

Research on Arishima Takeo’s Novels from Perspective of Parent-child Relationship

【作者】 谭杉杉

【导师】 李俄宪;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本论文选取了日本近代作家有岛武郎的五部小说为研究对象,对其小说中的亲子关系进行深入剖析,提出“爱是夺取”正是有岛武郎小说创作所探讨的亲子观的核心,同时,“爱是夺取”也是有岛武郎重要的美学观念。一方面,“爱是夺取”促使个人扩张自己,充实自己,追求更高、更理想的亲子观,另一方面,“爱是夺取”又不可避免地使自我完善与传统的价值观念产生冲突,使理想中的亲子观无法得以实现。这种矛盾的存在,使其小说的内容更为丰富。作者认为亲子关系是贯穿有岛武郎小说的重要主题,亲子关系的极端、异化、断裂、困境、和谐不仅具有本位的意义,并且具有深刻的隐喻意义:随着日本步入近代,人们都面临着传统与外来、东方与西方之间的冲突,有岛武郎的小说中体现出的亲子观的矛盾,正是这些冲突的集中体现,而这也恰恰体现了作家独立的审美理想和价值取向。“爱是夺取”是一种美好的理想,不受任何束缚的亲子观是有岛创作中希望实现的目标,但在实现这一目标的过程中又不免遭遇来自方方面面的干扰。论文不仅探讨了亲与子之间的关系,也探讨了两性之间的关系、知识分子与劳动大众之间的关系,并且将两性、知识两种要素作为影响亲子关系的重要原因进行探讨,使得对“亲子观视域下的有岛武郎小说研究”的探讨显得更为全面和深刻。在“引论”部分,作者根据相关资料,对国内有岛武郎研究进行了回顾,从“比较文学”、“女性主义视角”、“艺术思想”等方面进行了综述;同时,作者对日本的有岛武郎小说研究进行了回顾,从“爱的美学”、“社会研究”、“地域与场所”等方面进行了综述。在此基础上,作者提出以亲子视角为切入口对有岛武郎小说进行深入研究是非常关键的,不仅关系到如何理解有岛武郎的小说,也关系到如何理解他对于当时日本社会存在的一系列敏感问题的理解与看法。作者在此还提出了本文的研究方法以文本细读为主。最后,对本文中出现的几个关键词进行了界定:“亲子关系”、“亲子观”、“本能”、“家父长制”、“爱是夺取”。第一章“有岛武郎小说中亲子关系的五种形态”,分作五节讨论了有岛武郎小说中的亲子关系形态及其发展趋势。首先,作者认为对立与冲突是《一个女人》中亲子关系的主要形态,通过“叶子与父母之间的矛盾”、“叶子与女儿、妹妹之间的矛盾”两个方面得以体现,在这种对立与冲突之中亲子关系也走向了极端;其次,冷漠与麻木是《阿末的死》中亲子关系的主要形态,主要通过“经济危机下的亲子关系”、“死亡阴影下的亲子关系”、“亲子关系的异化”三个方面进行论述;再次,缺失与破灭是《该隐的后裔》中亲子关系的主要形态,主要体现在“本能的父亲”、“沉默的母亲”、“亲子关系的断裂”三个方面;“羁绊与舍弃”是《与生俱来的烦恼》中亲子关系的主要形态,从“真挚的亲子之爱”、“沉重的亲子之爱”、“亲子关系的困境”三个方面进行讨论;最后,“宽容与理解”是《星座》中探讨的理想亲子关系,小说中虽然存在着“知识分子与劳动大众的冲突”、“自然与科学的冲突”,但是“亲子关系的和谐”却是有岛力图表达的重点所在。