

The Research on Corporate Culture Change Model Based on Culture Chain

【作者】 林竹盛

【导师】 李延喜;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 当今企业经营面临的重大问题是市场竞争日益激烈,经营环境不断变化。只有不断根据外部环境的变化和经营战略的调整进行必需的企业变革,企业才能具有更大的灵活性,才可能拥有可持续的竞争优势,在激烈的市场竞争中方能立于不败之地。因而,组织变革已经成为管理变革的重要内容。而在所有变革环节中,文化变革居于核心地位,但同时也是最为艰巨的环节。它涉及到员工思考方式的改变,更是一种头脑中的变革。文化变革是企业变革成功的基本保证,文化变革不成功则企业其他方面的变革难以取得预期成效。所以,如何建立科学的企业文化变革模式,已经成为理论界和诸多企业管理者研究探讨的重要问题。本文采取了文献研究法、案例分析法和跨学科的系统研究方法,体现了规范研究与实证研究相结合、理论与实践相结合、广度分析与深度分析相结合的研究特色。通过基础研究、理论模型的构建、实证研究这样一个逻辑思路,对基于文化链的企业文化变革这一命题展开研究。本文在研究企业文化变革时将研究聚焦在“文化链”这一概念范围内,围绕这一概念衍生出与文化链密切相关的理论观点,并注意到企业文化变革和组织变革的协同,进而构建基于“文化链”的企业文化变革模型、阐述了企业文化变革的操作手段以及变革的关键驱动力量所在。首先,本文从文化链和企业文化变革的文献入手,回顾了现有学术文献中对“文化链”的研究;在有关企业文化变革的研究方面,主要从企业文化变革与经营绩效的关系,企业文化变革的方向、模式及步骤,企业文化变革与组织变革之间的关系三个方面对相关文献进行梳理,进而理清了企业文化变革的经典理论模式及其演进过程。在此基础上,作者分析了企业文化变革的假设及路径依赖,探讨了影响企业文化变革的内外部环境因素,阐述了企业文化的路径依赖特性以及由此给企业文化变革带来的阻力。论文的核心在于以学习型组织理论和组织学习理论为依托,构建了基于“文化链”的企业文化变革模型("CCBCC"模型)。重点讨论了“文化链”的背景、内涵,阐释了"CCBCC"模型的结构、要素构成、理论价值等。在"CCBCC"模型中,以企业文化变革的工具——“文化链”为核心,以领导力和管理能力作为两个变革的重要能力变量,论述了“反馈”、“反思”、“行动”和“内化”等四个子系统的内在含义,并论述了这四个子系统之间的逻辑关系以及他们之间的循环特征。同时,理清了学习型组织,、组织学习和企业文化变革的关系,即企业文化变革的关键是建立学习型组织,组织变革和文化变革都要通过“组织学习”来实现。应该说,"CCBCC"模型系统的整合了以往企业文化变革理论,具有较强的实操性和解释力,对于开展企业文化变革的企业具有较强的借鉴意义。其次,在"CCBCC"模型基础上,从实践的角度给出基于“文化链”的企业文化变革操作流程和具体措施。接下来,阐述了领导联盟是基于“文化链”的企业文化变革中的驱动力量,是“文化链”运行的激活因子,分析了领导联盟的“飞轮效应”及其对文化变革的作用机制,指出领导联盟在文化变革循环中起着催生、激活和加速的作用,并探讨了增强领导联盟的方法。最后,在本文的实证部分,以作者亲身主导的三家企业—齐鲁石化公司储运厂安全文化变革、齐鲁石化建设有限公司质量文化变革、齐鲁物流公司创建学习型文化的变革案例,分析了这三家企业文化变革的路径、手段,讨论了“文化链”这一企业文化变革工具在其中的作用机制,进而验证本研究提出的基于“文化链”的企业文化变革模型—"CCBCC"模型的理论观点。

【Abstract】 Currently, all the companies are facing an operational environment in which competition is fierce and operational surrounding is changeable and unpredictable. In such situation, only by running coporate change according to the changing external environment and changing operational strategy, can a business be more flexible and obtain sustainable competition edge and keep growing in the market. Therefore, organizational change has already become an important part of management change. While in all the sections of change, culture change is unquestionably the core but the most difficult one, because it is a change in mind, involving changes in the way employees think. Culture change is the basic guarantee of a successful business change, the failure of which will certainly lead to unmet change objectives. Therefore, how to establish a scientific coporate culture change model becomes a hot topic theoretically and practically, which leads to the birtyh of many theories about culture.This dissertation, combining normative research with empirical research, incorporating theory and practice, uses acdamic methods of literature study, case analysis and interdisciplinary systematic research. By using fundamental research, structuring theoretical model and adopting empirical research method, this dissertation undertakes a study on coporate culture change based on culture chain. When studying coporate culture change, the dissertation focuses on the concept of culture chain and, based on which, derives relevant theoretical concepts. Noticing the synergy between culture change and coporate change, the dissertation structures a Culture-Chain-Based Culture Change model and illustrates the operational means of culture change and the underlying driving force.This dissertation firstly begins with literatures on culture chain and coporate culture change and makes a literature review, reviewing those researches on culture chain in existed documents. On research of business culture change, the author sorts the data from the perspectives of relationship between coporate culture change and business performance, the direction, model and steps of culture change, the relationship between culture change and coporate change, clarifying the classic theoretical models and their evolution steps. On this basis, the author analyses the hypothesis and the routing of coporate culture change, discusses the internal and external environmental factors that constrain culture change, and represents the routing dependent feature of coporate culture and the consequent resistance force thereby. The core of this dissertation lies in that, on the basis of learning organization theory and organizational learning theory, it establishes the model of Culture-Chain-Based Culture Change model (CCBCC model). It focuses on the background and connotation of culture chain, discusses the structure, composition and theoretical value of the model. This model, using the instrument of culture chain, a key of culture change, defining leadership and management capability as two important transformation capability variables, discusses the connotations of four subsystems, namely feedback, reflection, action and internalization, and explains the their logic interrelationship and cycle feature. Meanwhile, this dissertation clarifies the relationship between learning organization, organizational learning and corporate culture change:establishing a learning organization is the key to corporate culture change; organizational change and culture change are both achieved through oraganizational learning. Integrating previous theories on culture change and having strong practical and interpretational power, CCBCC model has a strong referential significance to those corporations conducting culture change.Secondly, on the basis of this model, this dissertation brings forth the operational procedure and specific measures to implement CCBCC model. Then, the dissertation conducts deep analysis on leadership alliance, which is the activator influencing the implementation of the model, discusses the flywheel effect of leadership alliance, which, considered by the author, is a driving force in the model. The author points out the catalytic, activating and accelerating role played by leadership alliance and approaches to strengthen the alliance.Finally, in the part of empirical research, the dissertation uses three cases, the safety culture change implemented by Qilu Petrochemical Company Storage Plant, the quality culture change taken by Qilu Petrochemical construction Ltd. and the learning culture creation practice taken by Qilu Logistics, as case study, which were dominated by the author himself, analyses the culture change routing and means taken by the three corporations, discusses the action mechanism of culture chain, a main instrument in change, in the process of culture change. The author uses the case study to try to testify the theoretical concept and practical value of the model of CCBCC.
