

【作者】 王俊霞

【导师】 李刚;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 经济史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 进入上世纪九十年代后,中国商帮研究始终是学术界关注的热点问题之一。其中,晋商研究和陕商研究均已取得很好的成绩。但是目前,关于晋商和陕商的研究都是分省的割裂式研究,这种研究忽视了一个基本事实,即明清时期,晋商与陕商在较长的历史时期和经营空间内,都是以“山陕商人”的联省商帮面目出现的,被称为“西商”或“山陕商人”。因此,明清时期,山陕商人不是孤立于彼此而独立发展的,他们之间存在着既复杂又微妙的相互关系。故而本文试图进行一次山陕商人的整体式研究,即以山陕商人为研究对象,着重研究二者之间的相互关系,特别其中的联合关系,以期能够管中窥豹,了解明清时期山陕商人共同的成功经商规律。为了更有效地探求明清山陕商人的相互关系,特别是相互联合关系,本文首先在山陕商人联合的可能性分析中介绍了山陕商人的基本概况,即明清时期,山西商人和陕西商人在经营项目、商品来源地、商品销售市场、经商路线等方面存在着“交集”,这些交集使山陕商人出于规模经济的考虑,完全有可能走向联合。然后,本文从历史、经济、文化等方面分析了山陕商人联合的原因,从而认为,明清时期,山陕商人之间存在联合关系是成立的。继而,本文又通过讨论山陕商人联合的经济形式和组织形式,说明山陕商人之间的联合,在经济上和组织上是如何实现的。紧接着,本文分析了山陕商人在全国各地特别是在河南、湖北、山东、甘肃等地的联合情况。最后,本文分析了山陕商人之间的联合因难免存在的竞争,而表现出的分分合合的灵活性。通过对山陕商人联合中灵活性的分析,说明了山陕商人之间相互关系中的竞争方面,从而完成对明清时期山陕商人相互关系的整体分析。通过对山陕商人的整体研究,本文得出结论:明清时期,山陕商人之间存在着以联合为主的、既联合又竞争相互关系。在各章的研究中,本论文都综合运用历史分析与经济分析相结合的方法,全方位多角度对问题进行分析。本文的创新点在于:将山陕商人的相互关系,作为统一的研究对象,特别研究了山陕商人相互关系中联合关系的发生、发展及其运动变化规律,克服了单独研究晋商和单独研究陕商的局限性;对山陕商人的资本组织形式进行对比,特别研究了山陕商人的合伙制;对明清时期山陕商人在全国所建的会馆进行了分省数量统计,并对其分布特点进行分析:从经商路线的角度入手,详细论述了明清山陕商人在河南、湖北、甘肃等省联合的基本情况。明清时期,山陕商人之间以联合为主的、既联合又竞争的相互关系,是中国商业史上最生动最有趣的经济现象之一,研究山陕商人的相互关系,不仅有利于打破学术研究的分割状态,而且,对两省经济的区域联合发展,也具有启发意义。

【Abstract】 From the beginning of nineties in last century,the resersch about ShangBang of China is a hot topic which has always been concerned by the scholars.The research of Shanxi businessmen and Shaanxi businessmen have achieved many good results,but this type of researches which made Shanxi businessmen apart from Shaanxi businessmen is only a fragmented research and it ignored a basic fact that Shanxi businessmen and Shaanxi businessmen always run their business thgether in so many regions and so long historical period that they were seen as an union named "XiShang" or "Shanshann Busimessmen" During the Ming and Qing dynasties,Shanshan businessmen are not isolated from each other and there existed complex and delicate relationship between them. So this paper attempts to conduct an overall study about Shanshan businessmen. It is specially focused on the relationship (particularly the joint relationship) between Shanshan businessmen so as to make us clear about the law of their success.To explore the relationship between Shanshann Businessmen better, this paper firstly introduced the basic business condition of Shanxi Businessmen and Shannxi Businessmen, that there were same projects, source of goods, market and business line in the business. All these common ground made it possible that Shanshann Businessmen may join together out of the economic interests. After that, this paper analyzed the reasons of this joint relationship from historical, economic and cultural angles and concluded that Shanshann businessmen established their joint relationship in the Ming and Qing dynasties. Then this paper analyzed their economy joint forms and organization joint forms so as to make people know how Shanshann businessmen can achieve the union in economy and organization. Then the paper analyzed this joint conditions between Shanshann businessmen in the whole country, particularly in Henan, Hubei, Shandong, Gansu. Lastly, this paper analyzed the inevitably competitive relationship between them and from this analysis the paper finished the study about the relationship between Shanshann businessmen during the Ming and Qing dynasties. From this type of overall study, this paper made the conclusion that during the the Ming and Qing dynasties there was a joint and competitive relationship between Shanshann businessmen in which the joint relationship played a more important role. In each chapter of the paper, the method of historical analysis and economic analysis were integrated used to analyze the issue from multiple perspectives. The innovation of this paper:firstly this paper make the relationship between Shanshann Businessmen as its research object and overcomed limitations of many separate study about Shanxi Businessmen and Shaanxi Businessmen from especially studying the law about the ccurrence, development and changes of this relationship.Secondly, this paper compared the form in capital organization of Shanxi Businessmen and Shaanxi Businessmen, and it especially studied the partnership of Shanshann Businessmen.Thirdly, this paper statisticed the number of HuiGuan in every province builded by Shanshann Businessmen during the Ming and Qing dynasties and analyzed its distribution characteristics. Fourthly, from the perspective of business line, this paper discussed the joint conditions in Henan, Hubei, Gansu and other provinces in detail.During the Ming and Qing dynasties,the joint and competitive relationship between Shanshann businessmen in which the joint relationship played a more important role was one of most lively and interesting economic phenomena of Chinese commercial history. To study the type of relationship, not only can make us stop the separate study about Shanshann businessmen, but also can give us many instructive advice on how to develop the united regional economy for Shanxi and Shannxi provinces.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期