

【作者】 高昂

【导师】 张道宏;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 循环经济, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 资源与环境是人类经济社会发展必不可少的两个关键因素。自人类工业化以来,在经济发展取得巨大成就的同时,环境、能源与经济发展之间的矛盾却日趋尖锐。人类的生产和消费活动造成了资源的迅速耗竭,大量污染物的排放造成严重的环境污染和生态系统失衡。为了避免这种矛盾的进一步激化和加剧,寻求人与自然的协调和可持续发展,我们就必须转变现有的经济增长方式,发展循环经济。传统经济理论只注重经济系统的价值循环,忽视了经济系统与环境之间的物质循环。而发展循环经济既要考虑价值循环也要考虑物质循环,“物质循环”是在“经济”前提下的循环,“经济”是在“物质循环”中的经济。因此,对循环经济物质流特征与流动规律进行分析研究就具有了非常重要的理论与现实意义。本文共安排了九章:第一章为绪论。主要介绍了论文的选题背景与意义、研究对象与方法、基本思路与框架结构、主要创新之处等。第二章为文献综述。主要从循环经济的发展历程、概念及内涵、理论基础、运行基本原则、研究方法、发展模式、主要障碍、政策建议等方面对循环经济研究现状与成果进行回顾、梳理和评述。第三章为循环经济基础理论研究。对循环经济的概念、生态特征与经济特征、物质流分析类型、指标体系等内容进行归纳和总结;从科学范式、分析目的和分析内容等三个角度对物质流分析和循环经济之间的关系进行了分析。第四章为对循环经济“3R”原则的研究——经济学视角。引入边际量减量化指标,丰富了减量化概念的内涵,补充了减量化指标体系,分析了减量化的实现规律。对减量化的公平与效率、再利用的消费模式选择、再利用的重点领域、再循环的数量优化分配、再循环的动力机制构建等内容进行了重点分析研究。第五章为时滞影响下的循环经济物质流特征研究。界定了物质流时滞概念,构建了中短期时间尺度下的循环经济物质流单循环模型,利用模型对物质运动规律进行描述与分析。对大时间尺度下的循环经济系统物质流总量特征与动态变化规律做出进一步的剖析。第六章为循环经济物质流流动规律研究。将经济系统内部物质流细分为三类,研究得出各类物质流的流动规律。通过界定物质流需求价格弹性概念,对其变化机理与变化规律进行分析研究。第七章为物质流时滞影响下的区域循环经济发展实证研究——物质流方法。利用物质流分析方法对陕西省物质流输入输出总量、输入输出强度、效率、相关性等内容进行了分析。通过建立相关计量模型,对物质流时滞的影响进行了实证研究。第八章为对物质流方法实证研究的补充与验证——计量方法。利用计量方法对物质流分析实证结果进行进一步的细化、补充和验证。对物质输入输出量进行行业和产业的分类,建立模型计算分析能源、人口、环境与经济发展因素之间的相关性。第九章为结论及展望。通过以上研究,得出十点结论。同时指出循环经济物质流特征与流动规律领域还有待进一步研究的三个问题。本文的创新点主要体现在三个方面:第一,在界定物质流时滞概念的基础上,对循环经济物质流特征进行了理论创新研究;第二,在对经济系统内部物质流分类和界定物质流需求价格弹性概念的基础上,对循环经济物质流流动规律进行了理论创新研究;第三,在界定边际量减量化概念的基础上,从经济学视角对减量化内涵与规律进行了理论创新研究。

【Abstract】 The resource and natural environment are the essential factors to the economic development. The economic development of human has obtained the great achievement since the industrialization of the world, but the contradictions between environment and economic development are becoming increasingly acute. The production and consumption have brought about the overextension of resources, and the massive discharge of pollutant has resulted in a loss of balance of the ecology. In order to prevent contradictions from becoming intensified and realize a coordinated and sustainable development of population, economy, society, resource and environment, it is urgent to develop the circular economy in China.The traditional economic theory only puts the emphasis on the value circular flow, ignores the material circular flow. As a new economic pattern, the circular economy takes value circular flow as well as material circular flow into account. Therefore it is of great important value in theory and significance in practice to have a research on the characteristics and flow laws of material flow within circular economy.This thesis is composed of nine chapters. The first chapter is the general introduction of the circular economy. The research background and significance, the object and methodology, the basic thoughts and structure, the contribution and main innovation have been carried out in this chapter. The second chapter is the literature summary, the relevant theory research results have been organized and evaluated, including the development history, the concept and theoretical basis, the basic operating principles, research methods, developing mode, the chief obstacles, policy proposal of the circular economy. The third chapter is the basic theory analysis of the circular economy. The concept of circular economy, the ecological and economic characteristic, the type of material flow analysis, indicator system have been primarily studied in this chapter. The relations between material flow analysis and circular economy has been studied by three perspectives:the science paradigm, the goal of analysis and the content of analysis. The four chapter is the research of the reduce, reuse and recycle principles from the perspective of economics. In this chapter, the new concept of marginal reducing indicator is put forward and the realizing law of reducing principle is discussed. At the same time, some other contents have been studied, such as the fair and efficiency of reduce, etc. The fifth chapter is the analysis on characteristics of material flow within circular economy systems with time lag influence. Based on the method of material flow analysis and the theory of circular economy, the definition of the "material flow’s time lag" is given, a theoretical model of MFA between environmental and circular economy systems with time lag influence is established. Under the framework of the theoretical model, all material streams in the theoretical model are classified and denominated according to mass balance theory and listed in mass balance equations. On this basis, the amount comparison of natural resources and wastes within different time periods is studied. The sixth chapter is the study on moving rules of material flow within the circular economy. Based on studying the internal material flow classification of the economic systems, the rules of the internal material flow within the economic systems are summarized. With the definition of price elasticity of demand of material flow, its changing rules are studied. The seventh chapter is the material flow analysis on regional development of circular economy with time lag influence. The total material input and output, the input and output per capita and per unit GDP of shannxi province are analyzed. The econometric model is built to speculate the time lag’s influence. The eighth chapter is the supplement and verification of the result of material flow analysis by application of econometric method. Based on classification of the industry and energy, the econometric models are set up and the correlation analysis among the environment, energy, population and economy has been given. In the last chapter, ten conclusions have been summarized. The shortages of current research and the direction for future research have been put forward.The innovations of this thesis include the study on characteristics of material flow within circular economy systems with time lag influence, the theoretical innovation about the moving rules of material flow within the circular economy, the theoretical innovation about the reduce principle.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期