

A Research on the Evolvement of New Style Calligraphy in the Eastern-Jin Dynasty

【作者】 杨涛

【导师】 王镛;

【作者基本信息】 中国艺术研究院 , 美术学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 在中国书法史上,王羲之之所以被称之为“书圣”,那是因为对后世影响深远的“新体”草书、楷书、行书都成熟于他的笔下,晋唐以来习书者无不受其沾溉;并且我们当前广泛用于书法创作和日常手写的字体依然属于“新体”范畴。因此,对“新体”的研究,尤其是对它形成原因的探求,是非常重要和必要的。全文除绪言、结语、附录外,正文由七章组成。第一章是对“新体”的概念进行定义,由此指出区分于“旧体”的标准是草、行、楷字体中是否具有篆、隶属性,有之则是“旧体”,无之则为“新体”。并且通过两者之间比较,说明它们不同特征、不同审美之中又存在着渊源上的联系。第二、三、四章着重从当时大的社会背景上,分析研究给“新体”形成带来影响的诸如思想潮流、政治因素、文化风尚等方面因素。魏晋时期,儒学的衰落、玄学的兴盛以及道、释等的共同作用下,所引发人的意识觉醒和个性解放,并由此带来书法的自觉与审美的变化,这是“新体”形成的思想基础;而此时的政治因素,体现在诸如政体、政局等方面的,都直接或间接地为新书风的推行和地位的提升打下了坚实的基础,尤其当时政治背景下的“南迁”活动造成了历史上最广泛的文化传播,由它所带来的环境变化、文化融合等因素则为“新体”的诞生做好了充分的准备。魏晋的文化风尚主要体现在文人的文艺与生活两个方面,前者构成并代表了社会整体上的艺术审美认同,后者则是人们表达审美认知的具体行动。二者之间,相互作用,共同为“新体”形成建立了具有普遍意义的社审美环境。第五章从工具材料的发展、变革及书写方式的研究入手,探讨“新体”的形成,与汉魏以来物质、非物质因素之间的联系。笔、墨、纸、砚等工具和材料的改进发展,给书法表现提供更大的空间,为“新体”书法的产生提供了可能。此外,书写姿态、执笔方式等因素,对“新体”书法的笔法、结构、体势等方而所发挥的作用同样也是不可或略的。第六、七章从书法本体出发,闸述“新体”创造主体是由以世家为中坚力量和以王羲之为代表的领袖人物共同组成。世家优越的社会地位决定了他们强大的社会影响力,这就意味着他们在书法上的探索成果能够很快引起世人的关注与认可,并能迅速转化为社会效仿的时风,这保障了“新体”形成的所必要的受众基础和传播渠道。而王羲之作为他们中的杰出者,无论对“新体”技法的最终完善,还是对“新体”审美法式的充分建立,都起到了决定性的作用。

【Abstract】 In the history of Chinese calligraphy, Wang xizhi is traditionally honored as the sage, that is mainly attributed to the long-lasting influence of the "new style" he developed.Cursive script, standard script and semi-cursive script, the three of the most important styles are perfected by him. His impact in the calligraphy history is so significant that not only practitioners in Federal china, but also students of contemporary time are more or less influenced by him. Those we exercised frequently in today’s calligraphy work and daily handwriting can all trace back their origins to the "new style" Wang developed. Therefore, it’s of vital importance and necessity to study the style itself and its process of formation.In the book presented, it is comprised of 7 chapters along with a preface, a conclusion and appendix.Chapter 1 defines the concept of "New style", drawing a line between "new style" and "old style". The main difference, as the book explains, is whether they have elements of seal script and clerical script. Those with the mentioned elements are recognized as "old style", while those without are "new style". By making comparisons between the two styles, we can see the close connection in their origins underneath their different features and aesthetics.Chapter 2,3,4 embark its eye on the overall social background of that time, examining influences from aspects of politics, thinking trend, and cultural popularity.In Wei and Jin dynasty, with the decay of Confucianism, the prosper of mysteries ("xuanxue") and that of Daoism and Buddhism, there was a trend of conscious raising and complete libration of personality, which, too, brought changes to the aesthetics in the field of calligraphy.In the political aspect, evolution in the form of state and regime directly or indirectly enhanced the foundation for the upgrade and spread of new style in calligraphy. Geographical transformations and cultural mix resulted by the big-scale "escape to the south" accelerated the birth and development of the "new style"At the same time, the awakening of new cultural awareness and the artistic life style developed by the public nurtured a favorable social environment to the formation of the "new style". Under the trend, general aesthetics in art inter wined with the way people lived art in life, finally making it possible for the new style to prosper.Chapter 5 starts research on the development and evolution of writing tools, materials and methods, aiming to find out a link between the formation of "new style" and the relevant substances. The development of tools like brush, ink, paper and inkstone created big room for the development of calligraphy. Apart from that, the changes in writing postures should also be counted for the innovation to happen. Chapter 6 and 7 introduce the main contributors in the formation of "new style", and give special light to Wang xizhi as a prominent figure.As the research showed, those contributors are largely from aristocracy families, including Wang xizhi. The superior social status of the aristocracy families spontaneously endowed their members with great social influence, thus their efforts and achievements in calligraphy could be easily recognized and later developed into a social trend. The popularity and impact of this group of artists insured the public foundation and spreading channel of the "new style".Among the group, Wang xizhi is undoubtedly an outstanding figure, and he played a decisive role both in the perfection of the skills and the establishment of new trend of aesthetics in the history of calligraphy.
