

Art Netmarketing

【作者】 陈义丰

【导师】 王文章;

【作者基本信息】 中国艺术研究院 , 艺术学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 很多人都这么认为:中国艺术品市场是由二级市场所带动的。按国外艺术市场发展的经验,当艺术家完成作品首先会交给画廊代理,画廊担任艺术中介者的角色,运用它的专业将作品大力宣传并介绍给买家,当艺术家广为人知之后,他的作品能够大量流通之时,如果收藏家要出让他们的藏品,才会交由拍卖公司拍卖;因此一般称画廊为一级市场,而拍卖会则为二级市场;国外艺术市场的发展是先一级市场成熟后,再推至二级市场的诞生,是按市场“推”的力量逐步发展而成的。反观中国的市场刚好相反,率先由拍卖会来主导,当拍卖会钦点艺术家的作品成功拍出之后,艺术家便很容易为买家所认识、所追捧,在加上改革开放后,这几年经济发展形势迅猛,让每场拍卖会都取得不错的成绩,倒过来影响对艺术品的大量需求,在短期间内不仅拍卖公司激增,连带地更促进了画廊的兴旺发展;画廊的诞生是因应客户强烈的购买需求,因此中国艺术市场的形成很明显体现另一种由拍卖会领军,激发买家要货那股市场“拉”的力量所造成:这是国内外艺术市场形成,有着本初上的不同。因此在面对西方传统对市场行销管理运作的原则原理时,不能完全以“拿来”主义的精神全部照抄,还得本土化有效地调整一番。中国是在1994年开始与世界的LQWHUQHW联网;早期的中国网站,绝大部分是按照国外的经验与模式来架设的。如世界最大的入门网站是雅虎,国内按其模式设立了搜狐、网易;世界最大网络书店是亚马逊,中国则以其为样板,发展成世界最大的中文网上商城“当当网”;网路经济虽然有其全球化的普及性,但由于国与国之间语言差异所造成市场短暂阻隔的时间差,让地域型的网站有机会取得先机,迈向成功。这是网络经济既有的成功模式可以复制的普遍性,又有必须适应当地语言环境要求的独特性。根据中国互联网络信息中心(&11,&)在北京发布《第23次中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》的报告①显示:截止2008年底,我国网民总人数已经达到2.98亿,中国网民规模开始超越美国,成为全球第一,显示中国“虚拟市场”规模已经名列前茅。②①中国互联网络信息中心(CNNIC)2009年01月发布的《第23次中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》艺术网络营销,做为大势所趋之下所产生的一门新兴的实用学科,其课题的研究不能离开地域的特性,也无法躲开全球化的浪潮。本论文就是以艺术市场为核心,反思西方营销管理的理论,再进一步结合当下网络经济的特性,辅之以国内外案例和行业报道,希望系统的建立一套具有普遍性的网络营销概念与可以有效运用的营销规划流程。有人说:管理是门科学,也是门艺术;而对艺术网络营销而言:一方面既要顾及地域特性的现实,同时也不能漠视要对网络经济时代的未来充满想象。

【Abstract】 For many people, they think the art market in China is driven by the secondary market.According to the development of the foreign art markets, if artists accomplished their works, they would then hand them to the gallery. As a medium, the gallery will promote and introduce the works and the artists to the collectors. When artists become well-known among people, the demand of their works will rise significantly. If collectors are willing to sell their collections, then they will entrust the art works to the auction house. Therefore, galleries are called the primary market, and auction sales are the secondary market. The development of the foreign art market based on a well-developed primary market and then expands toward the secondary market. This way of developing is result from the push force of the entire market.However, the art market in China is just in the opposite situation. It is first led by the auction. The popularity of an artist based on amount and price of his or her works sold by the house. In addition to the reformation and opening to the outside world, the economics has been growing dramatically during these few years, resulting great accomplishment in every auction sale which induces a greater demand for art works. In the mean time, not only auction houses keep appearing in art market, but also galleries are increasing rapidly. The existence of galleries is due to the strong demand from the collectors, therefore the art market in China is obviously different from the foreign ones. It is led by the auction house, which then triggers the purchase demand from the collectors. This is the so-called "pull" force in the market which is what differs from the formation between foreign art market and Chinese art market.Therefore when facing the tradition principles of the western market and management, we cannot exactly follow its pace.The Chinese has joined the World Wide Web since 1994. In the early years, most of the web sites in China were based on foreign models and experiences. For example, Sohu and NetEase both imitate the model from Yahoo. DangDang, one of the largest e-bookstore in China was set up according to Amazon. Though economic has its own global popularity in the network, however, language differences are barriers in the network market for a short period, allowing local sites to have the opportunity to get a head start and therefore succeed. Network economy is an universal succeed path, which requires to accommodate toward regional language.According to China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC), starting the end of 2008, internet users in China have reached 298 million, leading the world’s population of network users. This has shown that the size of the virtual market in China is one of the largest among countries.The art network marketing is a new practical subject developed from the general trend. The research of this subject is highly related to its geographic features, and also the trend of globalization. This paper mainly discussed art marketing in general. At the same time, it compares the western management theory and combines the characteristics of the network economy. In addition, also concludes the successful case in every region, hoping to establish a system which includes the concept of universal network marketing and to effectively use the theoretical framework.Some say, management is the combination of art and science. For network marketing of art, not only it is necessary to consider the fact of regional characteristic, but also the imagination toward the network economic era in future.
