

Production and Consumption of Han Fu

【作者】 孔德明

【导师】 王齐洲;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 汉赋是汉代之代表文体,其生产消费贯穿有汉一代四百余年。赋家辈出,赋作繁盛,精彩迭呈,对后世文学影响至深。本文遵循马克思艺术生产的理论,用文献学的方法,从汉赋的生产者、生产工具及消费者等方面入手,展示汉赋生产消费的状况,探讨汉赋生产消费的动因,揭示其兴盛衰落的发展规律。绪论部分:简述20世纪以来汉赋生产消费的研究状况,确定论文的研究对象、范围及重点,说明研究意义及研究方法。第一章论汉赋的生产状况。将汉赋生产状况大致分为七个时段进行考察,发现皇权最集中的武、宣时期是汉赋宫廷生产最鼎盛的时期。皇权最松懈的桓、灵时期是地方赋作生产最鼎盛的时期。总的看来,西汉赋作生产的高峰于武宣之世十分明显,东汉赋作生产未出现明显的高峰期,直到汉末献帝建安时期,曹氏文人集团才掀起一股赋作生产的高潮。第二章论汉赋的生产者及生产动因。西汉赋的主要生产者是皇帝身边的大夫和郎,他们出身庞杂,思想相对自由;东汉赋的主要生产者是皇帝御用的尚书郎和校书郎,他们多为儒者,思想比较保守。故西汉赋流动,东汉赋板滞。西汉的大夫和郎多为闲职,人数众多又无具体事务,因此是汉赋生产繁荣的一个有利条件。东汉的尚书和校书郎饱读诗书,博通今古,以著述为务,有从事赋作生产的必备素质。他们都围绕在皇帝身边,按照皇帝的旨意从事赋作生产,故他们生产的赋作自我主观意识不强。汉赋生产的动因既有当权者的利禄引诱,亦有赋作者的自我主观愿望。当权者为润色鸿业、娱乐快意,而以利禄诱导赋作生产。赋作者亦为谋求利益、示忠显能、讽颂劝喻、发愤明志等主观因素而从事赋作生产。第三章论汉赋的生产工具、载体及文本生成。汉赋的主要生产工具是笔墨,主要载体是简牍。笔墨由西汉到东汉处于一个不断改良的过程,为汉赋的生产消费层面的拓展扩大准备了必要的条件。或者说笔墨的改良刺激了汉赋的生产消费。笔墨使用的便利,也是文学由口头生产习惯向文本生产习惯转变的一大关键。汉赋载体为八寸之简牍,或便于阅读,或标志汉赋在汉代书籍中所处地位不是很高。简牍在汉代也不是易得之物,因此大大限制了汉赋的生产消费。汉大赋的文本生成一个十分繁琐、费力、耗时的过程,并且要受时令、制度等条件的限制,因此,大赋是汉赋的精品,但在数量上是十分有限的。以数量论,体制短小的赋作,才是汉赋生产的主流。第四章论汉赋的生产机制。汉代大部分赋作的生产都是一种有组织的生产,在组织者的指令下,制作者以团体的形式积极地献赋与竞作。献赋有应制献赋和自献赋两种。从献赋的动机和契机看,献赋活动是附属于政治活动的文学活动。试赋在汉代是非制度性的,除了鸿都门试赋规模较大外,其余的试赋也是非规模性的。试赋活动刺激了汉赋的生产消费,但由于赋家入仕后政治地位较低,故文人又对试赋之事淡漠了。汉代赋家多是以团体的形式存在的,因此形成竞争性生产。竞赋不仅增大了汉赋的产量,同时也提高了汉赋的质量,并使汉赋更具有审美价值。第五章论汉赋的传播流通。汉赋主要是依靠口头与书面两种方式传播的,赋家本人是其最主要的传播者,其次有史官、校书官,歌者、诵者等。由于汉赋生产工具的落后,载体的笨重难得,以及汉代较为专治的皇家藏书政策等原因,使得汉赋的传播面十分狭窄。因此,汉赋的流传也是一个由封闭慢慢走向开放的过程。西汉赋的流传主要是通过家族传承、师徒传承等途径进行的,是比较封闭的。东汉出现了大量的私家藏书及书肆等,汉赋流传的途径走向开放。汉代皇家对汉赋的大量收藏,既不便于汉赋的传播消费,又造成了大量汉赋在发生书厄时的集体流失。数以千计的汉赋作品现所剩无几便充分说明了这个问题。第六章论汉赋的消费。汉赋的消费者有皇帝、诸侯王、大将军等统治者阶层;还有文人、宫廷庸人、下层官吏、百姓等非统治者阶层。统治者阶层消费汉赋的主要动因是为延揽人才、润色鸿业、虞悦耳目等,文人消费汉赋的主要动因是为抒导性情与模仿习作。宫廷庸人、下层百姓等对汉赋的消费多是被动的接受,无有明显动因。汉人对汉赋的消费产生了强烈的消费效果,又反过来刺激了汉赋的生产。汉赋“揄扬大义”与“辩丽可喜”的消费效果,加强了统治者对汉赋的喜爱和利用,刺激他们对汉赋生产与消费的倡导。

