

Study on Seismic Dynamic Response of Shallow Double-Hole Tunnels

【作者】 皇民

【导师】 高波;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 桥梁与隧道工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 随着地震的频繁发生,有些强震对地下结构造成了强烈的破坏,而国内外现有抗震规范中关于地下洞室等地下结构的条文都十分简略,难以适应高烈度地震区地下洞室的建设发展。目前,我国对隧道地下工程的抗减震研究才刚刚起步,其中针对高烈度区双洞隧道的研究更少。本文结合雅泸高速公路隧道抗减震研究项目,对强震区浅埋双洞隧道地震动力响应分别进行波动理论分析和数值模拟分析,并在此基础上进行模型试验研究,主要包括以下研究工作:1、在前人研究的基础上,将半无限空间波动理论分析推广到浅埋双洞衬砌模型,采用波函数展开法推导出平面P波和SV波入射下的衬砌应力的无穷级数表达式,利用衬砌自由面和半空间表面的零应力边界条件以及衬砌和围岩交界处的应力和位移连续条件,对衬砌的动应力进行求解,并获得其级数表达式。这对于论文后续的数值分析和模型试验具有重要的理论指导意义。2、研究并解决了地震波积分位移时程漂移、地震波的滤波和校正、模型边界条件、地震波危险作用方向、模型横向计算范围等隧道地震动力数值模拟过程中的几个关键问题,这是正确进行数值模拟分析的前提和关键。3、采用数值模拟的方法对不同埋深下隧道的地震动力响应进行研究,确定了地震动力作用下的隧道临界埋深,然后针对不同间距、不同激振方向、不同围岩地质条件以及不同衬砌刚度下的浅埋双洞隧道结构的地震动力响应规律进行系统研究,获得其地震响应规律,并与波动理论计算结果相互验证。4、以雅泸高速公路勒不果喇吉隧道泸沽端洞口为原型,对其相应的地质地形条件进行适当的简化,系统了研究双洞错距隧道洞口段的地震响应规律。5、计算并分析了注浆加固围岩以及在二次衬砌和初期支护之间加设柔性减震层两种减震措施对浅埋双洞隧道衬砌的减震作用。6、在理论计算和数值模拟的基础上,以相似理论为指导,采用几何比1:30的大比例尺相似模型,以勒不果喇吉隧道为原型,在多种工况下研究了浅埋双洞隧道的抗减震措施,并与理论计算和数值模拟相互验证,得出了浅埋双洞隧道的地震响应规律,并提出相应的减震措施,这对于高烈度区的浅埋双洞隧道抗减震设计和施工具有重要的实践价值和指导意义。

【Abstract】 With the frequent occurrence of earthquakes, which cause severe damage to some underground structure, the existing domestic and international aseismic norms about underground caverns become too briefly, which can not adapt to the development of underground tunnels in high intensity earthquake areas. Now, our aseismic study about underground tunnel has just begun. Among them, the study of expressway tunnel is in more urgent need. Combining with the project of aseismic and shock absorption of tunnel in YALU expressway, this paper study the seismic dynamic response of the shallow double-hole highway tunnel in the wave theoretical analysis and numerical simulation analysis, and then accomplish the model test on the basis of above studies. The main research work includes the following:1. Based on the previous studies, the research extended half-space wave theory to the shallow double-hole lining tunnel and derived the infinite series expression of lining stress in the incident plane P wave and SV wave with the wave expansion method, using the zero-stress boundary conditions of free surface and lining surface as well as the stress and displacement continuous conditions of the interface in the lining and surrounding rock. In the end, the paper solve the lining dynamic stress and get the series expression, which is of much theoretical guidance for following numerical analysis and model test.2. The research study and solve several key problem such as the seismic time-displacement integral drift; seismic wave filtering and correction; model boundary conditions; the dangerous seismic direction; calculation range of model, which is the premise and key of numerical analysis.3. Under earthquake, critical tunnel depth is determined by studying the dynamic lining response in the numerical analysis of tunnel in different depth. And then, the seismic dynamic discipline of shallow double-hole tunnel is studied in different tunnel space; different wave direction; different rock; different lining stiffness, which can verify the correction of wave theoretical analysis between them.4. The seismic dynamic response discipline of the entrance of double-hole and different-distance tunnel is studied that is simulated from the LUGU entrance of LEBUGUOLAJI tunnel of YALU expressway which is simplified properly.5. The shock absorption effect on shallow double-hole tunnel is studied using rock grouting reinforcement and shock absorption layer which is installed between the secondary lining and initial support.6. Based on the wave theoretical analysis and numerical analysis, and instructed by the similarity theory, the 1:30 big scale model is adopted to research the seismic dynamic response discipline of shallow double-hole tunnel, which is simulated from the LEBUGUOLAJI tunnel. The study illustrates the seismic dynamic response discipline under different condition which verify the wave theoretical analysis and numerical analysis each other. In the end, the paper bring forward the shock absorption measures, which have much practical value and theoretical guidance for the aseismic design and construction of shallow double-hole tunnel in high intensity area.
