

From the Natural Folk Form to Scientific System

【作者】 明文军

【导师】 资华筠;

【作者基本信息】 中国艺术研究院 , 舞蹈学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 源远流长的中国舞蹈,伴随着中华民族文明的演进,历经起、落、兴、衰。民族民间舞蹈在剧烈的历史转折与社会动荡中顽强生长,其丰富多彩、绚丽斑斓可谓世界之最。本文论述的是与共和国文化建设同步发展的“当代中国民族民间舞教学体系”构建中的经验与问题并探讨解决的办法。自初始起这一教学体系对传统民间舞蹈“自然天成”的继承关系,及专业舞蹈教学所需具有的功能,注定了它与不同层次的民族舞蹈文化之间存在着密切而又错综复杂的关联,在世界范围内这是极具特色的文化现象。论文对半个世纪以来的教学成果进行了全面、系统的分析,旨在促进中国民族民间舞教学体系的科学化建设和可持续发展。有鉴于此,以揭示民族舞蹈文化发展规律为主旨的“舞蹈生态学”成为本文重要的认识论、方法论之依据。一方面多维性考察的系统理论和形态分析的科学方法,为“相关因素”十分丰富的中国民族民间舞教学提供了清晰的研究思路和手段。另一方面有关“舞蹈文化比较”的理念与方法,更对本文具有“提纲挈领”的启迪作用。期望本文的命题及运用上述思路、原理、方法的初探性成果,能够实现对中国民族民间舞蹈教学乃至舞蹈学科的建设具有创新意义和实践效能的双重目标。论文主要包括以下几个方面:一是对中国民族民间舞教学体系实质的认识——对原生性民族民间舞蹈的继承与科学化传承之教学功能的有机结合。二是历史沿革的梳理。对取得的成绩与累积的问题进行反思。三是面临的现实困惑。对客观条件、文化环境的变化,以及人的主观认识之偏差予以具体分析。四是对教学体系的可持续发展提出对策。两方面的论述都结合“样本分析”力避空泛、虚浮。最后提出文化自觉引领下提升这一教学体系的文化品格、文化价值,争取在非物质文化遗产保护——保持世界文化多样性发展、传统艺术更好地服务于当代社会中,作出积极贡献。这一教学体系的构建,绝非闭门造车的孤芳自赏,抑或追逐时尚的刻意攀附,而是源于对历史与现实的使命感。

【Abstract】 Chinese dance has a long history, growing together with the development of Chinese civilization. The ethnic and folk dance survived in the shaking history and society with strong vitality. It’s the most colorful and gorgeous folk dance form in the world!This paper focus on the contemporary education system of Chinese ethnic and folk dance, studying on the experiences and problems in the process of development and trying to explore the solutions. This system has very complex connections with different levels of ethnic and folk dance, not only because of the natural relationship with traditional folk dance from the very beginning, but also the function of professional education, which is a very unique dance culture in the world. The paper made an overall analysis on the teaching achievement during last 5 decades, in order to promote the scientific construction and sustainable development of this education system. Therefore, Dance Ecology, with the purpose of revealing the regulations of development of ethnic dance, has become the important epistemological and methodological basis. On one hand, the scientific theory and method of multi-dimensional inspection and morphological analysis provide a right way to study on Chinese folk dance education. On the other hand, the philosophy and methods of "dance culture comparison" offer a very important inspiration. Hope the theme of the paper and the use of above ideas, principles and methods, will achieve both innovative and practical performance for Chinese ethnic and folk dance education and even the dance education.This paper includes the following main aspects: Firstly, the essential nature of Chinese folk dance education system, which is a combination between inheritance of native folk dance and scientific professional education. Secondly, the review on the history, from which we can think over both problems and the achievements. Thirdly, the confusion when we are facing the reality. For that we need to analyze the objective conditions and cultural environment changes, as well as the differences of subjective knowledge. Fourthly, the proposal of the solution for sustainable development of this system. All the issues are on the basis of "sample analysis " to avoid being vague and impractical. Finally, the idea of enhancing the cultural integrity and values by the guidance of cultural awareness and consciousness, through which we can pursue the goal of protecting intangible cultural heritage and playing the role of traditional art in modern society.This education system is not an isolated ivory tower or a pursuit of fashion, but a duty originated from the history and reality.
