

On the Methodology of Stephen Owen’s History of Tang Poetry

【作者】 葛红

【导师】 韩理洲;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 国际汉学正引起国内学界越来越广泛的关注。为拓宽古典文学研究的视野、增进学术研究的时代性、系统性和学理性,研究者既要关注国内研究成果,又要了解海外汉学家的研究动态,尤其需要关注研究方法层面的异同。然而目前对于汉学家的唐诗研究的考察还比较薄弱,有待加强。宇文所安(Stephen Owen,1946-),美国汉学家、哈佛大学学院教授、博士生导师,现任教于该校东亚系和比较文学系。他的研究领域涉及作家研究、诗歌史及诗歌理论的研究,他的唐诗史研究的特色是对文本的独到解读和精辟分析。这种特色的形成源于他对研究方法的关注。宇文所安的唐诗史研究促进并强化着唐诗在异域的传播、接受和理解,并对唐诗研究在西方世界的发展有着重要意义。在跨文化交流日益频繁的今天,这种影响显得愈发重要。本文运用的主要研究方法是一、综合归纳法:收集资料,对宇文所安的唐诗史进行总结,以科学客观的态度,依据翔实的材料,对宇文所安的唐诗史研究方法进行剖析;二、分析法:运用语言学的理论分析宇文所安的唐诗史研究;三、比较法:把宇文所安的研究与国内学者的相关研究,就方法论层面进行对比。本文的创新之处在于研究视角的独特性和研究方法的新颖性。本文研究视角独特。首先,从文化视域的隐喻角度剖析《初唐诗》,从类典型角度透视宇文所安分析王维《辋川集》绝句组诗的形式,展示王维诗的继承性和创新性并存的理据,以此来说明其成为类典型的原因。其次,提出原形互文和变形互文的新概念,《晚唐诗》原形互文篇幅较大,变形互文较少。再者,提出三维语境说:狭义文本语境、广义文本语境及原创语境。此为文学研究的语境三维观,与此相应的是语境三分法:狭义文本语境法、广义文本语境法以及原创语境法,并提出杜甫是典型的语境诗人的新说法。另外,本文还用社会因素法剖析了宇文所安对自居易晚年诗的研究。本文研究方法新颖。运用语言学的相关理论剖析了宇文所安的唐诗史研究方法,首次从现代语言学的视角,多层次地透视了宇文所安唐诗史的研究方法。笔者从文本关系的思路出发,将文本分为三个层次:文本内、文本间及文本外研究,运用相应的语言学概念:隐喻、类典型、互文性、语境及社会因素层面透视了其唐诗史研究的方法。文本内研究包括:隐喻,文本间:类典型、互文性,而语境社会因素则属于文本外研究。研究目的在于对宇文所安唐诗史研究背后运作的方法论加以剖析,本文研究的视角新颖,结论具有启发性。我们从研究的结论看到渐趋兴盛的海外汉学从一定程度上表明了跨文化交流的可行性和现实性,以及汉学研究的重要性,同时也表明宇文所安的唐诗史论著:《初唐诗》、《盛唐诗》、《晚唐诗》的研究视角是独特的,分析是精辟的,原因在于其研究方法与语言学理论的运用,是密切相关的,其研究方法具有学术史意义,为唐诗史写作的进一步深化,提供可借鉴的研究方法。

【Abstract】 More and more Chinese scholars show interests in sinology. In order to make progress in our studies, it is necessary that we’d better not only pay attention to studies on ancient Chinese literature at home, but also take sinology abroad into consideration. Furthermore, it is necessary to pay more attention to sinologists’ studies on Tang poetry than we used to.Stephen Owen (1946-), James Bryant Conant University Professor and Professor of Comparative Literature, is a famous American sinologist. Professor Owen’s primary areas of research interest are lyric poetry, comparative poetics, studies on writer, and premodern Chinese literature. It should be pointed out that the present research focuses on the methodology of Professor Owen’s history of Tang poetry, including The poetry of early Tang, The Great Age of Chinese Poetry:the High Tang, and The late Tang:Chinese poetry of the mid-ninth century.It is found out that Professor Owen’s works embody his research method, which is one of the most important reasons that make his study unique and different from other scholars’. The significance of Professor Owen’s history of Tang poetry to cross-cultural communication lies in the fact that his studies help English-speaking people understand not only Chinese literature, but also Chinese culture. Consequently, there exists the possibility that successful cross-cultural communication could become true.As far as research methods are concerned, it is hoped that three kinds of methods are made use of. Firstly, based on Professor Owen’s work on the present research history of Tang poetry, the author makes use of descriptive method. Secondly, the author applies certain linguistic theories to Professor Owen’s work on history of Tang poetry. Thirdly, pertinent to certain poets, the author makes a comparative study between Professor Owen’s study and some domestic scholars’, paying special attention to their methodology respectively.From the perspective of modern linguistic theories, the present research focuses on the methodology of Professor Owen’s history of Tang poetry. The author applies five linguistic terms to the present study, including metaphor, prototype, intertextuality, context, and social factors. The purpose of the present research lies in the possibility that the conclusions of this research could facilitate the study on ancient Chinese literature.This paper aims at analyzing Professor Owen’s history of Tang poetry, including The poetry of early T’ang, The Great Age of Chinese Poetry:the High T’ang, and The late Tang:Chinese poetry of the mid-ninth century, based on metaphor, prototype, intertextuality, context, and social factors, five significant terms in the field of linguistics. The significance of the present paper lies in verifying the explanation power of linguistics, pertinent to ancient Chinese poetry. The present research is in an attempt to disclose the method that provides Professor Owen with new perspectives of history Tang poetry studies, in hope that this paper is to provide Tang poetry researchers with some valuable reference.

【关键词】 宇文所安唐诗史方法论
【Key words】 Stephen Owenhistory of Tang poetrymethodology
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期