

Investigation and Application of Key Photonic Devices in All-optical Network

【作者】 卢丹

【导师】 简水生;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 摘要:全光通信网传输速率的不断提高对网络节点提出了更高的要求。因此,能够支持网络节点实现具有透明性、可扩展性和可重构性功能的光器件与相关技术受到了研究者的广泛关注。集成半导体环腔激光器具有可集成、低功耗等优点和独特的非线性特性,是实现全光网节点关键功能的新型光器件。目前在国内外,SRLs在全光网络中的应用研究都还处于起步阶段,许多新特性及其应用的研究亟待拓展。本论文结合欧盟框架计划下信息科学领域方向的IOLOS项目(FP6-2005-IST-5) "Integrated Optical Logic and Memory using Ultra-fast Micro-ring Bistable Semiconductor Lasers",以及国家863项目“160Gb/s一泵多纤光传输技术的研究”和“全光波长交换关键技术”,对应用于全光网络的集成半导体环腔激光器(SRLs)、光时分复用(OTDM)时钟提取与解复用器、以及支持光层组播的光交叉连接(OXC)设备等关键光器件进行了深入研究,获得了以下创新性成果:1.深入分析了SRLs中独特的注入锁定下的腔内增强型四波混频(CE-FWM)特性。提出了改进型注入锁定实验配置方式,使SRLs能够在10nm的波长范围中实现20个谐振波长的任意锁定,大大提高了注入锁定的稳定性和灵活性。系统给出了多阶共轭光功率与注入信号光的功率、与锁定主模之间的波长间隔、与谐振腔之间的波长失谐量之间的关系。并在此基础上,首次探讨了四波混频(FWM)效率在SRLs中高于半导体光放大器(SOA)及法布里-珀罗(FP)激光器的深层物理原因,有效解释了SRLs中CE-FWM特有的多阶共轭光产生的原因。2.首次建立了适用于分析集成半导体环腔激光器注入锁定下CE-FWM特性的多模速率方程理论模型,并验证了理论模型的有效性。该模型突破了传统双模速率方程模型的限制,将能拓展用于分析集成半导体环腔激光器中外注入下的各种多模耦合现象。基于该模型,分析了多阶共轭光的幅度与相位关系,提出了利用偶数阶共轭光的相位信息“擦除”特性,可以实现相位调制码型(CSRZ、DPSK和MD-RZ)到非相位码型(RZ)转换的方案。3.首次提出利用集成半导体环腔激光器中的注入锁定与CE-FWM特性实现新型的光层组播方案,并成功实现了2.5Gb/s一到多的波长转换与数据分发。该光层组播方案具有消光比高,性能稳定,波长和组播数量可配置的优点;且在一到七信道的组播中,仅需两个激光源,避免了传统方法中1:N组播需要N个泵浦源引起的成本过高问题。在此基础上,分别实现了基于SRLs的注入锁定和CE-FWM的2.5Gb/s光信号的“与”和“异或”逻辑门,以及4Gb/s光生毫米波方案。这些全新的应用成果拓展了集成SRLs在全光网中的应用。4.提出了一种基于级联电吸收调制器的光电反馈环,实现了OTDM时钟提取与解复用。该结构能够在OTDM信号单次通过的情况下同时完成时钟提取与解复用,且性能稳定,时钟抖动均方根(RMS)在反馈锁定工作下由2.4ps降至338fs。实现了80Gb/s、160Gb/s速率下100km的传输及传输后无误码的时钟提取与解复用,功率代价在1×10-9时分别为1.5dB与3dB。实验和理论研究了光学非对称解复用器(TOAD)在80Gb/s OTDM实验系统中的解复用性能,探讨了TOAD制作的关键参数,并解释了实验中观察到的幅度抖动、串扰及基底噪声等现象的成因。5.在“新型分布式波分纤分光路交换网”的基本构思与网络架构下,提出了利用改进型DaC (Drop and Continue)元件在新型光路交换网中实现光层组播的方案。改进型DaC中均匀光栅由啁啾光纤光栅取代,可同时实现波长选择和色散补偿功能;通过与网络中的信令系统和网管系统结合,实现了具有鲁棒性、无阻塞性、资源可配置性和区分单播/组播带来的功率有效性等优点的组播功能。实验完成了视频信号和10Gb/s数据信号的组播。

