

Study on the Processing of Echo Sounding Data and Combination of Bathymetric and Topographic Data

【作者】 殷晓冬

【导师】 胡家升;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 信号与信息处理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 研究了海洋声学测深的声波传播规律、声学测深系统及其换能器的性能和抗干扰技术,利用变邻域抗差M估计法对测深数据的粗差进行了检测,分析了SBES和MBES的误差模型,提出了基于Ping的交叉检查方法评定水深测量数据的质量,建立了统一的海陆DEM模型,针对多源海陆数据中的基准不一致、数据模型及格式不统一、同一地物表达上的差异等主要技术问题,设计了海陆数据的无缝拼接方案,实现了海陆数据无缝拼接的多分辨率表达。主要研究内容和成果有:(1)在探讨声场与声纳方程,声波传播规律的基础上,分析了海洋声学测深系统的性能。根据换能器的性能与波束角的关系,讨论了换能器波束扭转和运用遮蔽函数减少旁瓣波束引起的失真,在研究了换能器的覆盖率与波束的入射角、波束角、水深和海底的平均坡度的关系的基础上,讨论了海底声波的覆盖率与声波照射区域尺寸、波束间距、更新率、船速、偏航、横摇和纵摇的关系。重点讨论了MBES信号的特点、中央波束的振幅检测和边缘波束的相位检测方法,给出了海洋测深数据采集的多种抗干扰技术。(2)为改进目前采用的人工干预粗差处理方法,讨论了目前存在的门限滤波法、Slope法、曲面拟合、抗差估计法等水深数据粗差自动处理方法的特点和缺陷,提出了变邻域抗差估计法进行水深测量数据粗差的自动检测和剔除方法。实例验证表明,该方法具有抗邻近点粗差干扰、粗差检测效率高和对粗差簇探测能力强的优点。对SBES和MBES的误差进行了分析。(3)基于检查线与主测线交叉点的水深值不符值评估测量成果质量的规定,研究了数字化水深图的主检测线求交算法,分析了传统的基于点和面的交叉检查方法的缺陷和不足,提出了基于Ping的交叉检查方法,两种交叉检查方法进行精度评估的结果表明,基于Ping的交叉检查方法不仅可以更加合理地评估多波束数据质量,而且还能分辨残差的种类。(4)研究了海陆数据DEM建模方法,针对多源海陆数据的差异问题,设计了海陆数据的无缝拼接方案,建立了统一海部水深离散点和陆部等高线的多源数据无缝DEM模型。研究了基于TIN和基于格网的DEM模型简化算法,利用原始水深数据、岸线地形数据、岛礁等障碍物数据以及军用电子海图数据等,实现了多源海陆数据的无缝集成和三维可视化表达。

【Abstract】 In this dissertation based on the law of transmission of sound wave in bathymetric survey, the anti-interference techniques used in acquisition of sounding are given, and the performance of echo sounders with its transducer are discussed. Using the algorithms of changing the calculation region interpolating comparison test with iterative weights based on robust M-estimation, the blunders of sounding data are detected and eliminated. According to the maximum allowable error of sounding in the standards for hydrographic surveys, the error model of Single-beam Echo Sounders(SBES) and Multibeam Echosounders(MBES) are analysed respectively and a crosscheck method based on ping is put forward to evaluate the quality of sounding data. In order to solve the problem of inconsistencies between the data in separate reference datums, different data format and variety of representing the same object, etc, a project of blending multi-source bathymetric/topographic data seamlessly is designed. Based on a common datum established by the methods of transforming horizontal coordinate and interpolating vertical datums, a seamless DEM derived from discrete depths and terrain contours is combined, and a algorithms for simplifying DEM based on point deletion is used to represent DEM in different scale. The main research contents and achievements are as follows:(1) According to the law of transmission of sound wave in the sea, the performance of echo sounders is analysed by the basic parameter such as frequency, band width and pulse length. The development of echo sounders and the capability of transducer with its application in practice are specified. Based on the relationship between the performance of transducer with its beam width, the transducer beam torsion and beam lobe reduction using shading functions are discussed. According to the relationship between the coverage of transducer with beam pointing angle, beam width, depth and mean slope of the seafloor, the relationship between the coverage of the seafloor with dimension of the ensonified areas, beam spacing across track, ping rate, ship’s speed, yaw,pitch and roll are studied. The characteristic of MBES signal, the method of amplitude detection for central beam and of phase detection for edge beam are specified. Based on the analysis of common inner and outer interference in acquisition of sounding, the methods of restraining and weakening interference are studied and various techniques of anti-interference used in echo sounding are brought forward. (2) In order to improve the way of manual blunders detection currently, the character and shortage of algorithms of automatic blunders detection, such as entrance restrict filter, Slope algorithms, curve surface imitation, robust estimation, are discussed, and the algorithm of changing the calculation region interpolating comparison test with iterative weights based on robust M-estimation is suggested. Experimental results indicate that the algorithm is effective to eliminate adjacent blunders, especially for cluster blunders. Based on the classification of hydrography and the Minimum Standards of error in sounding, the error resulting from position system, transducer draft, sound velocity correction, seafloor slope, sea wave, tide correction and vessel attitude are discussed for SBES and MBES respectively.(3) In order to evaluate accuracy of sounding data by the intersection discrepancies of main lines and check lines, the algorithm of computing intersection for digital sounding dada is studied. For the limitation of crosscheck algorithm based on points and plane for MBES data, the algorithm of crosscheck based on ping is studied. The comparison of two algorithms in practical test shows that latter is more accurate in evaluating the quality of MBES data and can distinguish the type of errors.(4) A project of blending multi-source bathymetric/topographic data seamlessly is designed to solve the problem of inconsistencies between the data in separate reference datums, different data format and variety of representing the same object, etc. Based on a common datum established by the methods of transforming horizontal coordinate and interpolating vertical datums, a seamless DEM derived from discrete depths and terrain contours is combined, and for the problem of representing slowly for processing mass sounding data, a algorithms for simplifying DEM based on point deletion is used to represent DEM in different scale and its validity is proved by practical test. For the demand of cooperated map of army, navy and airforce in amphibious warfare, the soundings, topographic data, islands, features and military vector chart data are integrated. Experimental results indicate that the project can seamlessly blend multi-source coastal zone data and realize three-dimensional representation in multi-scale.
