

Mechanism and Evaluation of the Effects of Indoor Environmental Quality on Human Productivity

【作者】 兰丽

【导师】 连之伟;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 制冷及低温工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 当今人类很大一部分时间(90%左右)都是在室内环境中度过,建筑室内环境的质量对人员的健康和工作效率都有重大影响。长期以来,人们在努力追求高工作效率时却常常忽略室内环境质量的重要性,能源政策往往也只关注建筑节能方法及实施,而没有考虑到这些节能技术对室内环境质量和人员产生的影响,如今人们已经意识到这一问题的严重性。但问题是,由于缺乏一个统一的、定量的人员工作效率评价方法,目前还不能得到一致的、令人信服的室内环境与人员工作效率间的定量关系以指导实际建筑设计和运行及节能改造经济性分析。本研究的主要目的是探索室内环境对人员工作效率影响的生理机理,建立一套系统的、定量的人员工作效率评价方法。本研究的主要特征是,通过与医学、神经科学和心理学结合,充分考虑人的能动性,结合人体实验,从神经生物学和心理学角度研究不同室内环境条件下人体自主或中枢神经系统活动状况,探索温度等环境参数对人员工作效率影响的生理和心理机理,定量评价室内环境质量对人员工作效率的影响。研究的主要内容和结果有:(1)分析人体神经系统对环境应激的调节机制,建立一个多因素的人员工作效率影响机制模型,将室内环境质量对人员工作效率的影响归结为主观感觉评价、信息认知加工和神经生理反应三方面。(2)依据环境对人员大脑功能的影响外在表现为情感、认知能力和执行功能这三方面行为的变化,提出了神经行为能力评价方法,并开发出人员工作效率的神经行为能力评价软件。以神经行为能力评价,结合主观评价和生理评价,提出一套系统的、定量的方法评价室内环境质量对办公人员工作效率的影响。(3)依据神经系统对环境刺激的两方面的生理调节,选取反映神经内分泌和自主神经系统活动的相关生理/生化指标(包括心率、心率变异、血氧饱和浓度、皮肤电阻、呼吸参数、唾液参数和泪膜结晶)测定人员的生理反应。(4)开展了大量的人体实验,研究热环境、声环境和光环境对人员工作效率的影响,并考虑到人员对室内热感觉的个体差异性以及热环境的复杂性,提出采用热感觉投票来预测室内热环境对人员工作效率的影响,建立了热环境(热感觉投票)与人员工作效率间的定量关系,结果显示在凉爽的舒适环境下人员的工作效率较高,而环境温度过高或过低都导致工作效率下降,其中暖不舒适导致的工作效率下降幅度较大。在实验中,通过各生理/生化指标的测量,揭示室内环境质量对人员工作效率影响的生理机理:暖不舒适环境使人员动脉血管中CO2浓度增加,从而病态建筑综合症(SBS)症状加剧;暖不舒适环境使血氧饱和度降低,从而人员疲劳感增加,脑力认知能力下降;交感神经活动占主导地位引起的人员不舒适感以及情绪干扰都对工作绩效有负面影响;泪膜结晶质量表明,当眼睛黏液蒸发过度,不能有效地维持泪膜的稳定性,就会导致眼不舒适症状。(5)对工作任务准确度和速度指标的综合及人体实验中样本数量的确定也进行了研究。提出了两种方法,将任务的准确度和速度综合成一个指标来定量评价室内环境质量对人员工作效率的综合影响。引入了功效分析理论,计算确定人体热舒适和工作效率等实验所需的合适样本数量。本研究通过探索室内环境对人员工作效率影响的神经及生理机理,期望建立一套统一的人员工作效率的评价方法,以期为创造健康、舒适、高效的工作环境和国家与行业标准奠定基础,为指导实际建筑设计和运行及节能改造经济性分析做出贡献。

【Abstract】 The indoor environments must safe-guard and enhance occupant’s health, comfort and productivity as people spend around 90% of their lives indoors. However, the importance of indoor environmental quality has often been overlooked in the effort to achieve greater productivity. In fact, the energy policy goals are often focused only on the implementation of measurable energy savings in buildings without taking into account the consequences for building users. This has been changed as some Energy Directive requires that the energy in buildings should be reduced without compromising the indoor environmental quality. Still, however, it is not clear yet the effects of indoor environment in terms of both health and decreases in productivity due to the lack of coherent approach. Therefore it is difficult to persuade clients to accept the concept of a relationship between indoor environmental quality and economic productivity benefits. How to assess the effects of indoor environmental quality on productivity remains to be the major challenge.The main objectives of this study are to explore the potential mechanisms of how the indoor environmental quality affects human productivity, and to develop a systematical and quantitative approach for human productivity evaluation. This study is highly distinguished in that it involves a multidisciplinary research including physiology, neuroscience, psychology, and HVAC. Great attention is paid on occupant’s dynamic role in the interfaces between building occupants and their environment by investigating their physiological and psychological reactions to the indoor environment in the laboratory experiment, and then the effects of indoor environmental quality on productivity are quantitatively evaluated. The main contents and results of this study include:(1) A unified model was derived based on the reaction of human nervous system to environmental stress, in which the effects of indoor environmental quality on human productivity were expressed in three aspects, including subjective perceptual response, information processing, and neurophysiological activity.(2) The neurobehavioral approach was proposed and the effects of indoor environmental quality on productivity were measured comprehensively with three classes of neurobehavioral functions, including emotion, cognitive abilities, and executive functions. A set of computerized software was developed for human productivity evaluation based on the neurobehavioral approach.(3) Human physiological response to environmental stress has two principal facets: the neuro-endocrine and the activation of the autonomic nervous system. Several phsioloigcal or biochemical parameters including heart rate, heart rate variability, skin resistance, end-tidal CO2, blood oxygen concentration, tear film mucus and biomarkers in saliva were measured to investigate the physiological response of the two facets to indoor environmental quality.(4) Laboratory experiments were performed to investigate the effects of thermal environment, acoustical environment and light on human productivity. Quantitative relationship was developed between the thermal environmental (thermal sensation vote) and human productivity. The optimum productivity was achieved at the comfortable cool environment, and the productivity decreased at both cold and heat environment. The physiological measurements indicate that the concentration of occupant’s arterial CO2 increased at the warm environment, which may intensified the sick building syndrome (SBS) symptoms, and the blood oxygen concentration decreased, which may result in fatigue and decrease of cognitive ability at the warm environment. The activation of sympathetic nervous system and the disturbance of emotion may have negative effects on productivity. The over evaporating of tear mucus could lead to eye discomfort.(5) The task speed and accuracy were integrated into one measure of performance with two methods. The method of sample size calculation with statistical power analysis was introduced to determine the right sample size in human health, comfort, and productivity research.It is expected that this study could help to develop a universal approach to assess the effects of indoor environments on productivity, and therefore to help to create a healthy, comfortable and productive indoor environment and guide the implementation of energy saving technology in buildings.