【Abstract】 Representatives of the Han dynasty Han Fu style, its production and consumption through a generation of the Han Dynasty more than 400 years. Fu family men, assigned to lush, Diego was wonderful, profound impact on later literature. In this paper, drawing on Marx’s theory of artistic production, using the method of philology, from the Han Fu’s producers, production tools and consumers in a bid to show the status of production and consumption of Han Fu to explore the motivation of Han Fu production and consumption, reveal its flourishing the decline of the law of development.Introduction Part:Description Since the 20th century Hanfu production and consumption of the research situation to determine the object of study papers, scope and focus of how the research significance and research methodologies.The first chapter of Han Fu’s production status. The Han Fu production status can be divided into seven hours to inspect and found that the highest concentration of imperial force, the court of Han Fu Xuan period to produce the most peak period. Imperial power of the most lax-hwan, spiritual period was assigned for the local production of the most flourishing period of time. Overall, the peak of the Western Han Dynasty fu for production of the world is very obvious in the wuxuan the Eastern Han Dynasty fu for production peak is not apparent until the time of Han Emperor Xian Jian, Cao set off a literary group was assigned to produce a climax.Chapter II Han Fu producers and production dynamics. The main producers of the Western Han Fu was emperor of the doctor, and Lang, who came from numerous and their thinking relative freedom; The main producers of the Eastern Han Fu Queen’s Book of the emperor and Xiaoshu Lang Lang, who mostly Confucians, and rather limited. Therefore, the Western Han Dynasty fu flows, Han Fu dull. Western Han dynasty, mostly doctors and No formal positions, nor a large number of specific issues, and therefore the prosperity of Han Fu produce an advantage. The Book of Han and Xiao Shulang well-read poetry and literature, Broadcom Heritage, to writing for the services, engaged in producing essential qualities conferred. They are around the emperor, in accordance with the wishes of the emperor Fu for engaging in the production, so they produce a subjective sense of self-fu is not strong. Han Fu production of both those in power motivation Cyril temptation also conferred the author’s own subjective wishes. Hongye polish of those in power, entertainment, happily, but in order to induce Cyril Fu for production. Fu is also seeking the interests of authors, showing Tadaaki energy, Poong Chung advised excited, Ming-fu and other subjective factors involved for production purposes. ChapterⅢof Han Fu’s production tools, vector and text generation. Han Fu’s main production tools are pen and ink, the main carrier is Jane slips. Pen and ink from the Western Han Dynasty to the Eastern Han Dynasty in a continuous improvement process, for the Han Fu’s expansion of production and consumption levels to prepare the necessary conditions for the expansion. Or the ink has stimulated the improvement of production and consumption of Han Fu. Ink ease of use, but also literary texts from the oral production habits to produce a major change in the key used. Carrier for the eight-inch of Han Fu Jian Du, or easy to read, or sign books during the Han dynasty of Han Fu’s place is not very high. Jane slips during the Han dynasty is not easy to get the objects, thus greatly limiting the production and consumption of Han Fu. Han Fu’s text generates a very cumbersome, laborious, time-consuming process and subject to seasonal and systems of the limitations. Therefore, the large Han Fu is a boutique, but the quantity is very limited. Volume theory, system, endowed for short, is the production of the mainstream Han Fu.ChapterⅣof Han Fu’s production mechanisms. Han Fu for most of the production is a kind of organized production, the organizers of the directive, the producers in order to form groups to actively Xian Fu and competing for. Xian-fu, and that should be the system two kinds of self-Xian-Fu. Xian-Fu from the motive and opportunity to see, Xian-Fu activity is attached to political activities, literary activities. Examination of non-institutional endowed in the Han dynasty, in addition to Hongduxue try enabling large-scale, the remaining non-scale trial is also endowed nature. Examination of Han Fu activity stimulated the production and consumption, but because of the political status of Fu lower after entering political stratum, so scholars also conferred on the trial of the matter indifferent. Han Fu family was based on body form, so the formation of competitive production. Han Fu Fu Jing not only increases the output, but also improve the quality of Han Fu and make Hanfu more aesthetic value.ChapterⅤthe spread of Han Fu circulation. Han Fu relies mainly on oral and written communication in two ways, the Fu family I is its main disseminator, followed by a historian, school book officer, singers, chanting, etc.. As the Han Fu backward production tools, carriers of the heavy rare, and the Han Dynasty more tyranny of the royal collection policy and other reasons, makes the surface very narrow spread of Han Fu. Thus, the spread of Han Fu was also a close to opening up process. Western Han Fu spread mainly through the family heritage, mentoring and other channels of transmission is more closed. Han appeared a large number of private collections, and Shu Si and so on, spread way towards opening up of Han Fu. A large number of Han Fu Han royal collection, is neither easy spread of Han Fu consumption, has also caused a large number of Han Fu in the event of a collective loss when the book Ecuador. Works of thousands of Han Fu is now nothing left is fully illustrated this problem.Chapter VI Han Fu consumption. Han Fu’s consumers have the emperor, princes, large sectors of generals and other rulers; there literati, the court mediocrity and low-level officials, civilians and other non-ruler class. The main sectors of consumption, the ruler of Han Fu motivation for the collection of talent, to carry out the great cause, entertainment, etc. The main civilian consumption of Han Fu motivation is to express guided temperament and imitation exercises. Court mediocre, lower consumption of the people and so many pairs of Han Fu is a passive acceptance, no obvious cause. Han Chinese Han Fu in a strong consumer consumption effect, in turn, stimulated the production of Han Fu. Han Fu "eulogy righteous cause" (that is praised), and "encouraging debate Korea" (referring to words or diction China and the United States Qili) consumption effect in strengthening the rulers of Han Fu’s love and use to stimulate their production and consumption of Han Fu’s advocacy.

【关键词】 汉赋生产消费载体动因
【Key words】 Han FuproductionconsumptionvectorMotivation
  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【被引频次】4
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