

A Study of X-ray Substructures and Central Gas Entropy Excess in Galaxy Groups and Clusters

【作者】 王宇

【导师】 徐海光;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 天体物理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 星系团是宇宙中最大的自引力束缚系统。其中,X射线气体数量巨大,是占主导地位的发光物质。近十年来,人们利用具有高空间分辨率和高能量分辨率的Chandra和XMM-Newton X射线天文台对星系群和星系团进行了大量观测研究,取得了重大进展。例如,在并合星系团中发现了众多的激波和冷锋面等X射线子结构;在冷核星系团中发现了许多中央活动星系核(AGN)活动所造成的X射线空洞,等。从这些结构中不仅可以挖掘有关星系团自身的动力学、热力学、化学构成等方面信息,而且可以推断宇宙大尺度结构的形成与演化,甚至可以帮助我们了解暗物质和中央特大质量黑洞的属性。本文拟就星系团并合过程中的子结构成因以及AGN反馈加热对气体熵的影响这两方面进行主要探讨。首先,我们详细分析了邻近星系团Abell 3158的Chandra和XMM-Newton观测数据,发现在X射线晕中心的西侧约120h7?11 kpc处存在一个弓形的界面结构。此界面结构实为一个偏离中心的大质量冷气团的边界。通过比较冷气团和自由区的气体压强,我们确认该界面结构是一个弱冷锋面,正以亚声速向西运动。因为冷气团的有效热传导时标(~0.3 Gyr)远小于冷却时标(~9.8 Gyr),所以可排除此冷气团产生于非均匀辐射冷却的可能性。由于此冷气团在位置、尺度、气体质量和热力学性质等方面与其它并合星系团中的偏离中心冷气团有极大相似性,并且没有证据表明Abell 3158有显著的AGN活动迹象,因此,我们认为Abell 3158中的冷气团是并合过程中子团或主团中央冷气体的残留。支持这种观点的证据还有:Abell 3158成员星系视向速度的非高斯分布以及冷气团的气体熵–温度的相关性。由此可见,若在偏离中心处出现大质量冷气团,那么就可以推断这个星系团正处于并合阶段,尤其在激波和强冷锋面等显著并合特征消失了以后。其次,我们分析了21个星系群和19个星系团样本的Chandra观测数据,发现在31个系统中存在显著的中央气体熵超出,其能量相当于? 0.1 ? 0.5 keV/气体粒子。我们发现中央熵超出与中央星系K波段光度之间存在显著的相关性,即?K0∝LK1.6±0.4。这支持了AGN反馈是一种重要的非引力加热机制的观点。事实上,假定在AGN吸积反馈过程中质量–能量转化系数是0.02,累积的AGN反馈能量就可达? 0.5 ? 17.0 keV/气体粒子,这足以形成中央气体熵超出,弥补X射线辐射损失(? 0.002 ? 2.2 keV/气体粒子),同时引起特征关系对自相似模型预言的偏离(? 0.2 ? 1.0 keV/气体粒子)。相比于AGN反馈,在星系群中超新星爆发提供的能量仅为? 0.002 ? 0.08 keV/气体粒子,在星系团中则为? 0.0006 ? 0.007 keV/气体粒子,都几乎可忽略。由此推断,?K0 ? LK相关性可作为星系群和星系团中AGN反馈加热的直接证据。

【Abstract】 Clusters of galaxies are the largest gravitationally bound systems in the Uni-verse. The hot gas (the intracluster medium; ICM) bounded in galaxy clustersradiates di?use emission in X-ray band, and is the largest mass component thatcan be seen and measured today. During the past ten years, many extraordinaryworks have been done based on the observations of Chandra and XMM-NewtonX-ray observatories, both of which have high spacial resolution and high energyresolution. In some merging galaxy clusters, researchers have found remarkableX-ray substructures, which often accompanied by shocks and/or cold fronts thatexhibit arc-shaped or edge-like morphologies. In some cool core clusters, re-searchers have found central X-ray cavities that are produced by AGN activity.These substructures are expected to contain valuable information not only onmerger dynamics itself, but also on thermal and chemical evolutions of the ICM,which helps study structure formation and evolution and understand the natureof both dark matter and central supermassive black holes. In the thesis, we focuson the origin of X-ray substructures in merging clusters and central gas entropyexcess associated with AGN feedback to heat its surrounding gas.By analyzing the Chandra and XMM-Newton archived data of the nearbygalaxy cluster Abell 3158, which was reported to possess a relatively regular,relaxed morphology in the X-ray band in previous works. We identify a bowedge-shaped discontinuity in the X-ray surface brightness distribution at about120h?711 kpc west of the X-ray peak. This feature is found to be associated witha massive, o?-center cool gas clump, and actually forms the west boundary ofthe cool clump. By calculating the thermal gas pressures in the cool clump andin the free-stream region, we determine that the cool gas clump is moving ata subsonic velocity toward west on the sky plane. We exclude the possibility that this cool clump was formed by local inhomogeneous radiative cooling in theICM, due to the e?ectiveness of the thermal conduction on the time-scale of~0.3Gyr. Since no evidence for central AGN activity has been found in Abell 3158,and this cool clump bears many similarities to the o?-center cool gas clumpsdetected in other merging clusters in terms of their mass, size, location, andthermal properties, we speculate that the cool clump in Abell 3158 was causedby a merger event, and is the remnant of the original central cool-core of the maincluster or the infalling sub-cluster. This idea is supported not only by the studyof line-of-sight velocity distribution of the cluster member galaxies, but also bythe study of gas entropy-temperature correlation. This example shows that theappearance of such massive, o?-center cool gas clumps can be used to diagnosethe dynamical state of a cluster, especially when apparent merger signatures (e.g.distinct shocks and cold fronts) have vanished in the late merger stage.By analyzing Chandra X-ray data of a sample of 40 galaxy groups andclusters, we ?nd that in 31 sample systems there exists a signi?cant central gasentropy excess, which corresponds to ? 0.1?0.5 keV/gas particle. We also ?nd adistinct correlation between the central entropy excess and K-band luminosity ofthe central dominating galaxies (CDGs), which is scaled as ?K0∝L1K.6±0.4, whereLK is tightly associated with the mass of the supermassive black hole hosted inthe CDG. In fact, if an e?ective mass-to-energy conversion-e?ciency of 0.02 isassumed for the accretion process, the cumulative AGN feedback yields an extraheating of ? 0.5?17.0 keV/gas particle, which is su?cient to explain the centralentropy excess. In most cases the AGN contribution can compensate the radiativeloss of the X-ray gas within the cooling radius (? 0.002 ? 2.2 keV/gas particle),and apparently exceeds the energy required to deviate the scaling relations fromthe self-similar predictions (? 0.2 ? 1.0 keV/gas particle). In contrast to theAGN feedback, the extra heating provided by supernova explosions accounts for? 0.002 ? 0.08 keV/gas particle in groups and is almost negligible in clusters.Therefore, the observed correlation ?K0 ? LK can be considered as a directevidence for AGN feedback in galaxy groups and clusters.
