Space" and "Paid Portfolio" ratio, it is possible to achieve the new Pareto-improvement and Nash equilibrium.By empirical analysis on Guangzhou’s automobile industry, this paper found that Stability of co-operation is the most important factor in all matters affecting the collaboration relationships between the automobile manufacturing plant and its parts suppliers, followed by technical level, quality control, cost, production and organization, and service levels.Based on this, this paper proposed the suggestions on improving Guangzhou Automobile supply chain collaboration relationships:Firstly, continue to expand long-term cooperation with the Japanese automobile companies, strengthen the accumulation and development of Japanese automobile manufacturing supply chain in Guangzhou. Secondly, encourage more private parts enterprises to squeeze into the Japanese automotive manufacturing supply chain. Thirdly, develop our own brand vehicles actively, speed up the formation of autonomous core technology and key components matching system. Fourthly, establish government-funded R&D and critical spare parts procurement supporting system.

【关键词】 汽车供应链模块化广州
【Key words】 Automotive Supply ChainModularityGuangzhou
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 02期
  • 【分类号】F274;F426.471;F224.32
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】853