

【作者】 何景涛

【导师】 安立仁;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 企业管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 1996年OECD提出“知识经济就是以知识为基础的经济,它直接依赖于知识的生产、分配和应用”。进入二十一世纪以来,知识经济逐渐成为经济发展的主导特征,以单一学科为架构的人类知识生产传统模式受到了强烈的冲击。以问题为导向、多学科知识汇聚的非传统知识生产模式已经成为知识生产的新趋势。随着经济全球化使得企业竞争范围的扩大,在传统经济条件下的企业之间的竞争关系发生了变化。世界范围内的企业都在积极建立合作关系,国内外众多学者的研究表明,企业之间的合作逐渐演化为以知识合作为特征,如IBM、摩托罗拉、东芝、西门子等很多跨国大公司都在把握全球经济一体化给企业发展带来的契机,积极建立知识合作网络,以加速企业知识创新。我国企业也认识到了知识合作中存在的力量,学习和借鉴这些公司的合作经验,如海尔、联想、长虹和方正等企业联合发起了数字化产品创新的联盟,加速了这一领域的知识溢出、增加了创新成果的科技知识含量,促进了国内计算机、家电、通信的优势资源沿3C方向发展。企业与企业之间、学科与学科之间正在进行着前所未有的广泛知识合作。这种广泛的知识合作不是一种偶然,是有其产生、发展的必然性,企业如何选择合作伙伴和合作组织形式,通过知识合作实现快速成长;如何跨越组织边界实现与外部组织的知识合作;如何通过知识合作构建企业竞争优势实现企业的长期发展,这些都是企业迫切关注的问题,研究企业知识合作机制有现实意义。文章从知识合作的角度研究企业合作创新问题。应用管理学、经济学、社会学、心理学和信息系统等多学科理论和方法,对企业知识合作机制进行了较为系统的研究。以企业知识合作的过程为主线安排文章的结构,围绕知识合作如何实现知识的价值转换和价值增值这一核心问题,揭示企业知识合作的机制。主要研究成果如下:(1)对知识合作与知识合作方式的研究:知识合作是指企业与企业之间,以问题为导向、以消费者为中心,基于知识战略考略,形成利益相关体,用多学科汇聚的知识生产方式使得企业进行价值链上跨组织的业务活动,通过企业外部价值链上的知识整合,实现经济利益和获取竞争优势的过程。知识合作的方式分为:知识集聚、知识供应链、知识嫁接。不同知识合作方式产生的不同效应实现了对企业外部价值链的重构。知识集聚是由知识积累与交叉所产生的集聚效应形成,研究了知识集聚形成的机理、运行原理;知识供应链是知识之间的推拉效应形成的,研究知识供应链的运行环境、知识供应链的构建;知识嫁接是知识之间的缺口互补效应所产生,研究了其合作原理、运行环境。(2)对企业知识合作理论的研究。依据野中郁次郎对企业知识创新原理的理论构建,尝试从企业知识合作的流程、企业知识合作的KC-SECI模型、企业知识合作的组织与制度来建立企业知识合作的理论研究体系。企业知识合作的KC-SECI模型与组织内的SECI模型相比较,不仅是知识创新链条的延展,更重要的是通过不同组织间的知识溢出过程和企业内的知识创造两个阶段实现了知识的交互式流动,新知识产生的过程也更为灵活。(3)对知识合作机制的研究。知识经济时代企业之间广泛合作活动的产生不只是单一的动机能够解释或是完成,它应该是由一个完整的体系来实现。文章从系统的观点把企业知识合作的机制依据运行过程分为动力机制、运行机制、调控机制。基于企业进行知识合作的目的是在于获取各种利益的前提假设下,本文构建了适合于企业知识合作的动力机制模型,此模型的涵义是企业在外部宏观环境的影响和内在因素的促成下,受知识合作方式可以为企业带来利益的激励,产生了知识合作的驱动力;从知识合作产生的效应与运行环境形成及新知识产生三方面研究知识合作的运行机制;研究三种知识合作在运行中存在的具体问题,并提出调控机制。知识集聚合作主要存在集聚外部性的持久性问题,通过形成集群内知识势差、加强知识流动实现知识创新的持续性;知识供应链的关键问题是上下游企业之间的信任关系,在程序公平的基础上建立基于依赖的信任关系是解决方法;知识嫁接存在风险控制问题,有效的风险治理和合理的组织设计是其调控手段。(4)研究知识合作对企业的贡献。从价值驱动的角度描述了企业知识合作价值的组成,并构建了知识对企业能力贡献的测度模型。企业知识合作价值包括两部分:知识合作产生的直接经济利益和企业竞争优势的增强。直接经济利益来源于知识合作对企业产品价值的贡献;竞争优势的增强来源于知识合作通过对企业外部价值链上的知识整合,增加了企业的知识存量,提升了企业把在知识合作过程中获取创新知识商业化的能力。知识合作只是手段,知识的共享、流动、学习只是途径,实现知识合作价值才是企业知识合作的目的。企业知识合作的机制就是一个知识合作价值的激励、产生、分配机制。

