

Analysis on Decision-Making of Brand Strategy of Enterprises Under Asymmetric Information

【作者】 杨珊珊

【导师】 王方华; 余明阳;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 品牌,作为市场竞争中最迤逦的风景,作为企业资产中最耀眼的明星,作为消费者眼中最绚丽的符号,已然成为企业争相拥有的对象。的确,高举品牌战略曾是一些企业应对日益激化的市场竞争的无奈之举,也曾使一些企业迅速从价格战的困境中脱颖而出,但无论将品牌战略视为救命稻草,还是将其用作独门暗器,都不是对品牌战略理性的认识和行为,都将使企业由于粗放和盲目决策而陷入更大的风险。越来越多企业感到“不做品牌等死,做品牌找死”,这句话生动体现了企业对于品牌战略的深深的迷茫。本文正是从这样的现实状况出发,试图为企业品牌战略决策提供有价值的理论支持和行动依据。经过对现有相关研究的研读和分析发现,现有品牌战略实践和研究在逻辑上有所不足,即将品牌战略理解为“如何建立品牌”的战略,却忽视了对“是否应该建立品牌”以及“建立怎样的品牌”这些问题的考虑和权衡,然而后两者显然是更加根本性的品牌战略问题。正是这种对品牌战略的误解使得诸多企业盲目建立品牌,最终也因品牌战略失败而落马。同时,非对称性是普遍存在于企业和消费者之间的信息状况,也是品牌产生的基础和根源,因此本文对品牌的理解和对品牌战略的分析都建立在信息非对称的假设之上。本文研究的问题从根本上说是企业如何根据消费者购买行为进行利润最大化的品牌战略决策,因此博弈论作为研究利益相互影响的理性局中人最大化自己利益的决策及其均衡的分析工具,贯穿始终。针对以上提出的品牌战略实践和理论中的问题,本文借鉴信息经济学理论对品牌及品牌战略的概念进行了重新界定,建立了一个考虑品牌战略内部逻辑性的品牌战略框架,并运用博弈论分析工具建立模型,逐步推导,求得企业品牌战略的前提条件和决策依据,这对于品牌战略在理论和实践方面的发展都有着重要意义。具体而言,本文内容结构如下:第一章:绪论说明了本文的研究背景、研究意义、研究内容、研究方法和框架结构。第二章:在对国内外品牌战略相关文献收集和研读的基础上,归纳了研究者对于品牌和品牌战略概念的理解,给出了与品牌战略相关的理论成果和概念模型。在此基础上,对品牌战略研究现状进行了综合评论,并提出了由此引发的思考和获得的启示。第三章:根据信息经济学理论,重新界定品牌和品牌战略的概念,提出了系统性的品牌战略框架,介绍了本研究所依托的理论基石和分析工具,提出了本研究的基本假设,并给出了本研究进一步展开的分析思路,由此构成了本研究的理论基础。第四章:以研究者对品牌的意义的理解为切入点,运用逆向选择模型分析非对称信息下,缺乏品牌信号时可能出现的低效的市场状况,由此引出企业实施品牌战略的必要性,并通过模型分析得出企业品牌战略决策的前提条件。第五章:运用信号博弈模型,通过对比无信号和有信号的情况下产品质量和消费者效用的关系,揭示了品牌作为传递产品质量信息的信号能改善消费者福利的原理,与此同时,得出品牌信号机制存在和起作用的必要条件。在此基础上,分析了非对称信息下,假设企业的品牌战略决策为离散变量,且品牌不影响消费者效用时,可能存在的混同和分离的纯粹略精炼贝叶斯均衡,及其存在的条件,由此获得了一个影响企业品牌战略方向(即是否建立品牌)决策的关键因素和一些决策依据。第六章:继续用信号博弈模型分析非对称信息下企业品牌战略目标决策问题,这里,假设品牌对消费者效用有积极影响,且假设品牌战略为连续变量,在假设条件有所放宽的情况下,通过均衡分析,获得了一个影响企业品牌战略目标(即建立怎样的品牌)决策的关键因素和一些决策依据。另外,还对品牌作为其他信息信号的情况作了简要的补充说明。第七章:根据本论文所提出的品牌战略框架,对以上研究成果的应用进行了算例说明。第八章:对全文的内容进行了回顾和总结,强调了主要结论和创新点,并指出了本文的局限性和进一步研究的方向。本论文的创新成果主要体现在以下三个方面:首先,本文的选题和观点有所创新。本文认为不应该将品牌战略问题仅仅理解为“如何建立品牌”的战略问题,而应该首先思考“是否应该建立品牌”以及“建立怎样的品牌”的问题。本文还认为,与品牌最密切相关的两个利益主体,即企业和消费者,之间存在着一种普遍的博弈关系和信息不对称状况。因此,本文以企业和消费者之间关于产品质量的非对称信息为研究的基本假设,通过博弈模型的构建,研究企业品牌战略的前提基础,以及如何进行“是否应该建立品牌”和“建立怎样的品牌”的战略决策,即企业品牌战略方向和品牌战略目标。其次,本文通过新的研究思路和方法的采用,在品牌战略理论方面获得具有创新性的理论成果。本文采用的经济学分析框架和博弈论分析方法在在品牌研究中尚属少见。经研究,本文对品牌及品牌战略概念重新界定,并且创立了一个考虑品牌战略决策逻辑顺序的品牌战略框架,同时,运用逆向选择模型和信号博弈模型,分析了品牌作为一种信号机制产生的前提条件和作用的必要条件。再次,本文的结论对于企业品牌战略实务有所贡献。本文通过理论和模型分析,找出了一些对企业品牌战略决策产生重要影响的因素,并且针对这些因素,得出了用于指导企业品牌战略方向和目标的决策依据。

