

【作者】 陈稳亮

【导师】 葛承雍; 王建新;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 大遗址是指中国文化遗产中规模特大、价值突出的大型文化遗址、遗存和古墓葬。它们占地范围广、面积大,小者几十公顷,大者可达几十平方公里。近年来,我国快速城镇化所伴生的城乡建设使得地处人类经济活动密集区域的一些大遗址保护区在遗址保护与区域发展之间产生明显博弈。一方面,囿于文物保护政策的限制,遗址区域的社会经济发展受到制约,多数大遗址区域发展水平与周边地区存在悬差。另一方面,遗址区域的城乡建设与居民土地利用活动又对遗址造成严重影响。汉长安城遗址位于西安市西北郊,是我国古代第一个建制布局完整的统一帝国的都城遗址,1961年,汉长安城被国务院公布为第一批全国重点文物保护单位。作为我国大遗址的突出代表,汉长安城在近年来高速的城市化进程中,也面临遗址保护与区域发展的矛盾。遗址保护的限制,使遗址区域的社会经济发展水平,居民生活质量与周边地区长年来一直存在明显差距;与此同时,遗址区数万居民日常生产、生活活动也对遗址构成严重威胁。近年来,在我国遗产保护领域,学界愈益关注大遗址保护与区域发展的协调性研究,并从大遗址保护与城市发展的协调,大遗址保护与新农村建设的协调,大遗址保护与居民生产生活的结合,大遗址保护与产业发展的结合等面向对大遗址保护与区域发展的协同进行了探索。然而,纵览以上成果,从大遗址保护规划的视角来缓解遗址保护与区域发展矛盾的研究则略显薄弱,这也从一定程度上影响到其他协调性研究成果的可操作性。有鉴于此,本文基于《汉长安城遗址保护总体规划》的工作实践对“如何通过编制大遗址保护规划来实现大遗址保护与区域发展的协同”进行了以下探索:首先,通过遗址分布与保存状况的现场调查和遗址区内居民生活质量的问卷调查,分别揭示出汉长安城遗址保护和区域发展的现状,问题及其产生原因。在此基础上,基于居民生活质量与保护态度的相关性分析揭示出汉长安城遗址保护与区域发展的正向关联。其次,通过大遗址保护中规划的作用与意义的介绍和遗址保护与区域发展协同的规划需求分析,论证了编制《汉长安城遗址保护总体规划》对于实现“协同”目标的重要作用。在此前提下,结合遗址保护与区域发展的现状、问题与目标,提出汉长安城遗址保护规划编制所面临的挑战和需要解决的重点问题。再则,借鉴博弈论、沟通规划理论以及弹性规划理论等多学科理论与相关知识,分别对《汉长安城遗址保护总体规划》编制的策略、工作方法和规划技术进行理论指导,对大遗址保护规划多学科集成的研究方法进行了尝试。最后,以《汉长安城遗址保护总体规划》的修编工作为实证,通过指导思想与基本对策、保护区划与保护措施、遗址展示规划、遗址区人口与聚落调控规划等专项规划的背景分析、方案介绍与规划讨论,总结出《汉长安城遗址保护总体规划》在促进大遗址保护与区域发展协同方面所做的实践与探索。

【Abstract】 Great heritage relic means the big ashes, ruin and tumulus which have extremely scale and cultural value. The extension of these relics are very large, the area of them extend from several hectares to several square kilometers. Recent years, the urban-rural construction oriented by fast urbanization produced the clearly problem between relic protection and region development. On one hand, because of the decline of protection policy, the economy development within the relic came under restriction. On the other hand, the urban-rural construction and residents’ground utility activities within the relic district made severe passive influence to itself.Han Chang-an city relic located in northwest area of Xi’an city, it was the first united empery’s capital relic which had integrated organization and layout system in ancient China. Being our countries’extrusive representation of big heritage relic, during the high-speed urbanization course in recent years, Han Chang-an city also faced the conflicts between relic protection and region development. The protective restriction made the relic’social and economical develop level and residents’living quality had a distinguish gap with other districts. Meanwhile, thousands of residents who lived and worked within the relic also destroyed the ruin. The relic district presented itself to be a double-loss complexion, that protection confine development, development destroy protection.Recent years, in our country’s heritage protection field, the researchers pay more attention to the correspondent study in great heritage relic protection and region development, and made some exploitation on four aspects:relic protection and city construction, site protection and new country construction, site protection and residents’living, site protection and industry development. However, surveying all these harvest, the study which resolve the conflicts through protection planning method were little, this problem also influenced the maneuverability of study results. Whereas, this article based on the work practice of Han Chang-an city relic’s protective planning, did some research in resolving the protection and development conflicts through the method of working-out general protective planning.First, through not only the relic distribution and conservation condition survey, but also the questionnaire of the residents’ living quality within the relic, the article opened out the protection and development actuality, problem and causation of Han Chang-an city relic. Then, the article posted the positive correlation between relic protection and region development based on the relativity analysis of residents’living quality and protective attitude.Second, through the introduce of the protective planning’s function and significance, and the requirement analysis of relic protection cooperated with region development, the article demonstrated the important function of working-out Han Chang-an city relic protective planning to achieve the cooperation target. Under this precondition, combing preamble’s researches which showed the relic protection and region development actuality, problem and target, brought forward the challenges and important problems which protective planning need to solve of Han Chang-an city relic.Third, based on several scientific theories, such as game theory, communication theory and flexibility planning theory, the article tried to guide the protective planning work strategy, method and technique, and attempted in integrating excessive subjects in relic protective planning.Last, took Han Chang-an city relic protective planning as demonstration, through the analysis of several planning parts, such as direction idea and basic countermeasure, protective district and protective measure, relic display planning, residents and assembles control planning, sum up the Han Chang-an city relic’s protective planning, which did some practice and exploration in cooperation of relic protection and region development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期