

【作者】 刘蔚巍

【导师】 连之伟;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 制冷与低温工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 人体热舒适评价一直是人体热舒适研究中一个相当重要的内容。到目前为止,对人体热舒适程度评价主要以热舒适主观评价方法为主,即采用热舒适问卷调查的形式直接询问人们的热感觉与热舒适程度。热舒适主观评价方法是一种较为可靠简便的人体热舒适评价方法,然而,其评价结果依赖于受试者的主观判断,因此受人的主观因素影响较大。人体平均皮肤温度(简称“平均皮温”)与人体热感觉、热舒适关系密切,而且平均皮肤温度的测量及计算都比较简单。本文将从生理学角度对人体平均皮温作为热舒适客观评价指标进行深入研究,研究将建立基于人体平均皮温的有效的人体热舒适客观评价方法,为人体热舒适生理机理研究提供理论基础。本文的研究思路为:通过心率变异性分析为平均皮肤温度作为人体热舒适客观评价指标提供生理依据;在此基础上,对各种平均皮肤温度测试方法进行评价,得出最适合用于人体热舒适评价的测试方法;根据平均皮肤温度(由最佳测试方法得出)对人体热舒适程度进行评价,探讨基于平均皮温对人体热舒适进行评价的一般方法;最后,通过一个应用实例来反映平均皮肤温度评价指标的实际应用。具体研究工作如下:对33个受试者在不同空调温度(21~30°C)下的皮肤温度与心率变异性进行测量,同时对受试者的热感觉和热舒适程度进行主观问卷调查。对不同热舒适状态下受试者的心率变异性进行分析,结合人体体温调节活动,探讨人体热舒适机理,从生理角度证明了人体平均皮温作为评价人体热舒适的客观指标确实是可行的。对26种现有的平均皮温测试方法(其中最大皮温测点数达17)进行评价,得出了最佳的适用于人体热舒适评价的测试方法。同时根据人体21个部位间的皮肤温度变化及分布情况,给出了一种新的适用于人体热舒适评价的平均皮温测试方法。将受试者热舒适程度分为3个等级:冷不舒适、热舒适、暖不舒适,采用马氏距离判别法,对不同热舒适等级下平均皮温样本进行分析,得出了根据人体平均皮温评价热舒适程度的评判法则。评价结果表明,该方法对多数人的热舒适等级进行了正确判断,尤其是对热舒适这一等级的判断,准确率可达90%。最后,引入本文提出的平均皮温作为评价指标来确定热环境舒适温度,在此基础上,采用本文修正的房间式空调器气流组织性能评价方法来评价落地式房间空调器的气流组织性能,得出了其出风口可调叶片的最佳倾角。本文的研究表明,人体平均皮温确实可作为一个合理、有效的人体热舒适客观评价指标,评价结果将不再完全依赖于受试者的主观判断,将更为客观,同时揭示了人体平均皮肤温度与热舒适程度的联系。

【Abstract】 In the study on human thermal comfort, the evaluation of thermal comfort is an important basis. Up to now, human thermal comfort is usually evaluated using subjective evaluation method (with a thermal comfort questionnaire). The subjective evaluation method is reliable and simple at most occasions. However, its evaluation result depends on subjects’judgments, therefore, the method is influenced by human subjective factors.Human mean skin temperature (MST) was closely related to thermal comfort and thermal sensation. Moreover, measurement of MST is simple. Therefore, in this study, MST was proposed as an objective index to evaluate human thermal comfort. This paper established an objective evaluation method of thermal comfort based on human MST. In this paper, analysis of human heart rate variability (HRV) was performed to provide a physiological proof for MST as an objective evaluation index of thermal comfort. Based on the proof, various MST calculation methods were evaluated, and the optimal calculation method was obtained. According to the MST samples calculated with the optimal calculation method, subjects’thermal comfort levels were evaluated, and a universal evaluation method was proposed. At last, application of the objective evaluation of thermal comfort based on human MST was discussed.The present work was described as follows.33 subjects’skin temperatures and HRV were measured at different environment temperatures (21~30°C). Also, their thermal sensation and thermal comfort were investigated with subjective questionnaire.Related with thermoregulation, the mechanism of human thermal comfort was discussed based on analysis of HRV. The results indicate that MST can be taken as an objective index to evaluate thermal comfort.The existing 26 types of MST calculation methods (the maximum of measurement sites is 17) were evaluated, and the most suitable calculation method of mean skin temperature for evaluation of human thermal comfort was obtained. Also, a new MST calculation method was proposed according to the distribution and change of 21 local skin temperatures. Subjects’thermal comfort was divided into three levels, including cold discomfort, comfort and warm discomfort. Based on the subjects’MST at each level, an evaluation rule of thermal comfort was obtained using Mahalanobis distance discrimination. The results indicated that most subjects’thermal comfort levels were correctly evaluated according to the rule, especially for the comfort level, the accuracy reached 90%.Based on the evaluation results of thermal comfort using MST, the indoor air diffusion performance of a floor-standing type air-conditioner was evaluated and the best inclination angles of the vanes in the outlet was determined for an optimal air diffusion. At last, the future work was presented.This study indicates that human MST can be used as a reasonable and effective objective index for evaluation of thermal comfort. The evaluation result does not depend on subjects’subjective judge on thermal comfort. Moreover, it relates to human physiological state, thus, can provide a basis for study on the mechanism of thermal comfort.