【Abstract】 As key elements in all-optical network, photonics devices in network node are required to be transparent, configurable an integrable to support the increasing growth of data trafific, and therefore attract wordwide attentions. Recently, the monolithic integrated semiconductor ring lasers (SRLs) are considered as one of promising and versatile photonic devices in all-optical networks due to their outstanding merits, such as integrable potential, low power consumption, and they have distinguished nonlinear characteristics. However, the research on the application of SRLs in all-optical network need to be further explored urgently. Under this background, we conduct a deep theoretical and experimental investigation on the characteristics of several key photonics devices in all-optical network i.e. SRLs, OTDM clock recovery module and demultiplexer, and multicast enabling OXC. The work is jointly supported by European Union under the sixth framework program IOLOS project (FP6-2005-IST-5) "Integrated Optical Logic and Memory using Ultra-fast Micro-ring Bistable Semiconductor Lasers", National High Technologies Development Program (863) "Key technologies in 160Gb/s OTDM transmission system using multi-fiber pump" and National Natural Science Foundation "Study on all-optical circuit switching technology". The main achievements are listed as follows.1. The unique characteristics of cavity enhanced four wave mixing (CE-FWM) under injection locking in SRLs are investigated comprehensively. The influence of injected power, wavelength intervals between injected signal and locked main mode, and the wavelength detuning between injected signal and cavity on the power of the generated multi-conjugated singals is given. Detailed comparisons of FWM conversion efficiency between SOA, FP lasers and SRLs are conducted. The deep-in physical explanation of highly efficient simultaneous multi-conjugate signals generation in CE-FWM is provided.2. A multi-mode rate equation model is established which can analyze the characteristics of CE-FWM in monolithic SRLs. the phase and amplitude relationship between multi-conjugate signals is derived using the model. Based on the phase erasing characteristics in even order conjugate signals of CE-FWM, an all-optical modulation format conversion scheme from phase modulated formats (CSRZ、DPSK、MD-RZ etc.) to non-phase modulated formats(RZ etc.) is proposed3. A novel all-optical multicast scheme based on CE-FWM in monolithically integrated SRLs is firstly proposed. By employing an injecting optical signal resonant with a cavity mode of the SRL, one-to-seven all-optical multicast by means of highly efficient simultaneous multi-wavelength conversion is experimentally demonstrated up to multi-gigabit data rates. The scheme offers several advantages including low power penalty, reconfigurability, monolithic integration and low cost. Furthermore,2.5Gb/s all-optical XOR and AND logic, 4Gb/s millimeter-wave generation scheme based on CE-FWM are realized. The experimental results enlarge the scope of SRLs’ applications in all-optical network.4. A novel op-electric feedback loop is proposed for achieving clock recovery and 80Gb/s,160Gb/s to 10Gb/s demultiplexing simultaneously. The jitter of recovered clock decreases from 2.4ps to less than 338fs. Based on the loop, error free 16×10Gb/s OTDM 100km transmission is realized with 3dB power penalty at 1×10-9. In addition, the system performance of Terabit Optical Asymmetric Demultiplexer (TOAD) in 80Gb/s OTDM system is analyzed experimentally and theoretically The non-idealities i.e. amplitude jitter, crosstalk and baseline noise are discussed.5. Based on the novel "distributed wavelength-divided and fiber-divided optical circuit switching system" frame, a novel optical layer multicast scheme with improved DaC elements is proposed and realized in our established switching network, which provides a real-time, high quality and low cost multicasting. Video signal and 10Gb/s data signal multicasts are realized.
