

Canopy Evaluation Indices and Chemical Regulation Practices in Soybean Yield

【作者】 杜吉到

【导师】 郑殿峰;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江八一农垦大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 大豆群体冠层的特征与产量形成密切相关。为明确不同大豆群体的冠层特性及不同化学调控技术对其产量的影响,本文通过单一品种5个密度和10个品种(系)3个密度的田间小区试验研究了不同大豆群体产量的冠层评价指标研究了不同大豆群体产量的冠层评价指标,通过桶栽砂培条件下大豆不同生育时期营养亏缺试验确定了大豆生长发育过程中的调控关键时期,并通过3个品种、3个密度、8种叶面处理开展了不同大豆群体叶面叶面化学调控技术的研究。研究结果表明:1、大豆群体冠层特性在品种间存在一定区别,共有共性。个体指标与群体产量的相关性小,群体指标与群体产量的相关性大。单株性状好并不代表单位面积产量高。群体产量的冠层评价指标以群体评价指标较为准确。2、R1和R5期的单株叶干重、茎干重、柄干重、叶面积及群体叶面积指数与单株产量呈显著或极显著正相关;R1和R5期的单株淀粉、可溶性糖、蔗糖、硝态氮、游离氨基酸总含量、蔗糖转化酶总活性和叶绿素含量整体上与单株产量呈显著或极显著正相关。40-60cm层的辐射强度、0-10cm和70-80cm层的透光率与单株产量呈显著或极显著正相关。3、在R1期,单位面积氨基酸总含量与单位面积产量呈显著正相关;在R5期,单位面积茎干重、单位面积蔗糖和氨基酸总含量与单位面积产量呈显著正相关。0-20cm和40-60cm层的辐射强度、10-20cm和50-60cm的透光率与位面积产量呈显著和极显著负相关。4、大豆不同生育时期的阶段性营养亏缺,均可对大豆的生长及代谢产生一定影响。VE~V3期营养亏缺可显著降低株高,显著降低产量,是株型及产量调控的关键时期,R1和R5期营养亏缺可显著降低产量,是最主要的产量调控关键时期。除调控关键时期外,其它各阶段的营养亏缺均可通过前期或后期的养分供应得到恢复。阶段性营养亏缺会对大豆的形态及碳、氮生理代谢产生一定的影响,随后的营养恢复会对这种影响产生补偿作用,出现相关指标的反弹现象。营养亏缺不利于光合产物在源、库间的运转。5、大豆单株粒重极显著地受品种和密度影响,密度和化学调控技术的互作也对其产生显著影响,促进型调节剂结合无机营养的供应可极显著提高单株产量。品种和密度对大豆单位面积上的群体产量影响极显著,密度和化学调控技术的互作对大豆群体产量也产生了重要影响,但未达到显著水平,促进型调节剂与无机营养配合施用可显著提高大豆群体的产量。化学调控效果在不同品种、不同密度下存在差异。化学调控技术对垦农4号、抗线4号大豆及低密度群体的单株产量调控效果达到显著水平,对垦农4号、低密度群体和高密度群体的群体产量调控效果达到显著水平。

【Abstract】 The canopy characters of population are significantly relevant to yield formation of soybean. The experiment was conducted to attain definite effects on the soybean yield of different population canopy characters and chemical regulations. And the research included three parts: the first experiment was conducted to investigate canopy evaluation indices of different soybean population by field plot experiment with one variety plus five densities, ten varieties plus three densities respectively; the second sand pot experiment was conducted to determine the key regulation period of soybean growth and development of different nutrition deficiency stages; the third was conducted to investigate leaf surface chemical regulation technology of different soybean populations with three varieties, three densities and eight leaf spraying treatments. The results indicated as follows:1. There are some differences and similarities in canopy characteristics of soybean population between different cultivars. The individual indices and the population yield are lowly correlated,but the population indices and population yield are highly. The perfect individual plant traits do not mean the high yield per unit area. The experiment indicated that the canopy indices of population yield were more accurately evaluated by population indices.2. The leaf dry weight, stem dry weight, petiole dry weight, leaf area per plant, leaf area index of population and yield per plant indicated significant and highly significant positive correlation in R1 and R5 stage. The content of starch, soluble sugar, sucrose, nitrate nitrogen and free amino acids, the total activity of sucrose invertase and chlorophyll content showed significant and highly significant positive correlation with yield per plant in R1 and R5 stage. The radiation intensity in the 40-60cm layer, light transmittance at 0-10cm, 70-80cm layer and the yield per plant showed significant and highly significant positive correlation.3. In the R1 stage, the total amino acid content per unit area and yield per unit area showed positive correlation significantly. Furthermore,in the R5 stage, stem dry weight, the content of sucrose, total content of amino acid per unit area and yield per unit area were positive correlation significantly. There were significant negative correlations between the solar radiation intensity 0-20cm, 40-60 cm layers, light transmittance of 10-20cm, 50-60cm layers and yield per unit.4. The nutrition deficiency at different growth and development stage has an effect on soybean growth and metabolism to some extent. The results indicate that the critical regulation stages for plant type and yield are from VE to V3 stage because the nutrition deficiency can significantly reduce plant height yield. Furthermore, the R1 and R5 stages are the most important regulation period for soybean yield, and the nutrition deficiency can significantly decrease the yield. And the nutrition deficiency of the rest of stages will restore after nutrition applying from early and later stage. Stage nutritional deficiency has a certain effect on the plant shape, the carbon and nitrogen metabolism of soybean. However, the subsequent nutrition recovery produced the compensation effect and the evaluation indices restored. The nutritional deficiency is to the disadvantage of photosynthetic products transportation between the Source and Pool.5. The cultivar and density significantly affected the individual plant grain weight of soybean, as well as the interaction of density and chemical regulation technology. The promoting type plant growth regulator combined with the supply of inorganic nutrients can improve the yield per plant very significantly. The cultivar and density affected the population yield of the soybean per unit area significantly. The density and chemical regulation technology interaction had a significant impact on soybean yield, but does not reach significant level. Promoting type plant growth regulator and inorganic fertilizer application of nutrients can significantly improve the population yield of soybean. The effects of chemical regulation in different cultivars and different densities are different. The regulatory effects on yield per plant by chemical regulation technology and low-density populations of Kennong4 and Kanxian4 soybean was significant, as well as the population yield of Kennong4 soybean from low to high density populations.

【关键词】 大豆冠层产量化学调控
【Key words】 soybeancanopyyieldchemical regulations