【Abstract】 The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) proposed that Knowledge Economy be a knowledge-based economy, which directly depends on the production, distribution and application of knowledge. After entering the 21st century, knowledge economy has gradually become the dominant feature of economic development and the traditional model of human knowledge production with a single subject structure has been strongly shocked. This unconventional mode of knowledge production, which is problem-oriented and integrated with multi-disciplinary knowledge has become the new trend. As economic globalization has expanded the scope of enterprise competition, the competing relations between enterprises under the traditional economic circumvent have changed. Companies worldwide are activly establishing partnerships. Studies of scholars from both at home and abroad have shown that the cooperation between companies are gradually characterized by knowledge cooperation. For example, IBM, Motorola, TOSHIBA, Siemens, and many other big cross-international companies are making use of the opportunities brought by global economic integration and actively building a network of knowledge cooperation to accelerate the innovation of enterprise knowledge. Chinese enterprises such as Hier, Lenovo, Changhong, and Founder, ect., have also realized the power of knowledge cooperation and are following suit, and they jointly launched a consortium of innovation of digital products speeding up the spillover of knowledge in this area, increasing the value of scientific knowledge in innovative achievements and promoting the preponderant resources of domestic computers, elect appliances and communications to develop in the direction of 3 Cs.The ongoing extensive cooperation between enterprises and disciplines are unprecedented. This cooperation is not accidental, inevitable. How to choose partners and forms of cooperation so that rapid growths of knowledge can be achieved; how to cross the organizational borders so that knowledge cooperation with outer organizations can be achieved; and how to construct competitive advantages through knowledge cooperation so that long-term development of enterprises can be achieved are all the pressing concerns of enterprises and have practical significance for studding the mechanism of enterprise knowledge cooperation.Enterprise cooperation innovation is discussed from the perspective of knowledge cooperation in this article. A systematic research on the mechanism of enterprise knowledge cooperation is undertaken using multi-disciplinary theories and methods of management, economics, sociology, psychology and information systems. The mechanism of knowledge cooperation is to be realized during the process of knowledge cooperation, therefore, based on how to achieve knowledge cooperation, the concept of knowledge cooperation is gradually and thoroughly introduced. Major achievements are as follows:(1)Research on knowledge cooperation and the pattern of knowledge cooperation: Knowledge cooperation is the process of realizing economic benefits and obtaining competition advantages between enterprises with the feature of being problems-oriented, consummers-centerded and out of knowledge strategies. It is aiming at forming stake holders, facilitating the cross-organizational activities of enterprises in the value chain while using multi-disciplinary pattern of knowledge production, and via knowledge fusion in the external value chain. The modes of knowledge cooperation can be divided as knowledge gathering, knowledge supply chain and knowledge grafting. Different effects arising from various patterns of knowledge cooperation help realize restructuring external value chain. Knowledge gathering is caused by the accumulation and intersection of knowledge and focuses on the process, operating environment and knowledge innovation of knowledge gathering. Knowledge supply chain is formed by the push-pull effect within knowledge, and it studies the operating environment, new knowledge and the trust establishment between enterprises. Knowledge grafting comes into being as the complementary effect of knowledge gap within knowledge. It studies the cooperation principle, operating environment as well as risk control.(2)Research on the innovative theories of enterprise knowledge cooperation. According to the theory of Nonaka about innovation of enterprise knowledge, a new theory of enterprise knowledge cooperation is tentatively established based on the procedures, the KC-SECI model and the organizing and system of knowledge cooperation. Compared with the SECI model within the organization, the KC-SECI model of enterprise knowledge cooperation is,on the one hand, the extension of knowledge innovation, and, on the other hand, two phases of knowledge innovation process among different organizations, namely the process of knowledge spillover and knowledge creating within enterprises.(3)Research on the mechanism of knowledge cooperative. According to the procedure of the cooperation, knowledge cooperative mechanism is divided into three types:dynamisms, operating and feedback, and the model of knowledge cooperative mechanism is built based on the exogenous and endogenous forces and the stimulation of knowledge cooperation value. The operational mechanism of knowledge cooperation is studied from the following three aspects,i.e., effect steming from knowledge cooperation and its operational environment as well as the new knowledge generating. The positive feedback of the knowledge cooperative mechanism results in the change of the game conditions at the beginning of the cooperation, at the same time may cause the instability of cooperation. The negative feedback of the knowledge cooperative mechanism makes the overall cooperation produce competition advantages by means of integrating the external knowledge from the value chain. Consequently, the act of cooperating between corporations is characterized by the fluctuation of cooperation-betrayal-cooperation. The organization type of enterprise cooperation is dependent on the pattern of knowledge cooperation. The partners’ knowledge property and their cooperation effect decides the organization type.(4)Research on the value of knowledge cooperation. It describes the composition of enterprise knowledge cooperation value from the perspective of value-driving. The value of knowledge cooperation encompasses two pars. One is the direct economic benefits brought by knowledge cooperation and the other is the enhancement of enterprise competitive advantages. Direct economic benefits come from the contribution of knowledge cooperative pattern to the value elements of enterprise products. The enhancement of competitive advantage lies in that knowledge cooperation enhances enterprises’ A ability to commercialize the new knowledge gained from knowledge cooperation via the knowledge integration on the enterprises’ external value chain. Knowledge cooperation is only a tool and knowledge sharing, flowing, and learning is only a way. Realizing the value of knowledge cooperation is the goal of knowledge cooperation innovation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期