

Optimization Analysis on Development of Rural Settlement in the Region of Loess Hilly and Gully in Northern Area of Shaanxi Province

【作者】 惠怡安

【导师】 陈宗兴; 刘科伟;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 人文地理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 聚落(settlement),是人类活动的中心,它既是人们居住、生活、休息和进行各种社会活动的场所,也5是人们进行劳动生产的场所。近年来,随着工业化、城镇化的快速发展,以及西部大开发战略及新农村建设向纵深推进,陕北黄土丘陵沟壑区农村聚落在多种发展机制的作用下和强烈的博弈中开始剧烈的分化与重组,有的成长为区域性中心村,有的衰落为空心村,有的与周围小城镇联合成为其重要的功能区,有的则联合为分散布局的共同体。蜕变重组后的众多农村聚落自主地通过资源层、制度层及管理层的创新,在增强其自身功能的同时,以区域优势资源、特色主导产业、交通便捷性或市场群落为纽带,初步形成了具有陕北黄土丘陵沟壑区典型特色的新型农村社区,使得区域农村聚落逐渐向着有序的空间结构演进。实践发展表明,农村聚落的分化与重组既是经济发展的必然规律,同时也是衡量新农村建设实效和体现区域农村经济发展水平与质量的重要标志。本文在对相关概念界定的基础上,以乡村聚落地理学和发展经济学为指导,运用定性分析与定量研究相结合、文献与社会调查方法相结合、理论研究与实证分析相结合的研究方法,从陕北黄土丘陵区农村聚落的历史演进入手,对其规模结构、空间结构及经济社会发展演进过程及其特征进行分析的基础上,指出了陕北黄土丘陵区农村聚落发展中存在布局分散、规模过小、基础设施匮乏与空废化等问题,剖析了推进陕北丘陵区农村聚落发展演化的自然资源驱动力、经济发展驱动力、社会文化驱动力、制度政策驱动力等四大趋动力,进而围绕新形势下陕北丘陵区农村经济、社会和环境发展的内在要求,提出了陕北丘陵区农村聚落在产业、生活方式、规模、结构方面的转型方向及其优化的基本思路与模式,最后提出了促进陕北丘陵区农村聚落优化的具体方略。全文由八章组成。通过研究,本文认为:(1)由于资源富集、生态脆弱、产业收入悬殊,在推拉作用力下,陕北丘陵区农村劳动力向外转移势不可挡,农村聚落空废化与加速整合不可逆转。因此,以统筹城乡发展为根本,按照中心城市-县城-重点镇-中心村四级网络化结构,协调推进新型城镇化与社会主义新农村建设,是解决陕北丘陵区农村聚落发展问题的根本途径。(2)农村聚落发展系统是一个多层次、多要素综合作用的庞大系统,具有复杂性、开放性、非线性等特点。本文根据农村聚落演化规律并结合陕北区域性特点,将陕北丘陵区农村聚落发展的驱动力归纳为自然资源驱动力、经济增长驱动力、社会文化驱动力和制度政策驱动力等四个方面,其中经济驱动力和制度驱动力是陕北丘陵区农村聚落发展的主要驱动力,自然驱动力和社会文化驱动力是陕北丘陵区农村聚落发展的辅助驱动力,属于基础支撑系统。(3)农村聚落的发展与布局应在产业发展与布局的基础上,根据各地实际因地制宜地进行,切忌采取一刀切的发展模式。为此,本文在对陕北丘陵区农村聚落发展演化基本规律及其优化方向研究的基础上,提出了农村聚落优化的几种模式,即城镇牵引型、中心村集中型、聚落整合型、聚落改造型。(4)根据社会主义新农村建设要求的聚落功能,利用“经济门槛”的经济学原理,根据各类聚落功能的适度效益标准要求和农户收入最大化为主要衡量指标,定量化的确定了聚落的规模,从而改变了传统根据耕地面积预测聚落人口的方法。计量结果显示,陕北丘陵区最小聚落的人口适宜规模应为2000人左右。(5)不同层面的制度政策设计对促进农村聚落的优化至关重要。由于陕北丘陵区工业比较效益与农业比较效益的差异更为巨大,省级政府应重点加大对陕北丘陵区农村人口转移与聚落重整的工作力度。县市级政府在政策选择上应着重抑制聚落的无序建设,促进其空间布局的有序化。具体措施可以包括:第一,统筹城乡一体化规划,优化城镇村空间布局,协调推进新型城镇化与社会主义新农村建设。第二,以产业发展为主线,以农民增收为根本,引导农村居民向不同区域的迁移,促进聚落的整合。第三,加快制度创新的力度,切实解决聚落演化中的集体资产股份化问题、土地问题、社会保障问题、户籍制度问题、传统社会关系建立等问题。

