

On the Genetics of "Qu Zi" (Chinese Melodic Standard)

【作者】 郭威

【导师】 项阳;

【作者基本信息】 中国艺术研究院 , 音乐学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 曲子的重要性一直为学界所关注,本论题在大量研究成果和既有认知的基础上,借鉴多学科的理论和方法,运用乐籍制度、礼/俗用乐等理念,以“职业”、“乐人”、“组织”为视角,通过对乐籍体系自唐以降之构建与运行的论述,重新认知中国传统音乐在乐籍存续期间,发生/发展、传承/传播的制度保障与关键动因,揭示曲子作为唐以降众多音声技艺之“母体”的重要意义。本文由“绪论”、“曲子的本体特征、属性及承载群体”、“音乐机构的国家体系”、“音声技艺的国家体系”、“曲子‘母体’意义的多重阐释”、“结论”等六部分组成。分别从曲子本身、乐籍体系创承(创造、传承)与传播机制、曲子与诸多音声技艺形式等三个角度(层面)进行论述,旨在强调:曲子、曲艺、戏曲为同一音声系统;制度对传统音乐文化创承与传播的核心作用。由此,对曲子作为“母体”的发生学意义进行新的解读和诠释。第一章,扼要阐述本文的基本观点,对相关论域的视角与方法论进行评述,提出“乐籍体系”之研究理念。第二章,从“曲子作为音乐艺术”的角度,提出乐人在创作中的主体地位;对礼乐、俗乐关系加以辨析,对制度承载下古歌、乐府、曲子之发展进行梳理,指出音乐制度之沿袭、衍生关系及其对音声技艺发生、发展之重要意义;论证在籍乐人作为职业群体的关键作用。第三章,对乐人的组织管理机构进行梳理,论证唐以降“中央—地方”全国性音乐机构的设置及其发展脉络,进而指出乐籍体系的构建对音声技艺发生、发展之关键作用。第四章,在前文研究的基础上,对音声技艺的国家体系进行探讨。指出:音声技艺的国家体系,是乐籍制度发展的必然结果。音乐机构国家体系与轮值轮训制度,是乐籍体系构建的两个关键环节,二者的结合使乐籍体系运转并形成体系化的创造、传承、传播机制。由此,音声技艺的国家体系,得以显现。其中,古代文人因其特殊的社会身份,通过公私宴聚等各种途径,广泛接触乐人,感受音声技艺,进而能动地参与乐籍体系音声技艺的创造。第五章,对曲子的“母体”意义进行多重阐释。指出:在创作与发展的意义上,曲子为众多音声技艺提供给养;在传承与传播的意义上,曲子是众多音声技艺得以流行、延续、转化的基本途径。乐籍体系中,曲子是乐人掌握技艺的基本规范,进而引申出一种制度化的创作和传承状态。由此,乐籍体系的构建应是曲子“母体”得以产生和彰显的根本与关键。关注地方官府音乐机构,关注制度化创承(创造、传承)与传播,关注宫廷、官府、民间三者的用乐关系,是本文主要的研究理念。乐籍体系与曲子“母体”之承载,一定意义上讲,就是所谓中国音乐“大传统”之形成与延续的具体表现。作为传统音乐流传至今保障一致性特征的关键,曲子“母体”,对于我们认知、传承、接通历史,具有十分重要的意义。

【Abstract】 The importance of " Qu Zi" (Chinese Melodic standard) has always attracted the attention of academic circles. Based on the previous researches and the relevant cognitive theories, this dissertation from different theoretical angel, from the point of "Yue Ji" (music household) system and " Li Yue" (ceremonial music) and " Su Yue " (profane music) conception, from the angle of the professional and "Yue Ren" (entertainer), and through discussion of the construction and the practice of the "Yue Ji " system since Tang Dynasty, this dissertation is on the guarantee system and the key causes of the traditional music’s origin, development and spread during the period when "Yue Ji" system still existed, and at the same time this dissertation also discusses the sources of sound since Tang Dynasty.This dissertation has six distinct chapters:Introduction, Distinctive features, properties and inheritor of "Qu Zi", National systematization of the music institution, National systematization of the sound and tone, Various interpret of the source of sound and conclusion. All the parts mentioned above are analyzed mainly from the aspects such as, " Qu Zi" itself, the mechanism of the establishment, inherit, and spread of " Yue Ji" system, melody stand and the skill form of sounds and tones. This dissertation is based on the logical relationship as such:Art form-Inherit-System-Art form. This dissertation focus on " Qu Zi", the folk art and the traditional opera belong to the same sound system, and the system play a key role in the establishment and the spread of the tradition music. Moreover, this dissertation from sociology theoretical angel, draw a new conclusion on the source of sound.The first chapter is a general introduction on the purpose of this dissertation, discusses the methodologies and perspectives of relevant field, and put forward to the conception of "Yue Ji" system. Chapter two presents a detailed analysis of the distinctive features, the properties and the inheritor of " Qu Zi". And then, from the perspective of "Qu Zi" as music art integrality, the thesis emphasizes the main status of the entertainers and sums up the skill system of the sound and tone. At the same time, in this chapter, this dissertation also interpret the inherited and derived relationship of music and discusses the important roles of the entertainers in the spreading of the skill of the sound and tone as a professional group. Chapter three discusses the function of entertainers’ administrational institution, and analyses the mechanism of national institution of music since Tang Dynasty, emphasizing the key role of " Yue Ji" system in developing the skill of the sound and tone. In Chapter four, this dissertation points out that the establishment national systematization of the music institution and building up the system of working and training in shifts are the key steps to the "Yue Ji" system. Just like the relationship between hardware and software of the computer, the combination of the two can smoothly run the " Yue Ji" system and set up the mechanism of the establishment and the spread in the systematization; as a result, the national systematization of skill of the sound and tone will be formed accordingly. Chapter five points out that in the " Yue Ji" system, " Qu Zi" stand is the basic stand for the entertainers to grasp the skill, which can cause a kind of situation of the systematical establishment and spread.Therefore, the establishment of "Yue Ji" system is the essential and key factor to creating and developing the source of sound. The meanings of the source of sound excited in two aspect. One is on creation, the other is on succession. " Qu Zi", in the sense of the creation and development, can offer the supports to grasp the skill of the sound and tone. In the sense of the succession and spread, "Qu Zi" is the basic approach to spread, continue and transform this kind of skill.All in all, the "Yue Ji" system is one of the main research conception in this dissertation. If we pay more attention to the local music institution, to the establishment, inherit and spread of systematization, and to the relationship among the court, local government, and folk, we will get a whole and clear idea about the significance of the source of sound.
