

Modes Research on Eco-industrial Networks

【作者】 刁晓纯

【导师】 苏敬勤;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 面对日益凸显的环境问题,以经济和环境协调发展为目标,以企业合作为途径的产业生态网络成为生态工业发展的主要载体。它突破了传统的副产品交换关系,在“绿色设计、清洁生产、污染预防、能源有效使用”等领域形成了丰富交互与合作,并成为工业体系中的“突变细胞”,对促进区域可持续发展起到举足轻重的作用。为此,本文回顾和归纳了产业生态网络的概念特征,以协同学为理论基点,从一体化与多元化的网络关系入手识别了产业生态网络的模式及其适用性,同时立足于产业生态网络模式,对产业生态网络的演化机理进行论述。在辨识产业生态网络实施效果的基础上,探究了产业生态网络模式与实施效果之间的对应关系,从而确定了产业生态网络形成的特征和形成机理。全文围绕产业生态网络模式、演化和实施效果以及形成四部分内容解析了产业生态网络形成、变化和发展的规律,为产业生态网络在实践中的发展提供政策建议和行动指南。本文采用理论研究与实证研究、定性分析与定量分析相结合的研究方法,融合了协同学、网络组织理论、企业资源理论、核心能力理论、演化论等相关管理理论及思想,综合运用了回归分析、因子分析、方差分析、聚类分析、相关分析和案例分析的方法,对产业生态网络模式及形成等主要内容展开研究,主要包括:第一,从网络合作特征出发识别产业生态网络模式,并分析不同产业生态网络模式与所在环境因素之间的适用关系。首先,从“一体化”与“多元化”的网络关系测量入手,提出产业生态网络模式识别的基本假设;其次,结合问卷调查和案例分析,验证了产业生态网络的基本模式;最后,基于共生理论提出并验证了共生环境和共生单元与产业生态网络模式间的适配关系。得出松散型、协同型、互动型和自主型构成了产业生态网络的四种基本模式,并与企业所有权性质、企业规模、行业等共生单元特征以及工业园区级别、性质等共生环境之间存在不同的适用关系。从而为处在不同共生环境下的企业选取适当的产业生态网络模式来参与合作提供决策支持。第二,归纳并比较了基于“一体化”和“多元化”两种方式的演化途径,分析了我国产业生态网络的演化现状,论述并证实产业生态网络演化机理。首先,通过文献回顾,提出强化“一体化”关系,提高生态效率和发展“多元化”关系,降低环境治理的相对成本是产业生态网络演化的基本途径;其次,基于协同学理论和哈肯模型比较分析了我国产业生态网络演化的两种方式及现状,得到我国产业生态网络的发展仍处在早期的起步阶段,还不能够形成纵向、横向协调发展的机制。最后,结合统计分析数据得出一体化与多元化的协同发展是产业生态网络演化的基本模式。为后续产业生态网络形成研究提供理论依据。第三,识别并分析了产业生态网络的实施效果,探究了产业生态网络对区域可持续发展的作用机理。首先,结合网络组织和可持续发展理论,提出产业生态网络作用区域可持续发展的理论研究框架;其次,通过因子分析归纳出产业生态网络的实施效果;第三,结合相关分析和案例研究,从功能效益和结构效益两个方面验证了产业生态网络对区域可持续发展的作用机理。研究表明结构开放性、价值增值、结构柔性和环境和谐是构成产业生态网络实施效果的四个主要因子,并提出“结构效益—功能效益—区域可持续发展”的框架模型用于阐释产业生态网络对于我国区域可持续发展的作用机理,从而为持续发挥产业生态网络的功能,有的放矢地解决区域环境问题提供指导,也为后续产业生态网络的形成提供了发展目标。第四,在实证产业生态网络模式与结构效益关系的基础上,探究了产业生态网络的形成机理。首先,通过相关分析和方差分析得出一体化与多元化的协同发展能够显著提高产业生态网络结构效益,构成了产业生态网络形成的基本特征。其次,识别出直接经济利益、风险管理、技术因素、信任等内部环境因素以及环境保护、政策支持等外部环境因素影响产业生态网络一体化与多元化的发展并起到不同的影响作用。最后,通过山东鲁北企业集团的案例研究,分析鲁北工业共生网络的形成路径和形成机理。本文的创新点包括:(1)首次将产业生态网络的概念引入我国产业生态化发展的路径选择之中,系统量化了产业生态网络一体化与多元化特征,进而提出并验证了产业生态网络的基本模式;(2)提出并识别了产业网络的结构效益并建立了产业生态网络作用于区域可持续发展的概念模型;(3)提出并阐述了基于协同发展的产业生态网络形成机理,并辨识了内外部环境因素对产业生态网络形成的影响差异。

