

A Study on Attorney-client Privilege in Criminal Procedure

【作者】 葛同山

【导师】 王福华;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 宪法与行政法, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 保密特权是对抗制诉讼模式中辩护律师最为重要的权利之一。但保密特权在对抗制诉讼模式的国家首先是委托人的权利,和受刑事追究者的反对自证其罪权、获得律师帮助权、公正审判权等宪法权利紧密相关。现有理论主要把功利主义作为保密特权的理论基础,缺少从价值论即“权利论”的角度对特权加以关注。保密特权适用过程中功利主义的利益平衡,有把被告人的基本权利排挤丢失的危险。辩护律师保密特权的适用,应该关注被告人基本权利的保护。辩护律师保密特权是一个矛盾体。保密特权的适用过程充斥着发现真实与保障人权之间的博弈。出于对保密特权的尊重,对抗制诉讼模式的国家,在辩护律师面对委托人的伪证嫌疑时,在控诉方要求辩护律师透露委托人身份、律师费安排时,在辩护律师根据被告人提供的信息得到有罪实物证据时,均能给予辩护律师一定的保密特权。为打击公司犯罪、恐怖主义犯罪,律师保密特权受到一定的限制或剥夺;与此一致,保密特权的犯罪-欺诈例外也有所扩大。但是在保密特权被侵蚀的大背景下,我们也能看到法官、辩护律师对保密特权的支持和恪守。对抗制诉讼模式下,辩护律师保密特权适用过程中发现真实与保障人权的博弈中,人权保障总是略占上风。我国刑事诉讼中存在着事实探知绝对化的倾向,过高的真实义务成为辩护律师执业活动中不能承受之重。真实义务过高,与辩护律师对当事人的忠诚义务存在冲突;同时过高的真实义务,也使得律师在为被告人积极辩护之时随时可能涉嫌“包庇罪”,“辩护人毁灭证据、伪造证据、妨害作证罪”,执业风险增加。这一点与刑事诉讼法当事人主义化改革的精神不符。在刑事诉讼模式转型的大背景下,我们有必要重构律师的保密义务与真实义务,在此基础上构建辩护律师的保密特权制度。辩护律师保密特权制度在我国传统诉讼文化中找不到对应的文化支持。我们应本着保障人权的精神构建辩护律师保密特权制度;同时着重从监听、扣押入手,构建辩护律师保密特权的保障制度。

【Abstract】 The attorney-client privilege plays an important role in adversary system. It is a constitutionalized right in criminal case, and indispensable to protect a defendant’s right against self-incrimination, right to counsel and right to fair trial. The most popular justification for privilege is based on utilitarian principle, supposing that giving privilege to attorney-client communication would create a degree of social good that outweighs the harm that it would do to the judicial system’s fact-finding process. According to utilitarian approach, the use of privilege is a benefit-balancing process, it risks balancing away a criminal’s constitutional rights. The privilege should be reconsidered on a non-utilitarian principle.Though attorney-client privilege tends to be eroded, especially in the war against terrorism-related crimes and corporate crimes, the authorities can still respect the prvilege. The attorney-client privilege has rooted in adversarialism culture. The privilege can assure the counsel to defend the criminal zealously.Defense lawyer has a high duty of candor to the court in China’s criminal procedure law, thus has no privilege accordingly. High duty entails professional risk on the defense lawyer. Under high duty of candor to the court, the defense lawyer is subject to be suspected of perjury or evidence-concealment crime and etc. To keep pace with the criminal procedure law reform, it is necessary to give the defense counsel the right to keep confidentiality. At the same time, the system regulating eavesdropping and seizure should be established to keep the privilege.