【Abstract】 Brand, as the most beautiful scenery in the competitive market, as the most dazzling star in the assets of enterprises, as the most magnificent symbols in the eyes of consumers, has become the object enterprises are eager to obtain. Indeed, the enterprises have nothing to do but holding brand strategy to respond to growing competition, and brand strategy help some company come to forth from price war, but it‘s not rational cognition of brand strategy to regard brand as a life-saving straw, or be used as instrument of their own, and the cognition will push the enterprises into greater risk by making rash decisions. More and more enterprises found that―branding is to court death, not branding is waiting for death‖; the saying is a vivid manifestation of the puzzle of the enterprises. The author purposes to give theoretic opinion and practical guide line on decision-making of brand strategy of the enterprises.After studying and analyzing the present literatures about brand strategy, the author found that there was an important logic flaws in current research on brand strategy, which is―how to establish a brand‖was focused on, but―whether we should establish brand‖is ignored. Actually, the latter is clearly more fundamental. The misunderstanding of brand strategy led to many enterprises blindly brand building and ultimately failed.At the same time, asymmetry is commonly found in information between enterprises and consumers, and it is the base and causes of brand, so the understanding of brand and analysis on brand strategy is all based on the assumption. The problem of the dissertation focused on how the enterprises make the decision of the brand strategy in order to maximize the profits, and game theory was adopted through all.In response to this issue, the author redefined the conception of brand and brand strategy using information economy for reference, offered a theoretical framework on the brand strategy considering the logic, and obtained the prerequisite and basis for decision-making on brand strategy by modeling with game theory, which is significant on development of theoretical and practical aspects of the brand strategy. In particular, the content of this paper is structured as follows:Chapter 1: Introduce the background, significance, contents, methods and frame structure of the research.Chapter 2: On the basis of collection and study on domestic and international literatures of brand strategy, the author enumerates the concepts of brand according to different schools, concluded the understanding of brand strategy from the various sectors, and listed various relevant theories and conceptual models about brand strategy. On this basis, commented on the status quo of the study on brand strategy comprehensively, and raised the thinking and enlightenment from the commentions.Chapter 3: According to theory of information economics, the author redefined the concept of brand and brand strategy, and proposed a systematic framework of the brand strategy, presented the theoretical foundation and analysis tools this study based on, raised the basic assumptions, and gave further analysis of ideas, which constitute the theoretical basis of this study.Chapter 4: The author started from the understanding of significance of brand, and then, analyzed the situation of inefficient market being lack of the brand as a signal under asymmetric information with the Lemon Model. This leads to the necessary of establishing brand strategy by enterprises, and obtained the decision-making preconditions of brand strategy through the models.Chapter 5: The author revealed the principle that the brand as a signal about product quality can improve consumer welfare through comparing the relationship between the consumers‘utility and product quality when there are signals and no signal. At the same time, found out the necessary conditions of signaling mechanism of brand. Then, under the assumption that the variables of decision-making are discrete, and the brand does not affect consumers‘utility, the author analyses the perfect Bayesian Nash equilibriums and the conditions that these equilibrium exist under the asymmetric information, which helped us get the key factors and some basis for the decision-making on the direction of brand strategy for enterprises.Chapter 6: The author analyzed the decision-making on objective of brand strategy for enterprises under asymmetric information by using signaling model, with the assumption that the variables of decision-making are continuous, and the brand does affect consumers‘utility. The author also got the key factors and some basis for decision-making on the objective of brand strategy for enterprises. In addition, the situation when the brand as a signal represents other information was mentioned.Chapter 7: The author gave the examples of how to use the findings of this dissertation in practice.Chapter 8: The author summarized the dissertation wholly, stressed the conclusions and innovations, and pointed out the limitations and further research directions.In this dissertation, the main innovations embodied in the following three aspects:First of all, the topic and viewpoint of the paper is innovative. The author thought that the brand strategy should not be understood simply as―how to establish a brand‖, but should be thought―whether we should establish brand‖and―what the objective of the brand is‖in the first place. This paper also believes that the enterprises and consumers are most closely associated with the brands, and they are the two players in a game. Therefore, the paper takes the asymmetric information between enterprises and consumers on product quality as the basic assumptions, researched the issues about the premise of brand strategy ,―whether we should establish brand‖and―what‘s the objective of the brand‖through the model of game theory.Secondly, there are innovations in the analysis tool and brand theory. The author researched brand by using the game theory with the framework of economic analysis, which is rare. The author redefined the concept of brand and brand strategy by absorbing the relevant results of information economics, proposed the framework of brand strategy considering the logical sequence of decision-making, and gave the prerequisite conditions of brand strategy of enterprises and necessary conditions of the signal mechanism of brand by using the adverse selection model and the signaling model.Third, there are innovations in the brand practical level. The author identified some factors that have important impact on the decision-making of brand strategy for enterprises, and found out some basis for decision-making on the direction and objective of the brand strategy.

  • 【分类号】F273.2;F224.32
  • 【被引频次】2
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