

Systematic Study of the Evolution of Ethical Behaviors and Ethical Construction in Modern Economic Organizations

【作者】 王晓明

【导师】 王浣尘; 陈明义;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 我国的改革开放已走过了三十年,我国的市场经济正在飞速发展并创造着日新月异的经济建设成果,但同时我国的道德建设正面临着许多严峻考验:许多领域的道德失范,企业或个人诚信缺失的不良现象仍普遍存在。不道德行为产生的不良后果将严重阻碍社会的发展和进步。进一步加强公民道德建设,改善社会道德风气具有突出的重要性和紧迫性。如何深刻认识现代社会经济系统中行为人的道德属性以及现代社会经济系统道德演变的规律,从而进一步深入认识不同阶段道德建设的关键,找到推进社会道德建设的有效切入点,变得越来越具有现实意义,这正是本文研究的主题。本文的研究工作始终是围绕着现代经济组织的道德演变和道德建设问题展开的,力图从系统科学的角度定量地研究不同道德属性的行为人对其所在经济组织其它行为人和道德环境的影响,并通过目前最先进的系统仿真工具深入探讨动态复杂经济系统的道德演变情况,发现现代经济组织的道德演变和道德建设规律,结合案例分析的方法对推演的理论结果进行验证,从而为现代社会和经济组织推进道德建设提供有借鉴意义的参考依据。本文以系统科学理论为指导,综合运用经济学、博弈论、Swarm仿真分析理论、可持续发展和网格化等多学科领域的最新研究成果,根据研究主题的需要,采用了“微观──宏观──微观”、“方法──方法论──方法”、“定性──定量──定性”、“理论──系统仿真──理论”的旋进研究模式。本文的主要内容是:首先,回顾并点评了古今中外经济学、伦理学、博弈论、管理学、生物学等多领域对道德行为研究的文献,指出了前人在定量地研究社会经济组织的道德演变和道德建设领域尚存在空白点,并引出了本文的研究主题。其次,对经济组织中不同道德属性的行为人进行了分类和定义,并构建了“由生产者和消费者构成的经济系统模型”、“多类型行为人构成的经济组织道德演变稳定性判据模型”及“道德污染对经济系统道德环境的影响模型”,通过对模型的定量分析和推演,获得了揭示道德演变和道德建设规律的重要结论。再次,构建了一个由多个A类(俗称“好人”)、B类(俗称“坏人”)、C类(俗称“普通人”)行为人组成的动态复杂经济系统,分析了不同道德类型行为人的初始人数占比对经济系统道德演变结果的影响,指出了经济系统的道德演变具有自组织性,并推演出了影响系统道德演变结果的临界点及其变化曲线,探讨了行为人作恶收益、行为人交往密度和行为人影响力这三个重要因素对道德演变自组织临界点的影响情况,从而得出了多个对道德演变和道德建设有意义的结论。最后,结合本文关于道德演变和道德建设的结论,从方法论的角度阐述了基于旋进原则的道德建设策略,分析了网格化管理对道德建设的重要意义,并对“一家大型企业集团通过实施集团化解决信用缺失问题的案例”和“淘宝网进行网络诚信建设的案例”进行了详细分析和点评,印证了经济组织的道德演变具有自组织性,网格化管理对降低道德建设难度和推动道德建设具有重要意义。本文的贡献和创新之处主要在以下3个方面:1.定量地研究了现代经济组织的道德演变和道德建设问题,指出了道德演变具有自组织性,并推演出了道德演变的临界点及其变化曲线。本文从系统科学角度,从分析不同道德类型行为人的行为演变入手,运用当前最先进的Swarm系统仿真工具构建了由多个A类、B类、C类行为人组成的动态复杂经济系统,提出不同道德类型行为人的人数占比和占比的变化即可代表系统的道德水平和道德演变的状况,经济系统的道德演变具有自组织性,并有多个影响道德演变结果的临界点存在。当A类行为人的初始占比超过临界点后,A类人将主导系统道德演变方向。行为人作恶收益、交往密度和行为人的影响力都是影响道德演变临界点的重要因素。2.提出了道德污染的概念,构建了道德环境建设可持续发展模型,得出了道德建设三要素。本文依据不道德行为如环境污染一样具有外部性的特点,将可持续发展理论对环境污染等问题的研究成果引入道德研究领域,提出了道德污染的概念,并构建了道德环境可持续发展模型,提出经济系统道德环境稳定与否和行为人对道德环境的质量要求高低、行为人对未来道德环境的重视程度以及道德环境监管的力度有关。在道德环境建设中,建立针对行为人的道德监控体系是基础,德治促成的合作态度是关键,法治建设是根本。三者之间相互影响,共同决定道德环境建设的效果。3.对道德建设进行了案例分析,提出了网格化管理可降低道德演变的临界点,对现代经济组织的道德建设具有重要意义。本文将网格化理论和旋进策略引入到了道德建设策略研究中,通过分析网格的特征,深入分析了网格化管理对现代经济组织道德建设的重要意义,通过对“一家大型企业集团通过实施集团化解决信用缺失问题的案例”和“淘宝网进行网络诚信建设的案例”进行分析,证实了本文理论的正确性,并揭示了网格化管理可降低道德演变的临界点,对道德建设具有重要意义。

