

The Study of Words of Losing Ancient Books in Chu Bamboo Slips (1~5) Collected by Shanghai Museum

【作者】 曲冰

【导师】 李守奎;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本論文是對《上?┪镳^藏戰國楚竹書》(1~5)所收佚書詞語的研究。《上海博物館藏戰國楚竹書》所公布的篇章,是未經後人篡改的戰國時期楚國的寶貴語料,其所記錄的詞語能夠真實地反映戰國時期的語言使用情況。其內容涉及文學、歷史、文獻、軍事等方面,對其研究,體現了多學科的滲透和交融,因此對竹書文本本身的研究更為重要。上博楚竹書距今遙遠,其在詞語使用方面與今有異,釋讀難度很大,就現已公布的上博楚竹書篇章而言,經過學者多年的不懈努力,在文本的釋讀和文義的疏解方面都取得了很大的進展。但一些疑難問題,衆說紛紜,還需要進一步梳理研究;有些常見詞語的確切含義還不清楚,有些包含重要內容的簡文的斷句還有待推敲等等。且學者對篇章詞語的釋讀、釋義都散見在各種相關論著之中,未能將上博簡中的詞語做一整體的彙集;學者所取得的成果,還沒有對其系統地歸納總結,因而還不能為廣大讀者準確、便捷地利用。所以本文所做的,是在前輩時賢考釋的基礎上,對上博楚竹書(1~5)中佚書中詞語進行研究,目的是要完整地將上博楚竹書佚書詞語的書面形式和意義呈現出來?疚牟粌H對詞語進行義項歸類,亦對有爭議或較為複雜的詞形、詞義進行申述。申述的內容包括:一、對一些爭議較大的詞語考釋,辨明其是非;二、在學者考釋的基礎上,對詞義乃至句義予以詮釋;三、對某些詞語的意義,提出自己的看法。上博楚竹書中的大部分詞語,都能與傳世典籍中的詞語相印證,不僅能夠佐證《漢語大詞典》釋義的成說;還能提供許多以往不見記載的詞義,為《漢語大詞典》中已有的詞條,增添新的義項;還能修正已有詞條的詞義;上博楚竹書的辭例還能為《漢語大詞典》記載的義項提供或提前書證。本文對此現象亦有涉及。

【Abstract】 May in 1994, there were a large number of Bamboo Slips of the Warring States Period emerged on the Hong Kong Heritage market, which was heard by The Shanghai Museum, and eventually they were determined to buy the more than 1200 pieces of the acquisition at first. Between the autumn and winter of the same year, some friends from Hong Kong presented the Shanghai Museum with 497 pieces again. These includes over a hundred kinds of ancient books, Some chapters of which could be compared with what handed down , but most of which are the Losing books of pre-Qin, so these pieces were called "Shanghai Museum bamboo slips of Warring States Chu". Since December in 2001, the Shanghai Museum has published seven volumes. In this paper, we will have a research on the words, which is recorded in the Losing Ancient books in the Shanghai Museum Bamboo Books of Warring States Chu (1 ~ 5).The Bamboo is the earliest books we have seen, and it have the real handwriting of that time, what?s more, the words recorded in which could reflected the prevailing language usage, so the bamboo gives us not only a material treasure, but also the precious ancient culture inhentance of the Chinese history.The discovery and publication of the Chu bamboo slips provide rich materials for us to study history, culture and ideas of the Warring States period, consequently setting off a climax in the research of Chu character and culture. The Losing ancient books are these not seen in the masterpieces of literature, or the dissipated books. So the research on the words of Losing Ancient Books will be delighted and defiant for the modern people. According the efforts of many years, the research on Chu bamboo books has yielded excellent results. A number of words have been explained, and the ideas of the bamboo slips have also been clear. But some of difficult questions which are divergent need to be carded and researched exhaustively.Exact meaning of some common words is not definite,they are discussed furtherly.And the explanation and interpretation articles of scholars are scattered among the associated books, so far which haven?t been summanized systematicly the meaning of words in the Losing books of Chu Bamboo Slips(1~5) collected by Shanghai Museum, and the harvest in which haven?t been used by the majority of reader accurately ande easily. Therefore, based on the interpretation of scholars, we will make a systemic integration in order to present the full face of the words in the Losing ancient books of Chu Bamboo Slips (1 ~ 5) for academic use.This article is titled "The Study of Words of Losing Ancient books in Chu Bamboo slips (1~5) collected by Shanghai Museum " which is divided into three parts: the first is the "preface"; the second part is the "body" of the thesis ; the third part is the“appendix”.The“preface”includes two parts. The first part is described: the background of the discussion, the basis and objectives of the topics, the materials used and the description of the methods. The second part is what the Losing ancient books of Chu Bamboo Books emendate and replenish“Chinese Dictionary”with examples. For the research on any unearthed documents, they have some restrictions on by themselves, so it must be compared with the literature which handed down, in order to be confirmed and supplemented. Conversely, the study of the unearthed literature can also supplement the descendent masterpiece. The Shanghai Museum bamboo slips of Warring States Chu is the precious corpus, which have not been tampered by the generations, most words of which can corroborate with that of the descendent books, but there are some not appeared in the descendent books. In the process of Carding and researching on the Losing ancient books of Chu Bamboo Books, we will contrast the items with the entries of“Chinese Dictionary”, received: some terms contained in the Losing ancient books,not only prove the interpretation in“Chinese Dictionary”,but also provide some new meaning which is not in historical records.And add new meaning for existing words in“Chinese Dictionary”.Even if revise the existing words comprehensively. And while some definition of the terms in the Losing ancient books can advance the era of documentary evidence.As a main part, the "body" is about a research on the words? phrase and meaning. Based on the discussions and studies of the fore man, we will make an effort to collect the correlative articles, clear up some views in order to address the point of view on some controversial words in textual research, identify the non - turn on the meaning in order to interpret the sense of words and sentences, Even if there are some meaning of items we don?t clear, we will cite paper the mainstream of academic discussion as far as possible examples in order to index and learn for the later learners.The words entry in this paper, sort the entry of the words just as the article of "Shuowen Jiezi". According to the character, we will interpret the terms of the bamboo slips. The main content expressed as follows: the total number of the words appeared in chapters; the pronunciation marked the words; enumerate the phrases and its? number; interpretation of the word; cited the speech. In this way, not only it enable readers to understand the words and sense of the Losing ancient books in Chu Bamboo Books, but also be able to understand the usage of a character, voice problem and also.For convenience of reader ,we make the Stroke Keys of the word.The appendix includes a little experiences in the process of my conducting and studying.

【关键词】 上博楚竹書佚書詞語釋讀釋義
【Key words】 Chu bamboo slipsThe Losing ancient booksWordsAnnotationInterpretation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期