第二章“有岛武郎小说中亲子观的类型”,分作四节讨论了有岛武郎小说中亲子观的类型,以及亲子观产生差异的根源。首先,作者认为“家父长制的亲子观”这一传统的亲子观具体表现为“以家长为中心的家庭结构”以及“以服从为中心的亲子原则”,是一种“习性的亲子观”;其次,与“家父长制的亲子观”相比较,“民主的亲子观”是一种全新的亲子观,具体表现为“家长本位的动摇”和“母权的复兴”,是一种“理智的亲子观”;再次,“本能的亲子观”是理想中的亲子观,具体表现为“以自己为中心”、“以个性发展为核心原则”;最后,作者认为“生活环境的差异”、“人生理想的差异”与“性别差异”是导致亲子观产生差异的根源。第三章“有岛武郎小说中的亲子观与多重意象表达”,分为三节,主要是对有岛武郎小说中的亲子关系、亲子观进行审美观照,探讨有岛武郎运用怎样的艺术技巧在小说中表现出亲子观之间的矛盾与冲突。作者认为有岛对意象的运用是最具典型意义的,所以作者将小说中的多重意象表达分为具有典型代表性的三类,即“地理意象”、“时间意象”、“圣经意象”。在“地理意象”中,主要结合小说《一个女人》、《与生俱来的烦恼》及《该隐的后裔》分析了“陆地与海的意象”以及“原野与都市”的意象。这两组意象是矛盾对立的关系,与小说中矛盾的亲子观是对称的,也与人物的心理活动相对应,使得小说内容和人物形象显得更加鲜活。在“时间意象”中,主要结合《一个女人》和《星座》分析了“季节意象”和“时钟意象”,有岛武郎以季节的循环和变化来对应人物在亲子观倾向上的变化以及亲子关系形态上的起伏,而时钟意象则象征着近代的到来,是促使主人公在关键时刻做出抉择的原动力。在“圣经意象”中,则结合《一个女人》、《星座》和《与生俱来的烦恼》分析了“绊脚石意象”、“白官舍意象”和“面包意象”。圣经意象的使用一方面丰富了亲子观的表现形式,另一方面也客观说明了《圣经》所隐喻的外在束缚的存在,这在事实上也对理想亲子观的实现形成了障碍。在“结语”部分,作者对全文进行了总结,并探讨了有岛武郎小说中与亲子观相关的几个问题,揭示了“爱是夺取”的美学思想正是有岛武郎小说之所以能够引起读者共鸣的关键。有岛武郎作为一个在理想与现实、理智与本能之间徘徊的作家,能够在自己短暂的创作生涯中提出并不断探讨“爱是夺取”的美学思想,他的身上所体现出的执着追求的精神、始终难以解决的烦恼都是非常感动人心的。此外,探讨有岛武郎小说中的亲子观,探讨有岛武郎与其他近代日本作家在“亲子”这一主题上的共鸣以及差异,对于理解日本近代文学的特点也是非常重要的。