【Abstract】 China’s market economy is keeping fast development and creating extraordinary achievements as the thirty years’reform and opening-up. However, China’s ethical construction is facing severe challenge such as lack of moral regulation and short of enterprise and personal faith. Immoral behaviors will impede social development. So it is necessary and urgent to enhance citizen ethical construction and improve social moral atmosphere.It has real meaning to know about the people’s moral property and its development rule in modern social economic system. This has become the key to realize the internal entity of the ethical construction in different stages, and is the main topic for this dissertation.Research work of this dissertation is around the moral evolution and ethical construction in modern economy organization. Quantitative methods based on system science are used to study the affection of person’s moral property to others and moral environment. The moral evolution and construction laws of modern economic organization are found and verified by means of modern system simulation tools and case study after discussing the moral evolution status in dynamic complex economic system. The results of the dissertation could be supplied as basis to promote ethical construction for modern society and economic organization.The dissertation applies the updating research outcomes of economics, game theory, Swarm simulation theory, sustainable development theory and grid theory based on the system science. The spiral propulsion principle of research mode as“micro to macro to micro”,“methods to methodology to methods”,“qualitative to quantitative to qualitative”,“theory to system simulation to theory”has been used.The main contents of this dissertation are:Firstly, relative literatures in the field of economics, ethics, game theory, management and biology are reviewed. The blanket points in the research area of moral evolution in social economic organization by quantitative methods are presented. Then the main topic of the dissertation is showed. Secondly, persons of different moral property in economic organization are classified and defined.“Social economic model consists of producer and consumer,” “stability judgment model of moral evolution in economic organization composed by people of different types”,“model of affection of moral pollution to moral environment of economic system”are established. By means of quantitative analysis to these models, the important conclusions about moral evolution and ethical construction are gained. Thirdly, the dynamic complex economic system composed of many agents of A type (good people), agents of B type (bad people) and agents of C type (general people) is constructed. The affection of the initial number of persons of different moral types to moral evolution outcomes is analyzed and the self-organized property of moral evolution in economic system is pointed. The critical points and variation curve to affect the system moral evolution outcomes are deduced. The affection of person’s evil payoff, communicated density and its affection to the critical points of self organization in moral evolution is discussed. The meaningful conclusions to moral evolution and ethical construction are gained. Finally, ethical construction strategies and the meaning for grid management to ethical construction are proposed from view of methodology based on the above conclusions. Two cases of“solutions to the problem of short of faith for a large scale enterprise by means of grouping”and“network faith construction of Taobao.com”are analyzed. The results verify the self-organization property of moral evolution in economic organization and the important meaning of grid management to reduce the difficulty of ethical construction and promote it.The contributions and innovations of the dissertation are following:1. Moral evolution and ethical construction problems are studied quantitatively. The self-organization property of moral evolution, its critical points and variation curve are deduced. The dissertation applies Swarm system simulation tools to construct the dynamic complex economic system composed by many A, B and C types of agents from their behavior development based on system science. The conclusions that the number of persons and its ratio variation could represent the moral level and moral evolution in the system are made. The self organization property and many critical points affecting moral evolution orientation are gained. When the ratio of A type of agents exceeds the critical point, A type of agents will dominate the evolution of the system. The important factors to the critical points are persons’evil payoff, communicated density and ability of the impact to environment.2. The concept of moral pollution is proposed. The sustainable development model for moral environment construction is made and three main factors for ethical construction are gained. The dissertation believes that immoral behavior has external features as environment pollution. The research outcomes of sustainable development theory to environment pollution are introduced to the field of moral field. The concept of moral pollution is proposed. The sustainable development model for moral environment construction is made. Whether economic system moral environment is stable or not is related to the request to the quality of moral environment, attention to ethical construction and moral environment regulation. In the construction of moral environment, moral surveillance system is base, the corporation between moral and regulation is the key and construction of law is entity. These three aspects are affected with each other, and decide the outcomes of moral environment construction.3. Cases study of ethical construction is made. Grid management can decrease the condition of the critical points and has important meaning to ethical construction of modern economic organization. The grid management theory and spiral propulsion strategy are introduced to the ethical construction. The importance of grid management to ethical construction of modern economic organization is analyzed based on the features of grid. Two cases of“solutions to the problem of short of faith for a large scale enterprise by means of grouping”and“network faith construction of Taobao.com”are analyzed to verify the correctness of the theoretical conclusions of this dissertation. The importance of grid management to decrease the condition of the critical points of moral evolution and ethical construction is proposed.