【Abstract】 Settlement which is the center of human activity is not only the place where people live, rest and do various social activities, but also a place where people work. In recent years, with the rapid development of industrialization, urbanization, the push of the western development and new rural construction strategies, the settlement start to be divided and reorganized under the action of various development mechanism and intense game. Among them, some is growing to a regional center of the village, some fading to a hollow village, some becoming an important functional areas with the joint of small towns surrounding, while others are combined for the scattered layout of the community. After re-transformation, many rural settlements through the independent innovation of resource layer, system layer and the management layer enhance their own capabilities initially to the new rural community which has the typical characteristics of Loess hilly region with the regional resource advantages, features leading industry and convenient transportation, or the market community as a link, much of the rural settlements gradually toward the orderly evolution of the spatial structure. Development of practice shows that the differentiation and reorganization of the rural settlement is the inexorable law of economic development, but also to measure the effectiveness of new rural construction and reflect the level of rural economic development and an important indicator of quality.On the basis of defined concepts, under the guide of Rural Geography and Development Fconomics, through the combination study methods of qualitative analysis and quantitative studies, the binding of method of literature and social survey, the conjunction of theory studies and empirical analysis in multiple perspective,The dissertation from the historical evolution of the rural villages to analyze their characteristics of the size structure, spatial structure and the evolution of the economic and social development. Pointed out the problem of the development of rural settlements in the Hilly Area, which is the scattered layout of rural settlements, small scale, lack of infrastructure and the empty of the settlement. The four major driving forces are analyzed which are the driving forces of the natural resources, economic development, the social and cultural and the policy system.Then proposed the basic ideas for optimizing the rural settlement and the transformation direction of the rural settlement in the field of the industry, lifestyle, size and structural.Full-dissertation composed by the eight chapters.The dissertation conclusion mainly below:(1)Because of the rich concentration one of resources, fragile ecology and the great disparity income in industries, these reasons play a promoting role in the trend of the rural labor force transferring outward in the loess hill and gully area of northern shaanxi, the rural settlement empty disusing and the integration accelerating would be as an irreversible. Base on the balancing urban and rural development, a fundamental solution for development in the loess hill and gully area of northern shaanxi is what make a 4 classes level structure as central city, county, key town, central village, and make a coordinated promotion for building of new type urbanization and socialist new countryside.(2)The system of rural settlement development is a huge system which is a multi-level and integrated multi-factor effects system, and with complex, opening, nonlinearity etc. This paper base on the evolution rule of rural settlement and the regional character of northern shaanxi, the driving force of development in the loess hill and gully area of northern shaanxi are considered as the natural resources driving force, the economical growth driving force, social culture driving force, and policy-system driving force etc. The economical growth driving force and policy-system driving force are major driving force, the natural resources driving force and social culture driving force are assistant driving force which is the basic supporting system;(3)The rural settlement development should compare with industry development and allocation, base on the local conditions, not form the absolute developing model. Furthermore, the several optimization models are proposed by studying on the evolution rule and optimization direction of development in the loess hill and gully area of northern shaanxi, which are the town trailed model, the concentrated central village model, the integrating settlement model, the reformation settlement model.(4)According to the required function of settlement for socialist new countryside, basing on the economic principle "economic threshold", appropriate benefit standard of various settlements functions and the measurement index of rural income maximization, the scale of settlement should be determined in quantities, as result, the changed method which is different from traditional forecasted population basing on the area of cultivated land should be used. The calculation results that the appropriate minimum scale settlement should be around 2000 person in the loess hill and gully area of northern shaanxi.(5)The different arrangement from policy system play a key pole in promotion of optimization for rural settlement. Since the huge gap between the industrial comparative benefit and agricultural comparative benefit, the Government of Shaanxi Province should give the increasing strength in the population migration and the reforming of settlements. The Government of Counties should choose the policy which restrains the settlement building in confusion and promotes the settlement to be ordering in space. The concrete measure includes:Firstly, to make a overall planning of urban and rural in integration, optimize the urban, town and county’s spatial distribution, and make a coordinated promotion for building of new type urbanization and socialist new countryside. Secondly, to guide the rural residents to migrate in different region, and give the promotion for integration of settlements, basing on the developing of industries and increasing the income of rural residents.Thirdly, to strengthen the innovation intensity in policy, then resolve the problems as the shares of collective assets, land issues, social security, household registration system problems, the traditional social relationship construction etc, during the evolution of settlements.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期