【Abstract】 With the increasingly prominent environmental issues, Eco-industrial networks (EIN) have become the main carrier in the development of eco-industry, to coordinate economic and environmental development by enterprises cooperation. It surpasses traditional by-product connection, and forms abundant interactions and cooperations in the fields of green design, cleaner production, pollution prevention, efficient use of energy, etc, which has played a decisive role in the development of regional sustainable development. Therefore, this article concludes the concepts and their characteristics of EIN, and identifies the pattern and their applicability starting from network relationships of integration and diversification, and then discusses EIN’s evolvement mechanism. After distinguishing the implementation performance of EIN, it also explores the relationship between EIN’s patterns and their corresponding performance, which confirms the forming principle and mechanism of EIN. The whole thesis making up of four parts with EIN’s pattern, implementation performance, evolvement and formulation resolves the law of EIN’s initiation, transformation and development, which provides a policy advices and action orientation in the practice of eco-industrial networks.The paper applies theoretical and empirical analysis and qualitative and quantitative analysis referring to management theories and thoughts of synergy, network organization, enterprise resource, core competitive and evolving and with the methods of regression analysis, factor analysis, variance analysis, clustering analysis, correlation analysis and case study.First, it identifies the pattern of eco-industrial networks considering the features of network cooperation and then analyzes the relationships between EIN pattern and environmental factors. Starting from measuring network connection in the points of integration and diversification, this paper sends out the basic assumptions, and then validates them by questionnaires and case study. At last, it advances the matching between EIN pattern and environments basing on symbiosis theory.Second, it concludes two evolving ways and then makes comparison between them after which it analyzes the evolving status of eco-industrial networks in China, and approves the evolving mechanism of eco-industrial networks. This section begins with bringing forward the two evolving way arming at improving eco-efficiency and reducing relative cost in environmental administration. Then it concludes that it is still in the early stage for eco-industrial networks to develop in China, but synergic development with integration and diversification should be the basic path during the process.Third, it recognizes the performance of eco-industrial networks and the effect mechanism from eco-industrial networks to regional sustainable development. Through providing a concept frame, functional and structural performances are extracted in explaining the effect mechanism.Last but not the least, it explores the formulation mechanism of eco-industrial networks on the basis of the above research results. As the synergic development of integration and diversity would promote the performance of eco-industrial networks notably, the formulation of eco-industrial networks would consider this principle as a basic rule. And also, the functions between environmental factors during the development of eco-industrial networks are different. By the case study of Shando Lubei,Ltd. who develops eco-industrial networks, the paper concludes the formulation path and mechanism of eco-industrial networks.The innovation of the research includes, (a) The concept of EIN is for the first time bringed into the analysis of eco-development path in China, which is basing on measuring the features of integration and diversification of EIN, and then the pattern of EIN is concluded;(b) The structural performance of EIN is indentifide and then the conceptual modol that EIN affecting regional sustainable development has been developed; (c) The formulation principal of synergic development within in the two feature of EIN is expatiate, and then the difference of inside and outside environmental factor worked on EIN’s constuction are explored.
