

Religion and Faith under the Background of Chinese Culture with God, Heaven and Tao Centered

【作者】 冯建章

【导师】 刘梦溪;

【作者基本信息】 中国艺术研究院 , 艺术学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 本论文共分四个部分:早期中国终极实在观念的演变;秦汉帝国背景下的宗教与信仰;三教融合背景下的宗教与信仰;“帝”、“天”、“道”与现代社会。第一部分主要论述三代和秦汉时期中国文化中“终极实在”的演变。这一部分意在勾勒曾在中华文明史上出现过的几个终极实在的基本演进线索,并论述“帝”“天”“道”三者的关系。论文认为,帝、天和道是“三而一”的关系,但又各有侧重:“帝”主要表现为“主宰性”;“天”主要表现为“自然性”;“道”主要表现为“时中性”。第二部分主要围绕以儒学为中心的神学意识形态建构来展开。论文认为,法家作为意识形态,以及黄老作为意识形态,在历史舞台上的出现有其必然性,并且认为到汉武帝时,儒家被定型为两千多年帝国意识形态是“自然”选择的结果。论文论述了这种神学意识形态建构过程,如“惊险一跳”的完成、昊天上帝被帝国神学政治奉为最高神、董仲舒的神学政治建构等。在这部分的最后,则归结论述了以“昊天上帝”为首的三大神灵系统。第三部分主要论述三教融合背景下的宗教与信仰。论文肯定了以宋明道学为核心意识形态建构的社会,是我们现在学术界所认为的“传统社会”。这一部分主要围绕三个方面展开。首先论述道学(包括程朱理学与陆王心学)核心概念与“帝”“天”“道”的关系;其次论述“帝”“天”“道”在三教融合中的作用;再次论述“至忠”“至孝”及其皈依“天帝”。第四部分论述“帝”“天”“道”在现代社会的境遇,试图揭明三者对当代中国的民族国家之“中华民族”建构的借鉴意义,以及对当下公民宗教建构的意义。本论文有两条基本线索:一是中华文明终极实在的演进;二是从早期中国、帝国时代到今天的共和国时代意识形态的演化。论文有四个创新点:一是对“帝”“天”“道”关系的论述;二是“帝”“天”“道”与三教融合之关系;三是“至忠”“至孝”皈依于天;四是从终极实在的角度提出重构“中华民族”及其信仰,乃至建构“公民宗教”的可能。

【Abstract】 This dissertation is composed of four sections:1.The ultimate reality evolvement in early stages of China; 2.The religions and the faiths under the background of Qin and Han’s dynasty; 3.The religions and the faiths under the background of the integration of the three deity systems.4. God, Heaven and Tao in modern society.ChapterⅠmainly expounds the ultimate reality evolvement of Chinese culture at periods of Xia, Shang and Chou, Qin & Han Dynasty. This Chapter mainly draws the outline of basic clues of ultimate reality’s evolvement which occurred in Chinese Civilization, trying to summarize the relationships of God, Tao and Heaven that is a trinity with special emphasis for each parts:God is distinguished for its predominance, while Heaven for its nature and Tao timely.ChapterⅡis to unfold surrounding from the construction of theological ideology which has Confucianism as its center. First the dissertation believes that the theological ideology shaped of Fa-chia and Huangtao in the historical stages has its inevitability, and It is the result of natural selection to set Confucianism as the dominant theological ideology over 2000 years since the period of Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty; The dissertation also explores the shaping course of the theological ideology, such as the accomplishment of Adventurous Jump, the consecration of God to be the highest and supreme god by imperial theological politics, the shaping of Dong Zhongshu’s theological politics and so on. At the end of this chapter, it presents the three deity systems with "GOD" as the supreme.ChapterⅢmainly expounds the religions and faiths under the background of integration of three deity systems. The dissertation confirms the society which takes Song & Ming Taoism as its central ideology structuring is the traditional society affirmed by the contemporary academic circle. This part mainly unfolds surrounding from these three aspects:relationship between the core concept of Taoism (including Ch’eng-Chu school and Lu-Wang school) and God, Tao, Heaven; Performance of God, Tao and Heaven in the process of the three religions’integration; And convert of the utmost-loyal and the utmost-filial to the Heaven.ChapterⅣstates the circumstance of God, Heaven and Tao in the contemporary society, focusing their model significance to consummate the construction of the Chinese nation, and national philosophy, especially citizen religion.There are two basic clues in this dissertation:one is the evolution of ultimate reality in Chinese Civilization; the other is the evolution of ideology from early China, imperial age till the republic age. The dissertation distinguishes itself for the following 4 innovative points:1.the exploration on the relationship among God, Heaven and Tao; 2. the exposition on God, Heaven and Tao’s performance in the three religious’integration; 3. Absolute-loyal and Absolute-finial’s convert to the Heaven; 4. The possibility of the Chinese Nation reconstruction, its faith and Citizen Religion construction from the standpoint of ultimate reality.

【关键词】 宗教信仰
【Key words】 GodHeavenTaoReligionFaith