

The Novels of Eileen Chang and a Dream of Red Mansions

【作者】 陶小红

【导师】 张庆善;

【作者基本信息】 中国艺术研究院 , 艺术学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文针对张爱玲小说创作受《红楼梦》影响进行了多维度的阐释,全文内容分为以下几个部分。第一部分从学术史的角度对涉及该课题的研究状况进行评述。六十多年来,学界的关注和研究,大致可分为四个阶段,即1943年至1949年的惊艳期,1950年至1979年的重现期,1980年至1999年的繁荣期,以及2000年至今的延续期。第二部分是从思想性的角度挖掘《红楼梦》之于张爱玲小说的深刻影响。分为两个方面,其一是主题意蕴,曹雪芹与张爱玲都是用现实主义的笔触,演绎着具有哲学意蕴的浮华与苍凉的永恒主题。其二是悲剧精神,张爱玲小说如同《红楼梦》均为存在悲剧,二者的共性是:表现普通人在生存过程中,无法回避和逃离的个体生命意志与生存有限境遇之间的必然冲突;在平凡事态中演绎人生悲剧,其矛盾冲突具有平缓性特征;悲剧的根源则来自永无止境的生存欲望的追求,以及自我获得的艰难。第三部分从艺术创作手法层面进行对比阐释。两位作者均注重运用艺术空白手法,这使得作品的艺术魅力得以极大提升,引发了超文本阐释效应。通过淡化或省略情节来设置结构空白,利用价值判断空缺和意象替代来经营意义空白,避开人物肖像具象实描留下形象描写空白,都是曹雪芹和张爱玲贯用的技巧。第四部分针对二者小说人物形象塑造展开分析研究。论文以张爱玲的代表作《倾城之恋》为例,把男女主人公与《红楼梦》进行对比,发现《红楼梦》的艺术投影。范柳原和贾宝玉的追寻与愿望表现出了人类终极追求的某些共同旨归,具有超越时空的共性存在价值。白流苏与林黛玉都把希望寄托于爱情,把爱情寄托于婚姻,为爱情而煎熬而失落,因爱情而坚忍而无畏。第五部分对张爱玲小说创作的前后期受《红楼梦》影响而表现出的不同风格进行了阐述论证。张爱玲前期小说创作携带着浓烈的红楼之风,无论是语言表达、人物塑造还是艺术创作手法诸如意象营造、细节描写等方面都让人感觉与《红楼梦》行文相似、风格一致。而后期小说与《红楼梦》形似的印记似乎已难察觉,这并非出于作者红楼情结的消解,而是她在小说艺术上走向成熟的标志。后期张爱玲继承《红楼梦》内在审美风韵的表现在于,对“平淡而近自然”的吸纳,对真实再现的偏爱,以及对含蓄韵致的领悟与尝试。而源于《红楼梦》的苍凉的悲剧神韵、超越时代的男女题材则是贯穿于张爱玲小说前后期的一贯风格。

【Abstract】 This essay is about the multiple influences of A Dream of Red Mansions on the novels of Eileen Chang. It is divided into the four parts described below.In the first part I will comment upon the state of research upon this topic from the perspective of an academic historian. Over the past six decades, scholars of this subject have demarcated four main stages:1. Stunning (1943-1949); 2. Reemergence (1950-1979); 3. Flourishing (1980-1999); and,4. Continuation (2000-present).In the second part I will explore the deep influence of A Dream of Red Mansions upon Eileen Chang’s ideological perspective, which I divide into two main components. One is the influence upon her main themes. Both Cao Xue Qin and Eileen Chang write in a realistic style to develop the philosophical connotations involved in the everlasting theme of outward glitz and inward desolation. The second component is a common spirit of tragedy. Both authors depict the inevitable clash between the individual will and the limited circumstances of one’s existence that occurs in the course of ordinary life. These conflicts possess an essential gentleness. It is the eternal pursuit of the unlimited desires of existence that is the root source of these tragedies.In the third part I will compare the works on an aesthetic level. Both authors utilize the artistic technique called the "Blank White" method. This method increases the elegance of the works, and allows the story to transcend what is written on the page. Using the "Blank White" to reduce or omit the details of a scene, replacing valuable elements of the scene with blanks, and loosely describing the physical traits of the books’characters, are methods that are used by both Cao Xue Qin and Eileen Chang.The fourth part analyzes the portrayal of the characters depicted by both novelists, using the hero and heroin form Eileen Chang’s Feminism in Love in a Fallen City, and those from A Dream of Red Mansions. The desires and weaknesses of Fan Liuyuan and Jia Baoyu reflect the common purpose of all mankind which has persisted throughout the ages and continues to the present day. Bai Liusu and Lin Daiyu pin their hopes on love, and pin their love on marriage. Love made them feel sadness and disappointment, but it also made them stronger and fearless.The fifth part of this paper aims to expound upon the idea that Eileen Chang’s writings can be divided into "pre" and "post" periods, and the different ways both periods were influenced by A Dream of Red Mansions. Whether in linguistic expression, character portrayal, aesthetic style, or descriptive method, Eileen Chang’s "pre" period novels all contain a style very similar to A Dream of Red Mansions. However, in her "post" period, it is difficult to find any formal traces of A Dream of Red Mansions. This does not mean that she lost interest in A Dream of Red Mansions, but rather that she was moving toward declaring an independent style and maturing as a novelist. In the "post" stage, however, Eileen Chang continues to attempt to carry on the inherent elegance of the A Dream of Red Mansion’s graceful depiction of the "ordinary and natural", the love of reconstructing reality, and the understanding of unspoken grace. The original aesthetic elegance of the desolation and tragedy that exists in A Dream of Red Mansions, and the characters that transcend their time and their place, is a common thread that runs through all of Eileen Chang’s novels.