【Abstract】 This dissertation makes an analysis of the Parent-child relationship in five novels written by Arishima Takeo, a modern Japanese writer, from the perspective of Parent-child, and proposes that "Love, Ruthless Plunderer" is at the core of the Parent-child ideas of his novels. The idea makes people improve themselves and pursuit better Parent-child concept, on the other hand, the idea brings people into conflict with traditional values and makes ideal Parent-child concept cannot be realized. The coexisting of contradiction enriches his novels.This important idea is expressed through the presentation of the Parent-child relationship, which is the basic framework and important concerns of all his novels. The extreme, variation, break, dilemma, harmony of Parent-child relationship not only have a basic meaning but also a profound metaphorical meaning:with Japan stepping into modern age, people are facing conflicts between tradition and reform, Eastern and Western, which reflect conflicts between Parent-child concepts in Arishima’s novels and writer’s independent aesthetic ideal and value orientation. Arishima intends to realize Parent-child concept without any constraint through his writing, but he meet disturbs from many aspects. This dissertation not only describes Parent-child relationship, but also describes relationship between male and female, intelligentsia and laborer. Sex and knowledge become important factors which affect Parent-child relationship, thus raising the discussion on Parent-child relationship in Amy Tan’s novels to a new height.This dissertation consists of three chapters besides Introduction and Conclusion.The Introduction makes a summary of the domestic researches on Arishima Takeo’s novels in China from three aspects, i.e., "comparative literature", "feminist view" and "artistic thoughts". At the same time, the Introduction makes a summary of the domestic researches on Arishima Takeo’s novels in Japan from seven aspects, i.e., "love aesthetics", "social research" and "geographical space". On the basis of the above summary, this dissertation puts forward that analyzing the aesthetic idea of his novels from the aspect of Parent-child relationship is of great significance. This helps to understand not only Arishima’s novels but also his ideas about the history of his family, cultural conflicts between the East and the West and many problems in relation to the contemporary world like women’s and peasant’s liberate. Research methods of this dissertation include "positive research", "aesthetic point of view" and "influence study". Lastly, definitions are given to such keywords as "Parent-child relationship", "Parent-child" and "instinct".The title of Chapter One is "Five Patterns of Parent-child Relationship in Arishima Takeo’s Novels". This chapter is composed of five sections, in which the Parent-child relationship and their developing tendency are discussed. First of all, the opposition and conflict is the main pattern in A certain Woman, which reflected from two aspects, "conflicts between Yoko and parents" and "conflicts between Yoko and daughter, sisters." Parent-child relationship gets into extreme in oppositions and conflicts. The indifferent and insensitive is the main pattern in Osue’s Death, which is demonstrated in three aspects, namely, "Parent-child relationship in economical crisis", "Parent-child relationship facing death" and "variations of Parent-child relationship." The hiatus and disillusion is the main pattern in The Descendents of Cain, which is demonstrated in three aspects, namely, "instinctive father", "reticent mother" and "break of Parent-child relationship. The fetter and reject is the main patter in Born with Sufferings, which is also demonstrated in three aspects, namely, "sincere love between parent and offspring", "serious love between parent and offspring" and "dilemma of Parent-child relationship." The toleration and understanding is the main pattern in The Constellation, which is also demonstrated in three aspects, namely, "conflicts between intelligentsia and laborer", "conflicts between nature and science" and "harmony of Parent-child relationship."The title of Chapter Two is "The Type of Parent-child Concept in Arishima Takeo’s Novels." This chapter is composed of four sections, in which the connotation of Parent-child relationship and related resources are analyzed. Parent-child concept of patriarchy concludes two contents, namely, "patriarch standard" and "obeying rule", which is a constrained concept. Democratic Parent-child concept also concludes two contents, namely, "shaking of patriarch standard" and "resurgence of matriarch", which is an intelligent concept. Instinctive Parent-child concept also concludes two contents, namely, "self standard" and "personality developing rule", which is a ideal concept. At last, this dissertation points out that the difference of Parent-child concepts attribute to "living environment difference", "life ideal difference" and "sex difference."The title of Chapter Three is "Parent-child Concepts and Multi-image in Arishima Takeo’s Novels." This chapter is composed of three sections, analyzing Parent-child concepts from aesthetic view. Arishima used a great deal of artistic skills to reflect conflicts between Parent-child concepts, among which multi-image is the most important. The multi-image can be divided into three types: geography image, time image and Bible image. Geography image is demonstrated in two parts, "image of land and sea" and "image of champaign and city". Land and sea, champaign and city are contradicting, which reflect contradictions between Parent-child concepts. Time image is also demonstrated into two parts, "season image" and "clock image." Arishima uses season’s changing to mirror changes in Parent-child relationship, and uses clock image to reflect modern age’s approaching. Bible image is demonstrated into three parts, "stumbling block image", "white tomb image" and "bread image", which not only enrich expressions, but also symbolize constraints.The last part of the dissertation draws a conclusion and offers further explorations to some other questions relevant to Arishima Takeo’s aesthetic idea of "love". Arishima always wanders between ideal and reality, intelligence and instinct, which make him exploring "Love, reuthless plunderer" in literary creations. His persists, his suffering cause readers’sympathetic responses. It’s important for understanding characters of Japanese modern literature to study differences between Arishima and other Japanese writers in Parent-child motif.

  • 【分类号】I313.074
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